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OCR01236 - Space Harrier "I Got the Spacebeam"


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I didn't really think... it works. There were some short parts of the.. background instruments... that I thought could have gone somewhere.. but.. the vocals.. just ruined it all. Is this really.. I mean.. I just.. I can't believe... that this is credited to the same person who arranged Tickle My Wily, CidSendsaDreamtotheUnderseaPalace and Tatsumakisenputronic... I.. just.. don't like this one.


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I'm glad this finally got posted!! I really love this mix. It's been my favorite WIP for a long time and definitely deserved to be an OC Remix. True the original tune isn't incorporated ALL that much, but the lyrics and vocals in general are awesome. I even got a few of my friends into this one a ways back. Excellent work.

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I've never heard the original, but if I'm thinking of the same melody in the middle that DJP was referring to, I'd say it does seem like an afterthought. Mildly amusing though, and the original is still there.

I'll listen to the Cid mix and then this one and think to myself, how could it be the same artist? Sorry, not my cup of tea, a bit too slow moving, didn't care for the vocals just ehh overall from my view.
I didn't really think... it works. There were some short parts of the.. background instruments... that I thought could have gone somewhere.. but.. the vocals.. just ruined it all. Is this really.. I mean.. I just.. I can't believe... that this is credited to the same person who arranged Tickle My Wily, CidSendsaDreamtotheUnderseaPalace and Tatsumakisenputronic... I.. just.. don't like this one.


Get yourselves educated and do a forum search for a user named "StarBLaSt".

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This reminds me of the song used in "Office Space" when they're smashing the fax machine. What was it? Something about a gangsta?

Hahaha- I got the exact same feeling. "Dam it feels good to be a gangsta". Sorry, but this song just doesn't quite do it for me.

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Doesn't anyone here have any sense of humour? Some people at OC are so f'n pretentious. It's game music, come on!

This is a cool remix! I haven't heard the original but the lyrics rock and the vocals have all the necessary elements of a rap song. (And I don't even like rap...)

I especially like the "up up down down..." line, it's ingenious!

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As a song it's simple, the vocals sound more like someone who may be a good rapper, but will first have to do 10-20 more of these.

The lyrics are the high point, but I'm not sure how many people keep humorous songs on their playlists. I can think of only 2 on mine...

Not a keeper, but a definite download.

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I remember this being a WIP from so long ago. Great to see it finally getting some love!

Probably the best "popular-style" song about a video game since "Pac-Man Fever" :wink:


Respectable MC skills Star, or whoever did them. Was it you who did the voices?

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omfg i can't beleeve sumone so emoshunal 2 me cud do a shittee mixliek tihs i quit ocr.

anyway, I haven't heard the original (tried to get midis but they didn't help me much), so I can't judge based on that. The rapping and lyrics are pretty good - star sells them well and the mix is not supposed to be the pinnacle of seriousness anyway. Big problem is melodically it sounds like the piano and string parts were kind of slapped together, lack velocity changes, and are rhythmically awkward in places (as well as feeling a bit isolated and empty in sections).

I know a certain degree of rap is using shitty samples like that, but even so there could be much more work done getting everything to fit well. Listening to something like the Asterix mix, I can tell the samples are pretty shitty, but they're never distracting or sound isolated and underdone like this one.

Overall, this is entertaining. But I don't think the whatever melody there is applies very well to the mix: either that or not enough was done to apply it well to the mix.

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As far as I see it, the vocals are very well executed, and relate to the topic so well that it wouldn't even matter if the melody had anything to do with a song from the game! The fact that it does is just an extra bonus. :)

Big problem is melodically it sounds like the piano and string parts were kind of slapped together, lack velocity changes, and are rhythmically awkward in places (as well as feeling a bit isolated and empty in sections).

Interesting. Are there any specific sections where you thought they were out of place? I found the drums sounded kind of awkward at 1:01, and that the pulsating notes 2:14 were a little awkward (but they kinda added to the crazyness factor). The repetative strings at 1:12-1:59 were a little loud for me, but that was about it. Overall, the strings and piano worked really well for me.

edit: I think it's the way you picture the song. If you put the bass synth or vocals in the foreground of your mind, the piano and strings feel more natural than if you focus on the piano or the strings while using the rest of the song as a backup (this seems to apply more to the piano, though, since it's melodies are more daring).

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The vocals are OK, and the lyrics are better. It's pretty laid back, and almost sounds like another collaboration between Del and Gorillaz. But the beat's good enough to keep my head bopping till the end. I know it would be really hard for Star to top his last work, so I'm not surprised by this. Still, it's a good listen.

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