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I gave the demo a whirl a while back. Not bad. It looks like a mix between Trouble Shooter and Insector-X (with shark girls), but plays like a horizontal manic shmup at times. Nice to see someone trying something different in the shmup world that doesn't involve lolis. Jesus jumped up Christ am I sick of seeing new shmups get announced and the "ships" turn out to be what look like 8 year old girls.

Lolis are a trend in the shmup world that needs to die... soon.

Anyway, so yeah. A shmup with shark girls in tight outfits and C-cups (at least). A bit strange, but I've seen a lot stranger in shmups. And hey, it's a hori instead of a vert to boot.

Nice to see someone trying something different in the shmup world that doesn't involve lolis. Jesus jumped up Christ am I sick of seeing new shmups get announced and the "ships" turn out to be what look like 8 year old girls.

Lolis are a trend in the shmup world that needs to die... soon.

Hey now not all of them are loli's; or at the very least it's a ratio of 65% to 35%. You should know that better than me Coop :lol:


Frankly I'm a little irked by everyone freaking out about a game that features anthropomorphic characters in it.

For one it's highly hypocritical to not like the characters in this game but yet to like an anthropomorphic hedgehog or lombax (which is a creature that doesn't even exist for real)

I'm not a furry but I don't really mind them, to each his own really.

I don't know why so many of you are getting worked up about this.

seriously it's about as stupid as disliking people who like videogame remixes.(yeah i said it)

on a lighter note this game looks cool (as Coop said it's cool to see another hori shmup)

and renard is a great musician check out his stuff.(he even has a few



Frankly I'm a little irked by everyone freaking out about a game that features anthropomorphic characters in it.

Perhaps it's the hint of sexualization? I dunno. Though I guess it's not like more commercialized things with anthropomorphic characters have never had shapely female types around.

It doesn't help when you KNOW the guy behind it is a furry, though. A sense of sexualization kinda just come right along with knowing that, thanks to that subculture's reputation.

It's like, TMNT was just an idea somebody had that they thought would be interesting for whatever reason. This game on the other hand might actually be directly related to somebody's wet fantasies. Even if both end products are equally non-sexual... it's the thought that counts.

Perhaps it's the hint of sexualization? I dunno. Though I guess it's not like more commercialized things with anthropomorphic characters have never had shapely female types around.

It doesn't help when you KNOW the guy behind it is a furry, though. A sense of sexualization kinda just come right along with knowing that, thanks to that subculture's reputation.

It's like, TMNT was just an idea somebody had that they thought would be interesting for whatever reason. This game on the other hand might actually be directly related to somebody's wet fantasies. Even if both end products are equally non-sexual... it's the thought that counts.

Yeah that is a good point.

But still there is plenty of sexualization within mainstream videogame media such as Bloodrayne,Dead or alive,Soul Calibur,

even Street Fighter has what could be considered controversial characters.

Those aren't anthropomorphic characters though.

even then there is more, Conker's bad fur day had suggestive themes to it

and characters like Felecia are rather suggestive.

You wouldn't be able to say for sure that some game developer isn't a furry who has worked on one of those games.

but anyway back on topic I'd rather not derail a thread like this.


It doesn't help when you KNOW the guy behind it is a furry, though.

This, basically. Pretty sure Sonic Team/Disney don't have their own furaffinity accounts. This game looked interesting to me because I didn't even make the connection with furries or sexualization of anthropomorphic characters, and I thought of it more as some sort of hommage to TMNT-style cartoons.

Of course then people started bringing up furries and now I'm weirded/grossed out and the game's spoiled for me. :(

This, basically. Pretty sure Sonic Team/Disney don't have their own furaffinity accounts. This game looked interesting to me because I didn't even make the connection with furries or sexualization of anthropomorphic characters, and I thought of it more as some sort of hommage to TMNT-style cartoons.

Of course then people started bringing up furries and now I'm weirded/grossed out and the game's spoiled for me. :(

huh, I guess I'm more affected by first impressions than I thought I was

I still think it looks awesome

Well, I should probably say that I could probably play it and be alright, as long as nothing weird happens in the actual game, and I assume nothing does.

You say that as if you've never played

or seen it before. :lol:

This shark/babe whatever thing is not that strange.


I don't hate Felicia.

I don't hate anthropomorphic characters.

I don't hate games which feature either.

I don't hate furry costumes, furry cartoons, fan clubs, websites, or even fanfics dedicated to such characters if it is well executed for the sake of a specific artistic medium.

I hate obsessive and embarassing social rejects in love with scritching, glomping, yiffing, their own special furry conventions, their frequently terrible artwork, their nostalgia-ruining associations with popular anthropomorphic characters, but most of all; their disconnect with the rest of society.

I feel the same way about die-hard role-players, renn-faire nerds, otaku, and sometimes, even gamers.

EVERY past time needs a modicum of moderation, but justifying an adult obsession with cartoony furry animals is a stretch for most of the rest of the world. Being unabashedly proud of being a furry means you're happy to abandon normal human association. That's sad no matter what, and furries didn't exist 20 years ago like they do today, they made this for themselves. They earned their reputation, deserved and exaggerated or not.

Also; thread de-railment? What thread derailment? We've been talking about furries for 4 pages.

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