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Although I am in little position to judge, nor have I the particular talent necessary to orchestrate pieces of music that have graced this website throughout it's existence, this particular piece leaves much to be desired. It's very being wrought pain and suffering amongst my family whom, upon twenty seconds of the song, demanded that it dwell forever more within the recycle bin. Ever a glutton-for-punishment, I finished the song. Much akin to "The Rite of Spring", my listening experience ensued parallel to it's first showing. Within seconds, I booed and hissed and eventually grew violent wailing my arms erratically, screaming and frothing--at the lackluster lyrics in particular. The profanity seemed to detract from the piece as a whole, as if compromising the humor and cleverness of the piece. Perhaps, my judgement is far too rash on such a piece. After all, "The Rite of Spring" was mocked and jeered at its initial debut, but the world eventually grew to cherish it in the future. So, perhaps in fifty years or so, assuming this song survives the horrific onslaught when mankind is finally conquered by the evil super-race of Aryan Eye-Ball People (Think Giant eyeball with Blonde Lashes)--where the only form of entertainment for the enslaved throngs of human beings is either fornicating with a cheese grater or listening to this song for hours on end, perhaps--just perhaps this song will finally reach the ears of those who appreciate it.

(probably because they were based on Final Fantasy 4. I don't think anyone else had ever tried that before then)

Tried what? Doing a rap remix where the lyrics were about the game?

Sorry man, but Da Black Market (also by us, by the way) beat Rhymes with Elixer to the punch by a few years...

I still like how people are expecting that every song released on this site has to drastically change the musical landscape with each coming day. Yes, we wrote a song about partying and getting drunk during an event in which we were partying and getting drunk. Shock and awe.

everyone involved in this mix can - and has - done better, that almost goes without saying.

No, no not all of us have, or probably ever will.

I was at a BBQ when I was asked to help throw together some lyrics for a fun song. Something that has been done on several other occasions, but for once I was in the right place at the right time.

However, I'm white. I am INCREDIBLY white. I was mockingly called the 'sixth Backstreet Boy' years ago. I can't sing along to hard rock or heavy metal. As Joe Cam said, I kinda sing like a girl. Tenor 2.

I was locked in the recording room and forced to sing my verse over and over and over again before I was basically given a 'damnit, good enough. Get the hell out of there.'

It was the most fun I have ever had with a raging, 14-hour-straight headache.

Then two days ago I get a congrats on this song being posted to OCR. "Really? Cool." I shrug and wander off.

Then yesterday I sat down and started to read the comments. I read all of them, here and on YouTube. Yesterday was the greatest day of my life.

To say that I lucked out is an understatement. I spent hours surrounded by talented people who knew they were joking around and having fun, and I got to make something...different. Something different that actually went public.

Most of you guys have reacted the way I figured a normal, well-adjusted adult would respond. Either you liked it or you didn't because it wasn't your bag.

It's not really my bag either. I find too much popularized rap to be about either partying, doing drugs, dealing drugs, misogyny or empty threats. Plus, there's usually too much swearing. That is why this song was so hilarious to me.

The tiny few of you guys that took this to heart and were honestly, totally upset? The few YouTube kids who claimed that because of this song, they were going to throw away their DS version of FFIV? THANK YOU! It is people like you that give me a reason to laugh. Laugh and laugh and laugh and laugh.


Now, for all you folks who chimed in and haven't posted in a blue moon - or ever - before this mix, how about throwing some positive comments to a few of the other 1,800+ mixes maybe you DID enjoy, past & present?

I'll take you up on that. There have been some amazing remixes done over the years and I feel bad for not giving them the praise they deserve.


Now, for all you folks who chimed in and haven't posted in a blue moon - or ever - before this mix, how about throwing some positive comments to a few of the other 1,800+ mixes maybe you DID enjoy, past & present?

I would, but I have nothing constructive to say. My posts would probably look like spam, since most of them would be like "This one's awesome" and that's it. I'll try anyway though.

Also isn't this thread done yet? Not that I'm expecting it to be locked or anything, but I think everything that could've been said has been stated. So stop whining, both sides.


..... arguably the easiest genre that people do around here.

Though I completely disagree with the statement, I think I can see where you're coming on this one, Brandon. To the untrained ear, hip-hop can seem like the easiest thing in the world to write. However, we should all bear in mind that many more elements come to into play outside the arrangement itself--you'd find similar elements in electronic music in general. In essence, it may not be as easy as you think to write *good* hip-hop.


I hate rap and related musics. However, I still found the "flow" of this song caught me.

I'm the kind of guy who can ignore the words while still hearing them. I can hear the sounds of the words, the part that makes lyrics good if you ignore their meaning, while still not trying to understand what the words mean. I couldn't tell you most of what was sang here, I just don't remember. Anyway, despite all the problems with lyrics I keep hearing about, the tune and flow of the song was catchy enough to make a guy who hates the genre of music it's in hum along with it. That says something right there.


this piece is a gem.

the people who think tha this song is bad are allowing their general prejudices against rap or hip-hop to show through.

yes, this is the internet. in order to be cool, you have to know the memes, listen to obscure (usually shitty) artists, visit 4chan, and be ready to fire off smarmy responses to anything different than the norm.

this is different than the norm. therefore, it's being ridiculed.

that auto-response is bullshit.

for those who don't know, olr came OUT of ocr - meaning that mixes like this do have a place here. ous and ocr have had a history that's been checkered at best - meaning that the fact that it's community 'insiders' doing the track means jack.

oh, and strader, you're an idiot if you think rap is the easiest genre ever. give it a shot and tell me how easy it is :<

the people who think tha this song is bad are allowing their general prejudices against rap or hip-hop to show through.
oh, and strader, you're an idiot if you think rap is the easiest genre ever. give it a shot and tell me how easy it is :<

The end. *walks away*


I've made rap. It's the easiest thing I've ever done. I wasn't just pulling that out of nowhere. But that's off topic, right?

People saying this is bad has nothing to do with prejudices against rap or hip-hop. That's a really shallow way of thinking about it.

Please stop dragging me back into this debate, I apologized and said my piece now I'm done.

this piece is a gem.

the people who think tha this song is bad are allowing their general prejudices against rap or hip-hop to show through.

Dumb argument is dumb.

I can't say I'm too much into rap or hip hop, I listen to some stuff like NAS and stuff... anyways to me this song was pretty dumb, but I bet some people would enjoy it for what it is. Does it belong to ocr? well, I guess we got to have some rap remixes or something...


Okay guys, I am drunk enough to listen to this song. I am not drinking Everclear, but I think you will forgive me. I intend to write this as a real critique drunk too, wish me luck, I will have to spellcheck a LOT! lol

First: I came into this song expecting to hate it, because I am very picky about the rap that I do like.

The samples are kind of blah... The strings annoy the shit out of me, but then again in terms or rap genre, you are supposed to be allowed to use less than stellar samples, in the name of the genre... I personally have problems with this actually, because some of the best rap actually samples music with real instruments, real orchestral, like Busta Rhymes and "Gimme Some More" sampling Psycho for instance. I feel like this song would have done better if you had nixed the strings and actually used the .spc sounds from the actual game instead. Feel me?

The rapping is really bad... You guys used little to no processing... A lot of rap has that "sound" and this just sounds like nice recording equipment with little to no creative processing. No offense but it seems like if you had just thought about the atmosphere a little more, it would have come out a lot better.

Flik comes in later, and you can tell he knows what he is doing, it sounds more like rap... Good job.

The actual arrangement is fine, you guys used the songs creatively, I had no problem with that. The medley of themes work well, though in the defense of critics, FFIV music isn't that hard to weld together, they are all pretty much based off each other, and are very VERY thematic. You picked an easy source to work with.

The bass is nice.

The lyrics do seem lazy, but I think it's really a combination of elements... They would have been more acceptable if atmosphere had been more acceptable... It's just, I don't even care about the lyrics, I want a hook... The hook doesn't feel so compelling enough for me to really listen... And the fact that the lyrics (from what other people have said) aren't very clever, just kind of say... So what does this have to offer?

Production is fine, no qualms with recording or anything... My qualms are more with instrument choices, and how you used them, and the atmosphere (or lack thereof) that I got out of this. I can understand how this song rubbed a lot of people the wrong way.

Overall... I don't think this should have been direct posted. There are plenty of way better joke mixes that have been NO'd, way too many times in the past. This is definitely OLR material. But w/e, it happened so now all we got is the critiques in the review thread... I mean... even joecam doesn't really know why the song was direct posted, and no offense to him at ALL, but I actually don't know why someone would WANT to submit this... But that's really personal preference... You guys had fun, this is representative of that... I can at least understand that much.

I would say this is way below par, especially for rap... And rap is way underrepresented on this site. I would have really loved to hear someone really take it to the next level... Maybe next time.

(can you guys believe I was drunk? I think I did okay)

The rapping is really bad... You guys used little to no processing... A lot of rap has that "sound" and this just sounds like nice recording equipment with little to no creative processing. No offense but it seems like if you had just thought about the atmosphere a little more, it would have come out a lot better.

Flik comes in later, and you can tell he knows what he is doing, it sounds more like rap... Good job.

Care to elaborate what you mean by "processing" here?

We all recorded in the same room with the same mic and same equipment. Unless you're talking about something totally different.

If you mean you don't think we sound "rap" enough, you're talking about THREE INCREDIBLY WHITE GUYS. One who made every effort to sound as over the top white gangsta as possible, one who came here and already admitted he can't rap and can barely sing without sounding like a girl and one who is Flik.

even joecam doesn't really know why the song was direct posted, and no offense to him at ALL, but I actually don't know why someone would WANT to submit this...

I said I didn't EXPECT it to be direct posted.

Why did we submit this? Because we made a song that we are incredibly pleased with and wanted to share it with everybody else, whether they liked it or not.

WE like it, and in our eyes, that's all that matters to us. The fact that it made it onto this site just feels like a small bit of validation towards what we did.

That's kind of a dick thing to say that you don't know why somebody would WANT to submit this. Because we're happy with our song and I made the call to submit it with Mustin's OK. That's why I submitted it.

absolute bullshit. that's like saying anyone who doesn't like tiger woods doesn't like black people. dumbest fucking argument i've heard on this site in ages.

no, it's like saying that someone thinks that garth brooks is bad because they don't like country :< or, more correctly, that a virtuoso like chris thile (the guy from nickel creek) is bad because they don't like bluegrass.


Yay! More songs with incest in them please! Also, more direct-posting FTW. Did I cover it all?

You do realize that this is actually a form of incentive for us to post mixes like this? If it gets long-time lurkers to finally participate and say something, that's kind of a plus :nicework:

Maybe I'm not reading this right, but that sure sounds like you're saying you would post things simply to get a reaction out of people. Is that the purpose of this site, or is the purpose?...

Founded in 1999, OverClocked ReMix is an organization dedicated to the appreciation, preservation, and interpretation of video game music.
(Speaking of which, I don't really see this interpretation from Final Fantasy IV at all, but hey, in an age where people feel free to think/believe whatever they want with no consequences, who am I to say anything contrary? "Interpretation" is a meaningless word now.)
Now, for all you folks who chimed in and haven't posted in a blue moon - or ever - before this mix, how about throwing some positive comments to a few of the other 1,800+ mixes maybe you DID enjoy, past & present?

That sounds like a fabulous idea. I haven't in a while, and I'll try to start doing that again. There are many, many great songs here, and I listen to OCR stuff just about every day.


As soon as I read the review of this song, and listened to it, I was pretty amazed how accurately I pegged how this thread would go. :???:

Anyways, I finally have something to follow up 'Rhymes with Elixir' on my winamp list. :smile:

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