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Only white, unshaven thirtysomethings with brown hair can go on adventures and save the world. Women associated with them are either for sexin' or rescuin', the black guy is there to talk smack hilariously, and anyone in their sixties is either their nemesis or their wizened instructor.


The Blond chick: Ability: Healing - Being Kidnapped - Clumsy

The RedHead Chick: Ability: Martial art or Fire MAgic - Sexy - Loudmouth


All of life's little problems can be fixed by murder. (GTA)

I am not sociopathic. Psycho Mantis IS. (MGS)

Video games have taught me that a thread about the things they have taught us was a good ideas.


You can climb any building in the city. (Assassin's Creed)

Ramdomly generated levels bring you many gameplay hours. (Disgaea 3)

Colors make a lot of diference. (The Saboteur)


You can build a house right in front of someone, and they'll act like it was always there. (The Sims)

12 years later, Pokemon games prove we still have loads of time to kill.

Your princess is always in another castle.


Girls are never truly evil. They are either psychotic, mind-controlled (or otherwise controlled) or have a Very Good Reason for doing what they do. Only guys can be remorselessly evil for no real reason.

Incidentally, if you ever spurn a girl's advances in any way she is allowed to stalk you and openly scream about wanting to end your life constantly. Note that this does not actually prevent her from SAVING you at some point, nor will this desire to kill you be so strong that she won't uselessly die for some other guy late in the story just because the writers apparently got sick of her being around.

Incidentally, anyone else play Arc Rise Fantasia? Adele be a crazy bitch.


I can be healed by finding hidden alcohol in treasure boxes.

As a master swordsman, I can defeat several enemies at once by spinning in circles while wielding a blade.

A shiny jewel is the key to time travel. (Chrono Trigger)


I learnt alot of practical things from Earthbound.

A. If you work through the night, even a tube can become the greatest invention.

B. Even something someone else sees as garbage can keep you going at some point. (This is not always the case in real life.)

C. A call home just to hear your mother's voice always makes you feel better.

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