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Sixto has been a constant force at ocr since I joined, but 2010 has seen a decrease in the amount of mixes that have been posted of sixtos, so its nice to see a posting of his :)

Very very solid work, great pace, great arrangement, and the production is great. Sixto really knows how to maximize his sound, that guitar solo near the end really shines with just the right amount of reverb on it :)

My only two complaints are the synths which while good, don't quite fit with the style. Its hard to get fitting sounds with rock music as far as synths are concerned tho. I also feel that this mix plays it a little safe, its nothing we haven't heard before from sixto, but like I said we haven't heard anything from him in a short while so thats fine by me. I wouldn't mind seeing something different one day tho, just to see what he would do :)

I knew I’d need a rockin’ intro to grab people right off the bat—something to make a statement about the quality they could expect from this album series. Sixto never fails to deliver in that respect.

Yes, this is pretty much the exact same thought process I had with having Sixto open on Summoning of Spirits. There's really no better choice of remixer to shred your listeners' faces off with and make an impact on them.

Juan as always embarks on a melodic voyage of soaring leads and chugging rhythm that puts him among the best of the best. Another great tune from this community's own personal guitar virtuoso.


Ah, Sixto. You seem to be at that point in an OCR "career" where you can now do no wrong, as long as you keep doing what you're doing. I mean, you've been there for a while, but for me this is where I would really say "Yeah, the past few Sixto mixes have been like this, and that isn't a bad thing!"

Really though, what to say about this. It's the sound everyone should know and hopefully love. Enough expression and interpolation and other big words so we know this isn't just a straight up rock cover, the arrangement works well enough, what else can someone say?

Oh, right. I liked this.

  • 3 weeks later...
  • 1 month later...

This is fantastic, and a great opening for The Fabled Warriors - Wind. You play that first track and your attention is immediately hooked by a rockin' rendition of the game's main theme. Epic.

I can't really think of much to say about it... it's Sixto. It's guitar. It shouldn't be looked over or skipped, regardless if one is familiar with the source tune or not.

And two days? Really?


The first time I listened to this, I was uninterested. I listened, thought "meh," and then moved on to the next track in the album. A little while later, I returned to this track and immediately wondered what the hell I was thinking. There was plenty of variety, energy, and picked up the melody very nicely.

In short, it's a great mix and I think I fell into some strange waking coma when listening to it the first time.


Man, does sixto ever rock our socks (and boxers?) off.

Love how this starts off by having a synthesizer tease us with the melody -- totally expecting the iconic sixto guitar to be the one wailing it out. (But, even the synth tease is pretty damn slick itself.) Then the man finally gives us what we've been waiting for... and quickly doubles it, leaving us drooling at the mouth with synchronized guitar/synth leads.

Oh yeah baby. \m/

  • 3 months later...
  • 8 months later...

Mmhm, kicks right off with a great intro. I especially love the high notes at 0:50 and 1:50. Starting at 2:22, there's a great build-up that doesn't disappoint.

Great mix. Definitely makes my playlist.

  • 4 weeks later...

Another track where Sixto just goes nuts; I love it. Great take on the source, and very fitting as the opening of the album. The build-up is worth it, exploding in pure rock energies, and the whole track just rocks.

It's like a Stone Age roller coaster; fast and rockin'. Fantastic job! :3

  • 4 weeks later...
  • 7 months later...

Sixto really does stand out to me as one of those ReMixers that are very consistant in how good their ReMixes are. The guitar playing was excellent, and both the arrangment and production are ace. Looking forward to hearing more from both Sixto and the rest of FFV.

  • Liontamer changed the title to OCR02091 - Final Fantasy V "The Path to Glory"

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