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Yesterday playing kingdom hearts: birth by sleep, I died so many times that I started to make funny noises. I'm playing as Terra on the final boss, getting my butt handed to me on proud mode. (you can't change difficulty level after starting a new game) and I spent like a full day fighting the boss before I got to the point of throwing the PsP across the room. when I rage I'm usually very stupid and people around me laugh making me more pissed.

(hi to people who remember me)


I was pissed when people first started cheating on Mario Kart Wii. They start harassing people that are in first place by launching blue shells at them over and over again. And they have a way to lock on to certain people, so shells will always hit them no matter what place their in. I was really good a MKW, so I was usually one of the top three in any given race, but now its impossible to play online, because there are alot more cheaters out there.

It made me angry seeing that Mario Kart games are my favorite, but not mad enough to throw shit. I just stop playing and trade the game in.

I also get mad at pretty much everything about Modern Warfare 2...

I was pissed when people first started cheating on Mario Kart Wii. They start harassing people that are in first place by launching blue shells at them over and over again. And they have a way to lock on to certain people, so shells will always hit them no matter what place their in. I was really good a MKW, so I was usually one of the top three in any given race, but now its impossible to play online, because there are alot more cheaters out there.

It made me angry seeing that Mario Kart games are my favorite, but not mad enough to throw shit. I just stop playing and trade the game in.

I also get mad at pretty much everything about Modern Warfare 2...

I feel ya. Hackers on MKW pretty ruined the online mode for it.


I was pissed when people first started cheating on Mario Kart Wii. They start harassing people that are in first place by launching blue shells at them over and over again. And they have a way to lock on to certain people, so shells will always hit them no matter what place their in. I was really good a MKW, so I was usually one of the top three in any given race, but now its impossible to play online, because there are alot more cheaters out there.

It made me angry seeing that Mario Kart games are my favorite, but not mad enough to throw shit. I just stop playing and trade the game in.

I also get mad at pretty much everything about Modern Warfare 2...

yeah I heard about MKW going down the tube cause of that.

and it took a full day of nonstop defeat to get me to the point of throwing stuff.

enough said about MW2. that game is the bane of online gaming in my point of view. (go battlefield: BC2)

yeah I heard about MKW going down the tube cause of that.

and it took a full day of nonstop defeat to get me to the point of throwing stuff.

enough said about MW2. that game is the bane of online gaming in my point of view. (go battlefield: BC2)

Well, I played Battlefield BC1 and the multiplayer game gave me constipation... and that's how I feel about the Battlefield series.

The graphics and game play are beautiful, and they always have been, but certain things bother me.

Any online game where you have to shoot a person more than once in the head to kill them...no.

I HATE shooting half a clip in a person and then they manage to skip off like nothing happened while I'm taking an hour to reload my gun.

Spawning in front of the business-end of an enemy tank repeatedly...not cool.

Since I have a hunger for those types of games, I think I'll pick up Bad Company 2 today and see what pisses me off about it.


Parasite Eve's - Chrysler Building in EX-Mode. I just didn't understand why I could not complete it and I only knew one other person that had the game but couldn't do it either. Had no money to buy a copy and had to return the copy I had to an associate because of a deal we made. Never did finish it way back.

Since hearing news that Parasite Eve 1 & 2 will eventually come out on the PSN (JPN though I'm hoping the NA/EU areas will get it too) I'll try once more...


Super Ghouls n' Ghosts - OH LAWL did I nearly break a snes controller :lol:



DragonBallZ Budokai 1&2. The fact that the AI could just turtle in the corner and not be hurt by anything blew my mind. I would unload on them and would get nothing out of it. Of course when I tried the same 'technique' I would get my ass served left and right. Many a controller was destroyed because of that game.


Any online game where you have to shoot a person more than once in the head to kill them...no.

I HATE shooting half a clip in a person and then they manage to skip off like nothing happened while I'm taking an hour to reload my gun.

That's what Hardcore mode is for :3

Well, I played Battlefield BC1 and the multiplayer game gave me constipation... and that's how I feel about the Battlefield series.

The graphics and game play are beautiful, and they always have been, but certain things bother me.

Any online game where you have to shoot a person more than once in the head to kill them...no.

I HATE shooting half a clip in a person and then they manage to skip off like nothing happened while I'm taking an hour to reload my gun.

Spawning in front of the business-end of an enemy tank repeatedly...not cool.

Since I have a hunger for those types of games, I think I'll pick up Bad Company 2 today and see what pisses me off about it.

well how I see it, its more playable then MW2, and with most shooting game there is someting about them everyone hates. but I see where your coming from there. like spawns. I hate how often you end up spawning in between crossfire.


The very early parts of Puzzle Quest used to piss me off to no end. You can't find a decent match, do one match-three, and then watch as the computer gets three Heroic Efforts in a row, casts a bunch of turn skipping spells, and does a bunch of match-fours on red skulls.

Also getting one-hit-killed with full health by anything other than a sniper headshot or spy backstab in TF2. How does a non-crit, non Direct Hit rocket kill me at full health? Blargh.

The very early parts of Puzzle Quest used to piss me off to no end. You can't find a decent match, do one match-three, and then watch as the computer gets three Heroic Efforts in a row, casts a bunch of turn skipping spells, and does a bunch of match-fours on red skulls.

Ditto; the AI in that game was rather infuriating, since they pretty much let it perform the optimum move. If there was a 4-in-a-row, it would find it. Multiplier? Grab fast. If you play for long enough, you'll notice very simple patterns in which matches it looks for first.

But yeah. It's always maddening to be unable to set anything up, in fear the AI will just grab it and run. That's why I play Gyromancer instead. ;)

Heroes of Newerth.

This x1000.

This game, it will make you mad even if you're the most chilled out dude ever in real life. Either because of other people yelling at you or because of you being frustrated at other people's awfulness at the game.

Then again, any multiplayer game with a substantial learning curve that puts you in teams of 5 versus 5, where a single bad player can lose you the game, is probably a recipe for rage in and of itself.


I haven't raged as much as I did with Chronicles of Narnia: Prince Caspian for years now. Why the hell was I playing such a game? Well, I found it for like 3€ from those shitty game throwouts and thought I could torture myself :P

Fallout New Vegas bugs tend to bust a nerve sometimes, like Boone making himself unusable by springing the talk menu if I get 10 feet near him and not following me anymore. Nice to run around a radioactive Vault with ED-E who can't even defend itself from a ghoul.


I haven't thrown the controller in a long time-

funnily enough, my older brother who is out of college now still does that and still gets very easily pissed at games.

Though when I was a kid pokemon pinball and the cheapness of it all used to enrage me into throwing my gameboy color across the bedroom.

Most recent example of rage was playing Cave Story and getting through all of Sand Zone without the Machine Gun, and missing a jump and dying right before the warehouse.

I yelled "FUCK!", turned the game off and walked away. Which is how most of my RAGE scenarios play out.

Outside of games, most of my RAGEEEE nodes light up in my university classes, where I have to deal with total-full-on-dumb-fuck opinions from preppy suburban who don't know shit about the real world.

"I mean if someone consents to selling their organs to someone else why should it be wrong?"

I always thought the phrase 'making choking noises' only applied to fiction before I took a mandatory sociology class.


One of the most recent moments for me were the bosses in Little King's Story. It was a great game, with some really bad/frustrating bosses. I'm normally a very controlled person, but half of these boss fights were poorly explained and right out of left field.


i'd actually say i'm pretty reserved when it comes to games unless it's extremely frustrating, but due to not sleeping at night and being slightly hungover today i was not in the zone and was yelling at every little mishap when i played zelda today. it took me like 4 or 5 tries to beat the goron race and i was just getting irritated at everything. after beating it i decided no more videogames for the rest of the day.

should be napping right now

Though when I was a kid pokemon pinball and the cheapness of it all used to enrage me into throwing my gameboy color across the bedroom.

pretty much this

that game is such fucking bullshit I'm practically raging now just thinking about it

turtle rock dungeon in zelda 3 without a strategy kid was infuriating as a child, caused me to turn off the power without saving many times which of course only compounded my rage

losing to halc at super smash bros melee or brawl makes me rage

losing to halc at super mario kart wii makes me rage

watching halc breeze through a star first try after I've wasted 30 fucking lives on it in mario galaxy makes me rage

I mean hell, playing the pc version of settlers of fucking catan made me rage to the point where I threw a lighter at my hd tv. the tv did not survive

so basically what I'm saying is video games are the only thing in the world that make me angry and they make me so very angry that I should probably seek help


Oh man, the optional bosses in Arc Rise Fanhtasia. Scratch that -- ANY boss in Arc Rise Fantasia, after the first few. That game does not screw around.

The worst was quite possibly one around the game's halfway point. You fight a group of three against your group of three. You are more or less evenly-matched in power... But they, of course, have ten times the HP you do. And can rattle off limit breaks and summons at-will. and each have about 8 AP while your team has around 5 or 6 each. Lose, and you lose an incredibly useful summon until way, way late in the game.

losing to halc at super smash bros melee or brawl makes me rage

losing to halc at super mario kart wii makes me rage

watching halc breeze through a star first try after I've wasted 30 fucking lives on it in mario galaxy makes me rage

^shit-talking perpetuates the rage to amazingly hilarious levels


I remember when I first started playing super mario world and dieing all the time, mis older sister was always laughing at me so it got me so infuriated that I through the a full cup of milk at her. oh the times when we were young and brave.

there has been times where I'm playing super smash bros M/B. where I lose over and over and over and over and over and over and OVER again, I get a little pissed. (RAWR)

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