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OCR01267 - Final Fantasy IX "Hunter's Community Chest"


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Wow, this is... not enjoyable?

*reads judges' thread*

Oh, I get it... this remix is too good for me to realize its greatness. I shall try harder in the future.

(It may indeed be true that the remixer is highly talented, of course. But he could put his skills to better use in that case..)

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there's all kinds of good stuff going on in this remix. excellent texture, incredible tension that dissolves into beautiful resolutions.

While the sound quality is rough around the edges, there's a hell of a lot a composer could learn from this remix.

very excellent.

and hey, if you're like hallah and you're only looking for instant gratification and cheap entertainment, there's always your collection of top 40 CD's. so stop complaining.

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I first heard this mix when someone on the panel sent it to me, and like Shnabubula's other work, I really enjoyed it. It's definitely very quirky and from a technical standpoint, pretty lo-fi. Still, this man definitely knows what he's doing. And even if a lot of people don't "get" it, he's going to be one of my favorites if he keeps submitting.

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:o This is the most abstract piece of electronica I've ever heard. It reminds me so much of Earthbound it's not even funny. 8) It experiments with a whole bunch of filter settings that I've yet to perfect for my mixing. Nice stuff. I enjoyed the section of 1:58 to 2:35 alot. Most of the other stuff was pretty wierd, but I like how this was composed. Not a fav, but definately something I'd look back on once in a while. 3:18 to 3:22 was annoying. :cry:

By the way, what's the title of the original?

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Hmm...this song makes me think of something but I can't pin it down. I agree with some of the judges that the production quality should have been brought up even if it was intentionally done this way. I think I'd enjoy it more if it just sounded clearer for me. Not that I don't now. It just bugs me a little.

Either way, it looks like Shnabubula is 3/3 on OC Remix and has a place in my heart. He could make the song equivalent of Gigli and still get my nod because he showed Secret of Evermore love. I don't see that happening, however. Great work and whatever pill you're taking with your milk and cookies before bed, don't you ever stop taking them.

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Now everyones saying this is a weird song and thats perfect for me(i really wanted to see something COMPLETELY wacked for OCR). This isnt as werid as i thought I was going to be, but its jammin, lots of things you wouldnt expect but they all combine to make something soild.

8/10-Nice little experament

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I still don't know what the original song is...it sounds so bloody familiar but I have no idea what it is. :evil::evil:Seriously, I want to know where it's from!!! :evil::evil:

The more I listen to it, the more I get into it. I don't know why, but I just love it! It's like a Protricity, AE, and po! R & B, electronica, and jazz collaboration, but it's on dope, weed, and crack. It's interesting, but things keep it from staying in my toplist.

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Fantastic. I'm always intrigued in how other people tackle remixing melodies which I've done before, seeing other interpretations of work - and this just goes to show you how dang varied music can be. This couldn't be further from me and MC's classical-ish interpretation of Hunter's Chance. Seriously. This thing is electronic music's answer to like, sliced cheese or stop signs. I absolutely LOVE the drum work throughout...it's fantastic throughout...and the little part at 3:40 is awesome.

Though I can understand a large group of people hating this song, I am impressed at the technical virtuosity of it.

Hats off!

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I love this.


The way everything sort of creeps up and jumps out at you is executed very interestingly; one of my favorite styles. I agree with Debotron-6K about the lack of bass, the song feels a little empty in places; but as he said, that's a very minor setback.

Lots of great stuff to me beyond the 2 minute mark especially. Around 3-4 minutes it's goes full out crazy; so cool. Brings me back some great memories of everything from works of Transient to Aphex Twin, not to mention capturing that great classic computer game feel in many places. I'm really glad that this song made it past the panel and towards the direction of my eardrums. Neat stuff.

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