Mirby Posted November 24, 2010 Posted November 24, 2010 I'd say SynIRC, SystemNet, or Espernet. Only because I'm usually on two of those three networks. And because ETG is hyperstrict with it's rules. Seriously, I read some help thing on their site and it was hyperparanoid. IF YOUR CONNECTION ISN'T SECURE THEN SOMEONE CAN USE YOUR CONNECTION TO HACK INTO NASA OR A .GOV WEBSITE AND YOU'D BE BLAMED FOR IT!! Seriously? Quote
Diodes Posted November 24, 2010 Posted November 24, 2010 Not that I'm frequently on IRC, but I'll put in my two cents. I'm partial to Espernet, though it's probably been a decade since I was around there regularly; I used to frequent there back in the late 90s. Chanserv and Nickserv are good things that I am in favor of having. Quote
BardicKnowledge Posted November 24, 2010 Posted November 24, 2010 I really don't get why people have trouble with ETG. I've been on the #ocremix channel since 2003. I've used it from dozens of computers and internet connections and I've never had any problems whatsoever. Literally not once, on any coast, in any state.That being said, I don't like ETG because it doesn't have a real chanserv/nickserv. So I'm down with a move. This is exactly how I feel, replace 2003 with 2004. Quote
K.B. Posted November 24, 2010 Posted November 24, 2010 this thread is about five years overdue Might have been nine years overdue. You'll never know by visiting semidecadally. Quote
DarkeSword Posted November 24, 2010 Posted November 24, 2010 Espernet or synIRC is fine with me. ETG is pretty bad. No nickserv, ridiculous security measures, netsplits, can't register a channel without talking to an ETG admin DESPITE having a CHANSERV. Let's go. Quote
luhny Posted November 24, 2010 Posted November 24, 2010 my 2 cents: never had any problem with ETG so far, although I must say that I would enjoy features like nicksrv, etc. best experiences I made with IRC was at espernet and quakenet. Quote
Level 99 Posted November 24, 2010 Posted November 24, 2010 I've had problems with being banned for "security validation" issues that appeared for absolutely no reason, and I know other people who have as well. Getting booted off IRC for a week up to a month just because their wonky security crap detects a false positive is ridiculous, especially when their mod staff takes their sweet time to fix it (in one case, after repeated attempts to get the issue resolved, the issue resolved itself AFTER A MONTH) is pretty unacceptable. I'm in favor of a move, synIRC would be good. Quote
Bahamut Posted November 24, 2010 Posted November 24, 2010 I've had issues once about getting banned and then killed by ETG due to connection issues. I've also had plenty of issues where ETG would kill me because I had two comps connected, and when the connection crapped out it would sometimes have 4 on at once because the nicks don't time out fast enough. I wouldn't mind seeing us on a different server, as long as you don't get cool kiddies who think it's fun flooding a chatroom and spammers. Quote
noTuX Posted November 24, 2010 Posted November 24, 2010 You guys should try carrier pigeons. You can send an instant message and the recipient will receive it instantly...sometime next year. It is free and eco-friendly! Quote
prophetik music Posted November 24, 2010 Posted November 24, 2010 i would love to switch to a channel that supports mibbit so i can be online at work. Quote
Xenon Odyssey Posted November 24, 2010 Posted November 24, 2010 I haven't been on IRC in years, BUT, if ETG is the suck, I know richter set up #olremix on that server and it'd be nice to follow suit and switch in the 0.000001% that our channel will actually have people in it in the future. so yeah if this happens i'd like some help in switching too (provided it's something I can do and not something richter needs to do) Quote
Mirby Posted November 24, 2010 Posted November 24, 2010 Like I said, ETG is ridiculous. I'm sick of it's absurdity. I'm more in favor of SynIRC myself, but as long as it's not ETG I'll be happy. Quote
JH Sounds Posted November 24, 2010 Posted November 24, 2010 I too have suffered from an undue autoban, and I would like see a servermove sometime in the future. Quote
Flexstyle Posted November 24, 2010 Posted November 24, 2010 I can't access the #ocremix channel at school. Put me down as endorsing a server switch. Quote
Iggy Koopa Posted November 24, 2010 Posted November 24, 2010 I really must reiterate my freenode recommendation. The servers hardly ever go down and their ircd basically enables you to have as many connections as possible. Their custom version of services is very modern and very sane and I really much prefer it to other networks' services. At the very least, I urge you to consider the network atmosphere and services etc. before you make a move. Don't just rely on popular vote as most people seem to be echoing EsperNet just because it was proposed first and probably haven't really used a variety of networks. Quote
Mirby Posted November 24, 2010 Posted November 24, 2010 What server has bluefox? Whichever one that is, don't choose that one. SynIRC is a good one; I've been there for many years, and while there's the occasional netsplit, they're always resolved quickly and they're never as bad as some I've seen on ETG. ETG seems to take their sweet-ass time in solving problems, and that's not cool. Quote
Iggy Koopa Posted November 24, 2010 Posted November 24, 2010 EsperNet: [13:00:53] -NickServ- bluefox is John Moser - [13:00:53] -NickServ- Last seen time: Nov 23 14:47:51 2010 PST - [13:00:53] -NickServ- Time registered: Jan 07 17:59:16 2007 PST - [13:00:53] -NickServ- Last quit message: Ping timeout: 180 seconds - [13:00:53] -NickServ- Options: Security Quote
zircon Posted November 24, 2010 Posted November 24, 2010 I've been on Esper for 7 years and visit Freenode pretty frequently... I don't see any appreciable difference. Esper's services are just fine (nick/chan registration, ghosting, etc.) and it's stable. If most everyone prefers Esper and it has everything we need, why do we need Freenode? Not to mention #vgmusic is on Esper, and they're sort of a cousin site. Quote
starla Posted November 24, 2010 Posted November 24, 2010 Esper used to be a joke and would split almost daily. ETG has not improved whereas Esper has become significantly more stable - ETG has had several splits of its own recently that essentially disable the chat room. I've been banned for bullshit "security" reasons as well. One thing ETG uses to pre-emptively ban people is the CBL database, which specifically states in its TOS that it should NOT be used for IRC, just mass email spammers. http://cbl.abuseat.org/tandc.html If you want to use the CBL to block protocols other than SMTP on port 25 (ie: IRC), realize this is officially UNSUPPORTED by the CBL team.We appreciate that this is a useful thing to do, but you MUST NOT mention the CBL as being the source of a block and you should be prepared to provide "first contact" assistance for users encountering a block and potentially whitelisting on your service. It should be absolutely clear that there will be a potentially large number of affected users who, through no fault of their own, will NOT be able to delist due to NAT, dynamic IPs, or other similar issues. Anyone using the CBL for blocking IRC, blog comments or whatever needs to know that they will get collateral damage and they will either have to manage that themselves with whitelisting or live with it. CBL lists just about EVERY cell phone IP, so forget trying to connect to ETG on a mobile device. Ashamee has had to reconnect several times and restart her phone just to get a cleared IP. The other thing I've seen people get banned with (Obtuse specifically) was through SORBS. http://www.dnsbl.sorbs.net/ When he was banned he was linked to this site (Cached version - their "DONATE" $50 TO GET YOUR NAME REMOVED FROM THE SPAM DB LIST OMFG WHAT???? was removed - http://webcache.googleusercontent.com/search?q=cache:KJu6jirI3DcJ:https://www.dnsbl.au.sorbs.net/faq/spamdb.shtml+sorbs+donate&cd=2&hl=en&ct=clnk&gl=us )... he was seriously told you have to PAY MONEY to get delisted. ETG is using these databases for what is not their intended purpose and have been causing problems for honest people trying to connect. Esper has been solid for a couple years now, and I see #thasauce moving there too if #ocremix moves. I don't really care about nickserv but I would use it when on esper. Another thing ETG does that is terrible is bans you for having too many people on one IP. If you have 2 people at your house, and your internet hiccups and both reconnect you now have *4* active connections and GUESS WHAT YOU JUST EARNED A K-LINE. Anyway, I'm all for a move. I'm really happy to see that the admins here aren't too hesitant about it. #ocremix is the largest channel on ETG and it might be worth asking them if they would be willing to change their policies before outright moving. Quote
Iggy Koopa Posted November 24, 2010 Posted November 24, 2010 I think the problem with ETG is it seems to be designed for use for clan organization or gaming and not really communities where people actually want to chat. So it's highly unlikely they'd change their rules since they probably already suit those needs well enough. Quote
Monobrow Posted November 25, 2010 Posted November 25, 2010 I know that when Ash and Justin were living here, retaining all connections was pretty much a nightmare. They wouldn't let us have more than 5 (with a huge battle for permission every month) connections at once for 4 people. Every time our internet went down, we'd all rejoin and have warnings in our faces all the time. Also we told them about this and that it was a constant issue and they refused to give us any options. The default (3 connections) was worse because basically we had to go into their channel once a month and constantly renew the LAN to even get more, and if our IP changed or anything else it would happen again, we'd be insta banned for a week, and would have to have someone else get us back in, just because we had a house full of people that all happened to use ETG... It's just worse than annoying... For being one of the biggest channels on ETG, you'd think they'd be a little more willing to make some exceptions for people in #ocremix considering how long most of us have been using it. Also I use Espernet too, but Freenode ftw. Quote
OverCoat Posted November 26, 2010 Posted November 26, 2010 you'd think they'd be a little more willing to make some exceptions for people in #ocremix considering how long most of us have been using it Yes really, #ocremix has been on ETG just about... as long as OC Remix has been around. That's a long time! Quote
Brandon Strader Posted November 26, 2010 Posted November 26, 2010 I think the problem with ETG is it seems to be designed for use for clan organization or gaming and not really communities where people actually want to chat. So it's highly unlikely they'd change their rules since they probably already suit those needs well enough. Yeah. I still think irc.ocremix.org would be solid. They've got OCR servers they could run it off of! Quote
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