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OCR01276 - Donkey Kong Country 2 "Set Sail"


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From the second the theme kicked in on this ReMix, I knew I was going to enjoy it. The swamp theme has always been a very emotive piece, and... wait, what's this? COMPLETELY DIFFERENT DIRECTION. An interesting theme on the Topsail theme, with a nice spin on the original melody. This piece has some excellent flow to it, and I enjoy the wind instruments, which go nicely with the theme of the piece. Overall, a strong first showing, and the commitment to the work really shows throughout. It's nice to see something different done with the DKC2 source material; no offense to Prot, but it's nice to see the veritable monopoly being broken up. Well done.

EDIT: I'd also like to point out the irony in this pieces resemblences to Protricity's FFV mix, when DKC2 is undisputably Proticity's turf. I'll shut up now.

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The source material is probably one of my favorite songs from a videogame ever. Needless to say, I was extremely happy when I heard this - I first thought it was the DKC2 swamp theme but then it turned into the awesome first area theme "Rigging". I am too excited to post an actual review with substance but rest assured that you've made me very satisfied by covering this song.

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Haha Reading these reviews to the section at 3 minutes in your song, it's like you're coming home and everyones clapping!

*clap clap clap* great mood.

Great song Bliz wouldn't doubt it would get on. Orchestral definetly was your thing and let me say DJBlizihizake would have sounded...gay haha (no offense y'all).

This never gets boring, sounds amazing and never lets up.

I still have a gripe or two, but that never needs to come up as high as here. Haha congratulations.

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I remember hearing this way back when during the early stages and have been keeping my eye on it ever since then. I had a feeling it would get accepted onto OCR because of Blake's determination. He listened to the advice given by the WIP forum and after many months of work "Set Sail" made it onto OCR...and it fits quite nicely into the list, I must say. Nice job, Bliz! I knew you'd make it! :D

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Wow. The tone of this Remix seems to be indicitive of its reaction here on this msg board. Sort of an "underdog finally makes it" thing. :) I too am very happy for you, Blake. It's apparent that you worked long and hard to produce the best final product possible, and succeeded with flying colors...you should be proud. This is, quite possibly, the most emotive and emotional remix I've heard in a long time. It moved me, and I'm not just saying that. The oboe section at 2'03 almost made me cry...brilliant. I'm a sucker for good orchestral, but this is several noches above "good." This is truely great.

I can't wait to hear more from you in the future. You have a new fan. :)

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