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Anyone else feel like Kirby lost its edge after the first few games?

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I love the music and style of the games but it just feels like the gameplay is so focused on slowing down the action (I'm a would-be 100%er, mind you) and the levels take sooo long and they're sooo easy.

I was really surprised how much I liked Kirby's DreamLand 1 and Kirby's Adventure when I first played them. So much more simplistic and easy to get into. Just two really fun, short, easy games.

I got nostalgia for DreamLand 3 and opened up an emulator, played the first few levels and thought, "Ugh, I wish I could do this but I can't."

Anyone else feel like all the extras (animals, lookin' at you) mucked up this game series a bit? It took a simple, easy platformer and made it a simple, easy, tedious platformer. in my opinion.


I mean I guess you could make the argument that post-SuperStar Kirby got a lot more slow-paced but then you have games like Nightmare in Dreamland and Amazing Mirror (and I think Squeak Squad), which are fast-paced action-packed Kirby games. Only one of those games are great with a semblance of difficulty (AM), but I think Kirby's had a healthy mix of the two styles (slow and laid-back and fast n' furious). Heck, the newest Kirby game looks to be a hearkening back to Adventure-styled pacing (with Dreamland/Crystal Shards-esque setting).

Plus don't knock his animal friends. They're awesome.


Funny, maybe the Nintendo/HAL personnel are changing, and their perception of effectiveness has changed as well. I assume that you're an adult, and so your expectations as a mature and previous Kirby player have heightened.

Back in the day, people were more devout gamers. Nowadays, everything is commercialized and there are less devout gamers. That might explain why I was disappointed with Kirby 64, although they had a couple great ideas.

Sadly, I guess that these majors have told themselves that they don't have to be 'that good'. Sucks, if you ask me. However if you have any knowledge or talent in game development, then perhaps the industry has a place for you, or you could make a place on your own, even.

Still not a pun.

Triple meaning: Kirby has an edge/is hardcore/carries a weapon?


The only game where the pacing really feels off for me is Dreamland 3, where you need ridiculous combinations of powers / animals to unlock the bonus fragment in the levels, and figuring out which powers you need is often not intuitive at all. Requiring the light bulb power to illuminate a dark room is fine -- requiring the broom and owl powerup because it pleases a blob somewhere is not.


Kirby, by and large, has remained consistently great in my eyes. The only game that really lost an edge, to me, was Squeak Squad. I've enjoyed everything else he's put out in one way or another. I loved him the first time I played Kirby's Adventure. I loved him (the most) in Superstar. And I know I'll love him again when his newest game comes out. Kirby can't fail, as far as I'm concerned.

The only game where the pacing really feels off for me is Dreamland 3, where you need ridiculous combinations of powers / animals to unlock the bonus fragment in the levels, and figuring out which powers you need is often not intuitive at all. Requiring the light bulb power to illuminate a dark room is fine -- requiring the broom and owl powerup because it pleases a blob somewhere is not.

While I really love Dreamland 3, I'd have to agree with you there. Some of those combinations were really frustrating to figure out, and the fact that often if you messed up (like that God-forsaken sound quiz game) you'd have to replay 3 minutes of game just so you could get there again.

I think in this respect Crystal Shards was much MUCH better in handling the discovery of its titular objects.


Dreamland 3 was the game that came to mind most, but I figured from the small bits I had seen from the games following it they were pretty much the same. I might check out the one mentioned before. Also, Epic Yarn looks awesome. I'm a sucker for artsy platformers.


Ehh....Nah. There are only a few misses in the Kirby franchise and even those are decent games....I love the Crystal Shards and Kirby Superstar just like the original adventure. Kirby's Dreamland 3 was frustrating at times but it also had kick-ass co-op way before its time, and the presentation and graphics are awesome. I think it throws many Kirby fans off because it is slower paced. In that way, it gives you more options for how to beat the game and you are allowed enjoy the awesome music and settings that dominate Kirby games.

The new one coming out on Wii looks like it's gonna take the whole cake. So no, I strongly disagree with the thread title.

Sorry for being opinionated about it, it just sounds like one of those arguments when a band makes a few good albums, changes its direction, still releasing good albums, but some fans don't adapt and give up on the band altogether, although the band still rocks. Metaphorically speaking.


I never even intended it as a pun.

I meant Kirby has always been a soft and cutesy series. When your series is about a pink puff that eats things and jumps over doe-eyed blobs, edginess isn't really present.

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