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I never got the TF2 community's utter fascination with hats. Then again, I don't play the game constantly, and go for months-long stretches where I don't touch it (like right now, roughly 7 months), so I never got why everyone was up in arms about hats this hats that.

I always assumed it was because the majority of the TF2 fanbase were superficial-minded idiots, but of course I don't know.

Someone needs to explain why Double Dash always gets shit on whenever Mario Kart is brought up.

Cause I never really understood.

I'm sorry but it just wasn't very fun for me and I played the one on the SNES and MarioKart 64 a lot. It just felt like something was missing hard, on the player vs player. It was too busy I guess. In the previous ones will to compete was there the moment you picked up the controller.

Basically...It just gave me nostalgia and made me want to dig my N64 out of the closet.

Sonic Spinball

That game is my own personal example that nostalgia can't stop a game from being terrible. Believe me, I used to love that game back on the original genesis. Now, I recently re-played it a year or so ago on my Xbox 360, and it was practically torture. Did I beat the game for completion's sake? You bet I did. But I was cursing the entire way.

yoshi's island DS really did have the worst music

I mean, how do you go from one of the best mario

ever in any Mario game, or game for that matter, to this

It's like the composer was asked to make the music for the game two days before production started, and all he knew was that the game had babies in it.

I'm sorry but it just wasn't very fun for me and I played the one on the SNES and MarioKart 64 a lot. It just felt like something was missing hard, on the player vs player. It was too busy I guess. In the previous ones will to compete was there the moment you picked up the controller.

Basically...It just gave me nostalgia and made me want to dig my N64 out of the closet.

So...what? Was it too slow? Did the special items suck? Did you like the old powerslide mechanic better? Did you dislike the two-character mechanic?

So far I've only heard that the tracks aren't as good. Which is fine, I guess. MK64 did have some pretty rockin tracks.

Damnit, guys, I want specifics!


In my opinion I choose Harvest Moon Back to Nature: The main reason I hate the sequel is how is made you work 3 times harder to get anything done compared to Harvest Moon 64.

BTN had a better story board and options among other things, but god forbid it making everything even harder to just farm.

My hate is mainly aimed at the tool leveling system. While HM64 just had you grind as you go, BTN decided to up it up a notch by making upgrades for your tools into a major ass fest that required money, time and ore just to do the exact same thing that HM64 did. Not only that, but they made it from a 3 tier system to a 4 tier. Meaning I have to hit stumps and rocks a lot more then before.

So...what? Was it too slow?

It definitely felt slower.

Did the special items suck?

Not sure if it was that exactly, but it was too busy.

Did you like the old powerslide mechanic better?

Yes, way better. This was probably my biggest complaint about the game.

Did you dislike the two-character mechanic?

Yes. I did.


Did anyone ever play that Sonic knockoff of Mario Party on Dreamcast called Sonic Shuffle? That's a game that needs a sequel not because it was overly awesome but because it was almost awesome. It even had a card battling mechanic.. so cool.

Also, I'm about to put Dragon Age 2 in this list if it doesn't get better REAL soon here.


The first one that comes to my mind is Castlevania II, I was doing a Castlevania marathon but I have not got far in that one...because it was bad.

Oh well there are the CD-i Zelda but they don't count, right? RIGHT?

To be fair, DA1 was not great. It was kinda meh

I thought everything about it save the combat was awesome. Yeah, it sort of dragged and the graphics were shit, but they nailed the parts that mattered: storytelling, immersion, making it feel like your decisions actually mattered, customization... and now DA2 seems like the mirror image of all that, improving combat but everything else feels dead.

DA1 also had an amazing cinematic toolset that no ones seems to know about. DA2 obviously had no such thing.

Sonic 4

Out of all the worthy examples you could have used, you bring out this? Sonic '06, I can understand. Sonic and the Black Knight, totally. Sonic Advance 2, sure. But really, Sonic 4? I swear that game gets way more hate than it deserves.

So a few guys were talking about a simple topic on worst game sequels. Things like Invisible Wars and so on.

I assume your talking about Deus Ex: Invisible War. In which case I'm disagreeing. I adored Invisible War. As much as I loved the original Deus Ex.

Sure, it was different, but c'mon. The game was still awesome. And still pretty far ahead of most other FPS of the time. I've never, ever understood the IW hate.


Deus ex: Invisible War

Sonic 4

Killer instinct gold

Any mortal kombat after mk4

Final fantasy tactics advance

Team fortress 2

Also, I count sonic spinball as a spinoff (lololol) instead of being part of the series proper.

Edit: sorry Robbie, it just was so pale, dull, and broken compared to the original. I felt no connection to the characters, nor had any interest in the story. Also, character models and animations were totally lulz

Did anyone ever play that Sonic knockoff of Mario Party on Dreamcast called Sonic Shuffle? That's a game that needs a sequel not because it was overly awesome but because it was almost awesome. It even had a card battling mechanic.. so cool.
My favorite Dreamcast game by far. Such a good party game. If you had visual memory cards in your controllers your cards would be invisible from other players and show up on your individual screens, it was just so badass.

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