Cinderwild Posted April 5, 2011 Posted April 5, 2011 When you play a game, how likely are you to want to 100% complete it? Do you feel an obligation to do it? Are there any games where completing the game 100% added a lot to its value? Personally I've found Yoshi's Island and the Donkey Kong Country games to be really entertaining when you attempt to get everything done. Quote
Turtle Posted April 5, 2011 Posted April 5, 2011 I'm extremely obsessive about 100%ing my games. I have to find a game extremely boring (or at least find its 100%ing process extremely boring) before I'll even consider not fully completing everything in it. Quote
Gollgagh Posted April 5, 2011 Posted April 5, 2011 haven't updated in forever but who cares Quote
JH Sounds Posted April 5, 2011 Posted April 5, 2011 I used to be all about 100% completion in the ol' days. There are times I wonder why I went to all the trouble of getting 101% (actual percentage) in Donkey Kong 64. Quote
Turtle Posted April 5, 2011 Posted April 5, 2011 Also, if a game requires me to do multiplayer/online stuff in order to 100% it, I find that I'm much less likely to want to 100% it. Quote
DarkeSword Posted April 6, 2011 Posted April 6, 2011 I have what my friend Justin calls "can't-finish-game-itis." Quote
Tables Posted April 6, 2011 Posted April 6, 2011 Almost never. When the end credits roll, 95% of the time I'm done. Usually what happens is: End credits -> IMMEDIATELY Continue/New Game+ for 10-20 minutes -> Get Bored -> Promise to come back later -> Never do I regret nothing. I'd rather experience all the games that I can experience than stay in the same one just to get all the missile expansions or get the Evil ending. By the way, games with 'multiple endings' have no draw on me (unless it's like a Castlevania 'Bad/Good/Best' thing) because, even if some choices end up slightly different, it's usually the same damn gameplay and experiences for most of the time, and that doesn't fit in with my M.O or whatever. Quote
Benjamin Briggs Posted April 6, 2011 Posted April 6, 2011 it depends wholly on the amount of really really stupid things I'm required to do in order to achieve 100% Quote
Brushfire Posted April 6, 2011 Posted April 6, 2011 You should never 100% games unless there is nudity as a reward. Quote
south pacific islander Posted April 6, 2011 Posted April 6, 2011 Depends if we mean actuall 100% by the games standards or not. There are some games like Chrono Cross where I devoted three rounds of playing the game just so I can get the selection off all the toons in the game. By far the closet I gotten in any game to 100% was in super metroid. I think it was around 75% after my 4th run. Quote
Soma Posted April 6, 2011 Posted April 6, 2011 I think it's safe to say I rarely finish games anymore. I don't ever 100% games and it's never bothered me if I don't. In Assassins Creed 2 and Brotherhood, I came pretty close to 100%. In 2 I didn't do some combat achievements, I think it was kill 10 enemies without dying. In Brotherhood I did all of the single player achievements but not all of the multi. I don't have a single 1000/1000 game on Xbox360. Recently on a different forum I was asked if my "backlog" bothers me. The answer is, I don't think I really keep a back log. I have games that I am currently playing and then I have unfinished games that I own, that I'm probably never going to play again, not because of quality, just because of fun factor or fatigue. I don't buy a lot of games, I have Gamefly, but I have noticed that since I got Gamefly I do finish a ton more games. /rant Quote
SleepyFroggy Posted April 6, 2011 Posted April 6, 2011 Last game I got 100% on was Just Cause 2... every building destroyed, every car, every pickup... It took way too much time, so I'm put off doing it again... Quote
Modus Posted April 6, 2011 Posted April 6, 2011 For some reason Rareware games are the only games I have the drive to 100%. I think it's because the goals are laid out in a very straightforward manner (there's no misdirection) and obviously every Rare game is addictive as hell. Even months after beating most of Nuts and Bolts, I feel the drive to pick up the game again and reach my goal of 100%. I'm pretty bummed I already beat Klungo's challenges cause those were the most fun, but I want those jiggies! It's too bad Rare is dead and won't be making Nuts and Bolts 2 despite how pants-shittingly good it was. Other than that I did 100% CoD4. The ferris wheel level had me stalled for literally three months, but I eventually got through it on veteran with some sneaky tactics. I found Sky High a little easier than the ferris wheel but it seems people get stuck on that more. newbs Quote
DusK Posted April 6, 2011 Posted April 6, 2011 I used to 100% games. Now I don't really have the time. I think the most fun I've ever had 100%-ing a game was the first Spyro game. Quote
Brushfire Posted April 6, 2011 Posted April 6, 2011 I have 100 percented 12 360 games. That is why my Dickhat is supreme. Quote
Jamphibious Posted April 6, 2011 Posted April 6, 2011 I generally try to at least beat them, but I have game ADD and I always end up buying new ones before I'm finished with the ones I already have. I have a HUGE to-do list right now, haha. There are some games that I will try to 100%, but generally only the ones that I think are truly deserving of the times spent to do so. (Which is a decent amount, but a lot of games I'll only play through about once or twice) Heavy Rain, now that is a game I had to 100%. Quote
ParanoidDrone Posted April 6, 2011 Posted April 6, 2011 Depends on the game and how you define 100%. DK64 I got every Banana Medal, but didn't bother collecting all the bananas. (IIRC you only needed 75/100 for each.) Mass Effect, where most sidequests are "Land on planet, clear out prefab building of baddies, collect monetary/exp reward, survey minerals and wreckage, repeat" I didn't bother trying to do everything. Quote
RDX Posted April 6, 2011 Posted April 6, 2011 Most of the time. With the sole exception of games like DKCR, where 100% requires you to play the game twice in a cheap attempt to add replay value. And I never finished Baten Kaitos Origins, at all. I was...busy. Quote
Scufo Posted April 6, 2011 Posted April 6, 2011 it depends wholly on the amount of really really stupid things I'm required to do in order to achieve 100% this, and I tend to be pretty completionist and will go for 100% if I can, but I don't have so much time to dedicate to games anymore. Quote
DragonAvenger Posted April 6, 2011 Posted April 6, 2011 I'm pretty sure the last games I've done 100% were Chrono Trigger and Yoshi's Island. Usually I try to do some of the after-quests, and just lose interest after a while. Quote
Brome Posted April 6, 2011 Posted April 6, 2011 From what I read from you guys my conclusion is : - OR when you're younger you have more time to 100% your game, and therefore you put effort into finishing compeltely your game (if you can !) - OR it was more fun to finish games of the "good ol' times", meaning NES, SNES, N64 period - OR both ! Like most of you, I spent countless hours trying to finish everything in donkey kong games, perfect dark, goldeneye etc. I remember thinking that it was important 100% them now it seems I don't care, but I don't know if it's because I got older of because "new" games are less challenging. I came close to 100% Assassin's creed 2 and mass effect 2 but I didn't ... What do you guys think ? Quote
Flare4War Posted April 6, 2011 Posted April 6, 2011 Oh fuck no. I would get sick of attempting that way too fast. I have a brother who's like that and it bugs me. I'll see him playing after he's won the game twice already and be like, "Bloody freaking hell dude! PLAY A DIFFERENT FUCKING GAME ALREADY!! Quote
Salluz Posted April 6, 2011 Posted April 6, 2011 When you play a game, how likely are you to want to 100% complete it? Do you feel an obligation to do it?Are there any games where completing the game 100% added a lot to its value? Personally I've found Yoshi's Island and the Donkey Kong Country games to be really entertaining when you attempt to get everything done. I don't know why in the fuck I wanna beat Sonic Adventure all of the way. It's more tedious than anything else. Sonic Adventure 2 is better for the focused mind. Quote
Sir_Downunder Posted April 6, 2011 Posted April 6, 2011 Some games I do finish 100%, some I don't. Quote
RDX Posted April 6, 2011 Posted April 6, 2011 What do you guys think ?Well there's a certain cheapness to a full list of achievement with asinine requirements that get you nothing. I don't think I've ever bothered with those, yet it seems some people consider them part of 100%ing a game. I don't. Quote
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