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  FuriousFure said:
hmmm.... I used to be a die hard Nintendo fan. all the way up to the GCN.

I loved Wind Waker and Twilight Princess, Smash Bros, Mario stuff (Sunshine, Kart, etc),... hmm... ran out of stuff. I couldn't get into metroid or much else. So I went to xbox because of online multiplayer and cool games at that point i was just starting high school and all my friends had one. LAN parties were great.

now after owning a 360 and ignoring the Wii completely, I'm looking back at the WiiU due to xbox one and PS4 reveals.

the Wii U might be might next purchase only if these first party exclusives are amazing looking.

Wii U owners, are you content with your purchases and what is your gameplay schedule like?

Like I've been saying, I don't think I like any of the 3 new consoles, but of the three, I'm gonna get a Wii U because for one, they seem to actually be more supportive toward the game side of the spectrum more than the other two consoles, and I'm also a die-hard Nintendo fanatic and so obviously I'm gonna get the Wii U for all my Nintendo games. And then additionally SEGA and Nintendo have made a partnership now, so one of my other favorite series [sonic] is now going to be on the Wii U.

So of the three consoles, if I'm gonna get one of them, it's gonna be the Wii U.


While my reaction towards the WiiU has likewise been lukewarm thus far (there aren't any games that interest me on the machine yet), it seems to be the one of the three that focuses and emphasizes video-games the most, even without the pointless social-media junk.

The plus side is that the Wii has one of the best libraries, and most of the really excellent Wii games are cheap, if you skipped out on last generation.


I hoping to hear a price drop announced. they seem to be "relocating" their 8gb Wii U... maybe.

I think the two things that would win me over for my next purchase would be a price drop and a firmware update to allow multiple touch screens on one Wii U.

they don't have that yet, do they?


I'm gonna be frank, I honestly don't mind the wait for games on Nintendo systems. I'm in the minority on that, but since I'm on such a busy schedule, and I own several systems, a PC, and a 3ds, I don't mind waiting on games to appear on a Nintendo system, even if its months at a time.

Granted, I'm the exception in the matter, not the rule.

  Toadofsky said:
I'm gonna be frank, I honestly don't mind the wait for games on Nintendo systems. I'm in the minority on that, but since I'm on such a busy schedule, and I own several systems, a PC, and a 3ds, I don't mind waiting on games to appear on a Nintendo system, even if its months at a time.

Granted, I'm the exception in the matter, not the rule.

actually this is how i feel as well.

well sans the PC part; i may have a laptop, but i don't generally use it for games...

even though that's slowly changing...

and my schedule isn't really that busy...

but yeah, the rest of it applies


Nintendo Keynote:

Pokemon X and Y: Cool features. I dig the whole bonding with your Pikamans.

Mario 3d Land 2: Cat Mario does what Knuckles already did in Sonic Adventure.

Mario Cart 8: Neat that we are getting Sonic All Stars Racing Transformed style tracks after only having the Gamecubes Rainbow Road for so long.

Wii Play U: Meh

Wii Fit U: IncrediMeh

3rd Party Reel: Nintendo does what everyone else has done or will be doing.

Indie Reel: Same as above.

Legend of Zelda: Windwaker HD Remake: Looks like the slapped some light bloom on it and called it a day. Also WiiU has no GBA support. Fuck this system.

Wonderful 101: Looks like a Justice League version of Viewtiful Joe. I am ok with this.

Donkey Kong Country Tropical Freeze: I love Donkey Kong Country, and I love vikings, but I dunno if I love Danky Kang Country Tropical Freeze. It's got Dixie in it though.

Bayonetta 2: She has short hair now. That is hot. She had some short gameplay. That was not as hot.


Smash Bros: Shifting art styles to keep the characters matching each other is a cool idea. Adding Villiager from Animal Crossing is a good idea. Adding MEGAMAN IS FUCKING GENIUS!

  Brushfire said:
Nintendo Keynote:

Pokemon X and Y: Cool features. I dig the whole bonding with your Pikamans.

Mario 3d Land 2: Cat Mario does what Knuckles already did in Sonic Adventure.

Mario Cart 8: Neat that we are getting Sonic All Stars Racing Transformed style tracks after only having the Gamecubes Rainbow Road for so long.

Wii Play U: Meh

Wii Fit U: IncrediMeh

3rd Party Reel: Nintendo does what everyone else has done or will be doing.

Indie Reel: Same as above.

Legend of Zelda: Windwaker HD Remake: Looks like the slapped some light bloom on it and called it a day. Also WiiU has no GBA support. Fuck this system.

Wonderful 101: Looks like a Justice League version of Viewtiful Joe. I am ok with this.

Donkey Kong Country Tropical Freeze: I love Donkey Kong Country, and I love vikings, but I dunno if I love Danky Kang Country Tropical Freeze. It's got Dixie in it though.

Bayonetta 2: She has short hair now. That is hot. She had some short gameplay. That was not as hot.


Smash Bros: Shifting art styles to keep the characters matching each other is a cool idea. Adding Villiager from Animal Crossing is a good idea. Adding MEGAMAN IS FUCKING GENIUS!

Haha thanks Dave, I save a lot of time watching things when you have such a good round-up like this :-)

If Smash Bros doesn't have good online multiplayer, I'm selling my Wii U


I'm actually pretty impressed by the drawing application they announced. I'm going to draw all kinds crazy shit. Also, easy way to create signatures on here as well. All in all, the first party games look great, and there are lots of them. I know Mario is overdone but they are doing it right if you ask me. There is obvious a lack of 3rd party but the ones on there look very tempting. Never played Bayonetta, but it looks cool. Pretty sure that introducing the character spread eagle with a gun between her legs wasn't anything suggestive.

Still a couple of more days to announce Star Fox and F-Zero, or whatever else...I want to see more of Shin X Fire Emblem.

Posted (edited)

I'm bummed we didn't get a next gen Mario like promised, but Super Mario 3D World still looks promising as a co-op game, and still looks pretty neat. Love the Super Mare Bros 2/USA style of Mario/Luigi/Peach/Toad which each different abilities.

Mario Kart 8, Smash Bros Wii U, DKC:TF, Wonderful 101, Pikmin 3, Bayo 2, Xeno 2...all looking great. I'm more excited about all the stuff coming out on the Wii U now than anything I saw coming out yesterday honestly.

Only thing that got me hyped yesterday was KH3/FFXV and well... PS4 acting like a regular console lol. Other than that XBO/PS4 was kinda meh in the games dept

Edited by Crowbar Man
  Crowbar Man said:
I'm bummed we didn't get a next gen Mario

People keep talking about this and I have no idea what they mean. What exactly, makes a Mario game "next-gen"? Adaptive-AI Koopas? A browner, bleaker looking Mushroom Kingdom? Realistic fireball physics? It's Mario, the definitive 2-D platformer. They already gave us a version in 1080p, what more are you looking for? I'm not criticizing, I'm actually curious.


I've heard people say they wanted a more "serious" Mario title.

I have no idea what constitutes or requires Mario to be "serious", nor do I know what kind of drugs these people saying this are taking.


I want a Mario that pushes boundaries, like SMWorld, Yoshi's Island, and Mario 64 did. I'd at least welcome a change in aesthetic. I liked SM3DLand and might buy the Wii U one, but you gotta admit it's a little stale.

Posted (edited)

Brandon: Har har. You know what I mean. Wii U is "next gen" for Nintendo.

People keep talking about this and I have no idea what they mean. What exactly, makes a Mario game "next-gen"? Adaptive-AI Koopas? A browner, bleaker looking Mushroom Kingdom? Realistic fireball physics? It's Mario, the definitive 2-D platformer. They already gave us a version in 1080p, what more are you looking for? I'm not criticizing, I'm actually curious.

Look at Mario Kart 8. Those graphics look amazing! Something like that with the gameplay of Mario 64 (or heck, Galaxy. I loved Galaxy) is what I mean.

Also Mario has been a 3D platformer since Mario 64. They haven't released a main Mario title in 2D for years (NSMB isn't a main Mario series) I would love a new 2D entry but I do not expect that to happen since NSMB exist. And not sure what game you are refering to, but none of the Wii U titles Nintendo has released has been in 1080p technically. (720p upscaled). Not complaining about that though

I would just like a serious single player Mario game (ala Mario 64/Galaxy 1) with the graphics the level of Mario Kart 8. Instead we got a co-op sequel to 3D Land... that still sounds AWESOME don't get me wrong. I'm excited, and going to get it ASAP, but wasn't really what I wanted nor what they said :/

I've heard people say they wanted a more "serious" Mario title.

I have no idea what constitutes or requires Mario to be "serious", nor do I know what kind of drugs these people saying this are taking.

Well, when *I* say "serious", I mean SMB3, World, Mario 64, Galaxy 1, etc. Something showing off systems capability while steering the series in a new fun direction and having an engaging adventure.

NSMB is kinda junk throwaway stuff (Can be fun on its own but pales compared to a serious entry), and 3D Land is like a 3D mix of NSMB and Galaxy (Awesome handheld entry, way more fun then NSMB games, but still not quite there)

Super Mario 3D World is like a console / co-op follow up to Super Mario 3D Land.

Its like NSMB Wii was to NSMB1. A better entry than the last, but not a real stand alone Mario game :/

Edited by Crowbar Man
  Crowbar Man said:
wasn't really what I wanted nor what they said :/

just because half of the internet has assumed that 'next-gen' means 'has da grafix' instead of reasonably assuming that it means 'is on a next-gen console' doesn't mean that's what nintendo means when they say it

Posted (edited)

Lets minus the graphics out of the equation (though why? Real Mario games tend to push graphics (SMB3, World, 64, Sunshine, Galaxy) too). Its not even a new Mario game. It is a a follow up co-op sequel to 3D Land. Its not even stereoscopic 3D (I dont think), they just put 3D in the title to make sure you knew it was related to 3D Land.

Bait and switch IMO. At least what they switched was still pretty awesome, but :/

Also like I said, I'm MORE hyped for what they showed off on Nintendo Direct (especially Mario 3D World!) than anything else I saw at E3.

Edited by Crowbar Man

Galaxy sucked. Aye Em Oh. All the Mario games are trying to polish what's already been done instead of being innovative and quirky like SM64.

Wonderful 101 has me pumped more than anything. It has contagious energy and reminds me of Viewtiful Joe, and it's kinda like Pikmin. Nothing is going against this thing.

REGGIE for Smash DLC.

Posted (edited)
Galaxy sucked. Aye Em Oh. All the Mario games are trying to polish what's already been done instead of being innovative and quirky like SM64.

Well, I will agree that a game that looks as good as MK8 and plays more along the lines of Mario 64 would be amazing. I could do with less "on rails" level design like Galaxy / 3D Land. But I don't think many will share your opinion that Galaxy sucked =P

I'm also definitely looking forward to Wondeful 101. Thank goodness Platinum gets to do whatever they please on the Wii U

Edited by Crowbar Man
  Crowbar Man said:
NSMB isn't a main Mario series

[Citation Needed]

Seriously, how the hell would NSMB not be a "main Mario series"? It's about as traditional 2D platforming as you can get. The DS title was kind of weak, but NSMB Wii was really well-made and I had a lot of fun with it.

  Crowbar Man said:
I would just like a serious single player Mario game with the graphics the level of Mario Kart 8.

New Super Mario Bros Wii U is pretty much exactly this. Graphics don't get much "better" than that for a Mario game (although aesthetics sure do--I feel the designs themselves are kind of stale and boring). And I still don't know what "serious" means--this is a game where you play as a chubby plumber who gets bigger when he eats mushrooms and stomp on turtles who wear underpants underneath their shells. It's fine if you weren't a fan of the NSMB series, but you can't just claim the games "don't count". If that were how it worked, I'd be sitting here complaining about how Square hasn't made a Final Fantasy game in 13 years.

I get where you're coming from, Super Mario World is one of my most favorite games of all time, and I'd love to see something that plays similar to that (hell, give me the same mechanics with updated graphics and new levels and I'd be thrilled), but it's facetious to complain that Nintendo "hasn't released a 2D Mario game in years" when they've released a whole lot of them that you just didn't enjoy.

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