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Whew. North America got the sweetest looking deal, I think. NintendoLand pack in AND the earliest launch date. I fully expected Japan to get it when we did. Glad Europe is getting it before December, even if it's the Nintendo definition of 'before'. Securing Bayonetta 2 exclusivity (with Nintendo's genius 'you bring the ideas, we'll publish' program) is a bold gesture. More of that please.

Put me down for a Premium(Deluxe) package.

Edited by ocre

All of a sudden I want one. The console appears to be shaping up really well. I would definitely go with the deluxe model if I were to get one. People are obsessed with tablet and touch screens. I'm starting to think that maybe Nintendo aren't crazy as we make them out to be but time will tell. They better deliver with their network and service.


Yup. Definitely getting the Premium package. I wasn't able to watch the video, and Nintendo's site keeps trying to show me the ustream or something. I didn't see anywhere that the Premium package includes Nintendoland. Any link that says so?


Meh, I don't like the Wii U controller. Controllers are becoming less and less throwable. What am I supposed to do when nerd rage consumes my rational faculties and transmits extreme forward momentum toward my arms?

Bring back the NES controller! Built like a tank with all the necessary buttons.

Yup. Definitely getting the Premium package. I wasn't able to watch the video, and Nintendo's site keeps trying to show me the ustream or something. I didn't see anywhere that the Premium package includes Nintendoland. Any link that says so?


here ya be


$150? That will be quite the wait. The Wii only just recently dropped to that.

Meh, I don't like the Wii U controller. Controllers are becoming less and less throwable. What am I supposed to do when nerd rage consumes my rational faculties and transmits extreme forward momentum toward my arms?

Bring back the NES controller! Built like a tank with all the necessary buttons.

Use the Wii U Pro controller, obviously.


from the press release

Below is a list of upcoming Wii U games that will be available on launch day or during the launch window*. (For information about third-party games, check with the individual publishers.)

505 Games

Funky Barn

2K Sports

NBA 2K13

Activision Publishing, Inc.

007™ Legends

Call of Duty®: Black Ops II


Wipeout 3

Skylanders Giants™

Cabela’s Dangerous Hunts 2013

Rapala Pro Bass Fishing


Monster Hunter™ 3 Ultimate


Rise of the Guardians: The Video Game

Ben 10: Omniverse™

Family Party: 30 Great Games Obstacle Arcade

Disney Interactive

Disney Epic Mickey 2: The Power of Two

Electronic Arts

Mass Effect™ 3

Madden NFL 13


FIFA Soccer 13


Trine 2™: Director’s Cut

Gaijin Games

Runner2: Future Legend of Rhythm Alien

Majesco Entertainment

Zumba® Fitness Core

Maximum Games

Jett Tailfin™

NAMCO BANDAI Games America Inc.




Nintendo Land™

New Super Mario Bros.™ U

NINJA GAIDEN™ 3: Razor’s Edge


LEGO® City: Undercover

Wii Fit™ U

Game & Wario™

Pikmin™ 3

The Wonderful 101™ (a Hideki Kamiya title)


Aliens: Colonial Marines™

Sonic & All-Stars Racing Transformed

Shin’en Nano Assault Neo

Tecmo Koei America Corporation



Darksiders® II

Wheel of Fortune®


Two Tribes

Toki Tori 2


Assassin’s Creed® III

Just Dance® 4

Marvel Avengers™: Battle for Earth

Rabbids® Land

Sports Connection™

Your Shape®: Fitness Evolved 2013


Rayman Legends®

Warner Bros. Interactive Entertainment

Scribblenauts™ Unlimited

Game Party Champions

Batman: Arkham City™ Armored Edition

* Launch window is defined as the period beginning Nov. 18, 2012, and ending March 31, 2013.

also bayonetta 2, though that's not in the launch window


A Shin'en game? Sweet, those are usually pretty cool. Wait, it's an update of the 3DS game. Still, cool to see them get some more exposure.

Not a bad launch. I'd want TTT2, Tank!, Rayman Legends, the aforementioned Shin'en game, maybe Monster Hunter, Wonderful 101, and Pikmin 3. And of course Bayonetta 2.

I just hope most of the games listed above have Pro Controller support. I don't want this to be the launch window to shove the tablet gimmick into places it doesn't belong (like TTT2). Wishful thinking, unfortunately.


I just hope most of the games listed above have Pro Controller support. I don't want this to be the launch window to shove the tablet gimmick into places it doesn't belong (like TTT2). Wishful thinking, unfortunately.

The tablet controller doubles as a Pro controller -- two analog sticks, buttons, etc. I'd love to see an option for fighters to have move lists on the tablet screen during the combat, for instance. It'd help address the massive accessibility issues faced by that community currently.


If I wasn't a college student right now,

if I wasn't unemployed right now,

if I wasn't already attending MAGFest (room and ticket),

if I didn't have a mother that doesn't like video games,

if I had a television with an HDMI jack,

if I hadn't already purchased a 3DS,

I would get the WiiU PremiumPack Week 1.

The tablet controller doubles as a Pro controller -- two analog sticks, buttons, etc. I'd love to see an option for fighters to have move lists on the tablet screen during the combat, for instance. It'd help address the massive accessibility issues faced by that community currently.

ooh good idea!

So, the bitching and complaining is well underway by now, right?

"Oh my god the system is too expensive!"

"These games are gonna fail because they're on a Nintendo system!"

There might as well be an online Nintendo Hate Generator, because these bitching and moaning fests seem to come out of nowhere.

OK, the Wii had a metric shitton of crappy shovelware, but within said tripe were plenty of excellent games that unfortunately never got the dues they deserved for whatever reason, but Nintendo would pump out quality here and there. I was a fan of motion control from the get go, but Skyward Sword REALLY showed me what motion controls are capable of.

That game and the 3DS have showed me that Nintendo really is trying to make good on their promise of going back to the hardcore, and I think the Wii U has a great shot of taking motion controls to the next level(think PSMove with less bullshit), as well with providing a wide array of peripherals to use the system with from the tablet to the Wiimotion+ to the swank looking(but total rip off) pro controller.

I probably won't grab one at launch, mostly due to finances, but I'll definitely be grabbing one eventually now.


See, the best games and hardware are the ones that are built for each other, especially when the system was designed around a certain game. For example, the N64 was designed for Mario 64. You can just tell from how the system is built: the analogue stick was included to give mario free movement in 3D, the C buttons were added to control the camera around him, etc. The Wii was designed to play Skyward Sword, it just happened to come way late in the console's life.

I haven't yet seen that game for the Wii U. As fun as Nintendo Land looks, it's more likely than not a case of "we have all these awesome features, what games can we make to take advantage of them?" And while there's nothing wrong with games like that per se, the best games are the ones which had the hardware built around them. I'm going to give Nintendo the benefit of the doubt however and assume that they have such a game in development. I believe a Metroid (maybe Prime, maybe not) title could be that game. The HD graphics, the second screen with touch functionality... All those features would be right at home in a Metroid game.

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