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A very calming "chill" tune, it's a surprising success; congratulations, OverCoat, on finally getting posted -- this mix deserves it.

I've seen some very strong improvement in OverCoat's works lately, such as his two anime remixes, a trend which, he explains, is "only because I'm starting to actually make revisions." Case in point: I listened to a pair of in-progress versions of this mix, and I can definitely say that the revisions have helped significantly. This mix is "chill" style, a genre of music I have only recently started to become attached to.

We begin with some very soothing airy pads and some synthetic bass riffs. Soon a relaxing, effective drumloop kicks in. It's only one loop, played throughout the song, (a trademark of OverCoat's style, one might contend) but it's a good loop. In some styles of music, more variation in the drums would be a necessity, but here, the calm loop is effective and doesn't really ever grate. Even after listening to the mix at least four times, I can't say I've gotten annoyed at the looping of the drums. The lead is played by a fiddle, with an interesting echo applied to it; somehow, it conjures the image of a path through one of those Seiken Densetsu forests. The echo adds a dreamlike quality to it, so that the mix really starts to chill the listener out.

Not having heard the original, I don't have much to compare it to, but I can guess which parts of the song are original, and OverCoat has certainly done enough to mix things up and make the song original. There's some nice variation in the things the instruments play, especially a wonderful solo in the vicinity of 2:26-2:36 by a flutelike, bubbly synth. The chord progression appears to have been modified to be more calming, in true "chill" style.

Now, one thing that this mix certainly lacks is a high-octane, high-energy section: that's not an accident, because it wouldn't fit with the song's mood. However, one could still make an argument that the song is perhaps a little too slow and not varied enough. The instruments don't play the same thing over and over again, but the instrumentation is not highly dynamic: there is some variation, though, and for me it's enough.

Not perfect, but calming and carefully crafted, I look forward to seeing more like this. (Gee, now I'm starting to sound like Mythril "I look forward to seeing more from you" Nazgul.


I'm torn on this one. On one hand, this takes you into a whole new world. It's the kind of music you can close your eyes and visualize yourself in some kind of dramatic setting of your choice. On the other, it is kind of simple and a little repetitive. Don't get me wrong, I like everything that's there but it sounds like something that could have been presented in a few minutes at the most, rather than four and a half. For something like this, I can see it going six or seven minutes easily and remaining completely enjoyable if more ideas were introduced and implemented well.

God, I freaking love that violin, though.


One drum loop is pretty hard to pull off if you ask me but like mDuo13 said, the loop is good. It sits nicely with the other instruments and although it definitely serves its purpose, it does not detract from or carry the mix. The driving repetition of not just the drum loop but the other melodic elements (esp. the simple and effective bass line) really does a good job of underscoring the subtle variations and solos that appear at opportune points in the song to keep everything feeling fresh and engaging.

My favorite element is certainly the violin. Its a nice sample made even more beautiful by the reverb/cross-delay work. The delay timing on the 'flute' sounds a little off in places but that doesn't lose too many cool points.

Overall, really great stuff and yeah, congrats on your first OCRemix.


Having heard the original, it certainly goes to a different angle.

The drum beat is not a problem; it may seem incredibly simple, but then again.. pull anything off very well and it is likely others may think it easy to do.

I gotta agree, though, the delayed synth flute... bleh. Samples from the original might've done better, or perhaps an alternative instrument (i.e. more violin!!).

But, still very well done.



I kinda gotta reiterate now after hearing the track a couple of times, but asfter listening to this song while waking up the flutes came off as a counter-balance, of a sorts, to try and show how etheral it can be wandering aimlessly.


I dig it! It makes you wanna rock in your seat a bit, doesn't it?

My only complaint is that the background synth pad gets to be a little overwhelming. Stays on the same chord the whole time, which *could* work quite well if it were softer, maybe? That would also help bring out more of that deep, grainy synth.

The drop-out and subsequent build-in section was a great touch. I likes. ^_^



Congrats on getting your 1st mix posted on OCR, it was about time :)

I really dig this man. Although some of the analog/synth layers are not really what I'd use myself, I really found myself entering and enjoying this track. Really love the parts with the violin, it really takes the whole ambience in the back to a new level. Really like the sounds of your tranquil yet effective percussion kit/performance as well.

I must admit the fadeout was a tad disappointing, and fast! (at least for my taste) But as a whole I really enjoy this piece, it's a keeper.


Very tranquil, I would give the song a somewhat "eerie" label, but that is definitely reserved for the synth flutes... specifically :) Personally, I feel that a solid, soft guitar line with any effect that would give it a metallic (yes, without the 'a') sound would tighten the song, like an ever-spinning swing.

The ill-complexity of the drums provides great substance of the "Chill Factor". It seems the intention is not to make your head bounce all over the place, and it is intended well. Instrument correlation is the winner here.


It's about time.

This is possibly the best remix SOC has ever put out. I've had this since its initial release at VGMix. My only complaint (a suggestion, rather) is that the synth flute feels incomplete; with some trippy panning tricks it would be perfect. [EDIT: I'm using the VGMix version as reference; I don't know if it's been fixed here yet.]

Welcome to OCR, OverCoat.


Okee-dokee, here's what I think of this one.

I'm liking the groove that's goin' on. The pads and atmospherical paddy-type instruments and filtering effects are well executed. Some may have problems with the sythetic flute panning around the speakers and phasing in wierd directions, but I'm not one to be hatin' on it since I love effects. The violin sounds fake though, almost if not exactly like a Florenstan sound sample. Not a bad thing IMO, just something that would turn people off quite easily. The arrangement doesn't take it too far away from the original melody track. That needs to be more prominant in remixes. Good work there :)

I've heard better stuff from SOC's gigantic collection of musics and remixes (and re-remixes of other artists' stuff), but this would definately make an official debute type track here. Good job, OverCoat. :nicework:

If I may be so bold, check out "Zebesian Graveyard" and "Hearsay" among others.

I personally would like to suggest "Brinstar Overgrowth Harmony". This was quite possibly the song that got me hooked on SOC.

Other favorite (slightly more obscure) SOC moments of mine include "Himashi Nayami", "UNATCOAT", and "Omega".

But I agree, if you had to pick something that would go down well with most people, "Zebesian Graveyard" and "Hearsay" would prolly be it.


Absolutely delicious song, SOCboy, I already thought your music was awesome before, but this rises to a whole new level of greatness. Even when compared side-to-side with Dragonlord's MMZ2 ReMix (my other recent fav), it still stands out. I didn't see SOCs name at first when I downloaded it, and I was doubting that anything could hold some water in comparison to Cool Mind, but this one certainly does.

5/5, instant reccomendation SOCko.

  • 4 months later...

Very interesting...

Sounds like some sort of spy soundtrack,

it´s like watching a person search through

a place with cool music in the background.

I liked the beat.

Thanks, Coatdude.

  • 1 year later...

I like the 303 sound, but it could have better to not have the delay on all the time. If you automated the delay on and off throughout the riff it could have been more interesting.

The bass sits well in the mix.

The drums are done quite well, the delay on the snare sucessfully simulates the dead notes that would be played by a real drummer. But the beat is very repetitive.

The sustained violin notes don't sound too good as you can hear the loop points, the sample must have been very short. I'm not a big fan of the flute type sound.

It is mixed a quite well, but its all quite a mono sound apart from the stereo delays. The strings pad could do with more chorus to widen it in the mix so it doesn't come from the center but from everywhere. Also the drums are very mono. I think the delay has been overused a bit.

But apart from that it is quite a pleasant sounding piece.

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