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I too love the beginning intro to Halo. This song proved more bombastic and orchestral than other Halo remixes of the same type... Not mentioning any names...

It's a nice break from a Techno-Ridden OC.

Took you bleedin' long enough, Kris.

Seconded....Oh WOW, is this seconded. I remember Kris sending me this back when I was working on a semester project, nigh on 6 months ago. Great job, this song is epic, just epic. Really glad it made OCR, I've had it in my playlist for a LOOOOONG time now.

I too love the beginning intro to Halo. This song proved more bombastic and orchestral than other Halo remixes of the same type... Not mentioning any names...

It's a nice break from a Techno-Ridden OC.

Hahaha! Apprently I didn't get the "OC has stuff other than techno now" memo.


I guess I'll be the first nay-sayer in the bunch.

I have to agree with Larry on this one. The deviation from the original work is just not there. It sounds too much like it could be in the original game to be a remix in my book. I was looking for the drastic turn of events, the twist, if you will, and it just never happeend.

The sound is great, the timing is good, but the originality is completely missing.

Good, but not great.


I really like this. Yes, it doesn't take many risks, but the changes that have been made make it refreshing without pulling away too much. I'll be listening to this one quite a bit. =D


Maybe I'm not "hardcore" enough for this site, but I actually prefer remixes like this ... ones that are, literally, a remix of the original track with personal variations, not almost entirely new songs that happen to include bits and pieces of another buried somewhere in the mix.

(If so, can someone point me to another site more suited to my tastes?)


It's nicely done. I like it. But if I had a choice, I think I'd rather listen to the original. The whole idea of the theme is to be kicking ass and taking names while you're listening. The remix is too close to the original for my preferences, but then again, I'm not sure how you could improve it. Plus, I wish the samples in the remix were better...but then it would be really close to the original.


Wow nicely done but i dont know if this would be the best piece to remix since it is already kickass, but what do i know i dont know how to create these wondeful creations we call remixes :wink:

  • 2 weeks later...

That's another one to my favourite lists, it's awesome but some parts kind of jarred me from the feel of the song temporarily.

The begining strings were suited for the drums but felt a little weird when they first started and same with chorus when it came in... I'm not sure if it was a chorus or not but it all evened out eventually.

It got to the end it all faded out and I was like fantastic! :D But then there was a second or so with strings right after the fade and it kind of made angry, not at you though... I just loved the ending it was perfected with style and then that there was just... Jarring or something...

All in all, it was awesome and I love it.

9 / 10

  • 3 weeks later...

Very nicely done, a great mix of the Halo Theme. The drumline used is definately different than what the original was going for, but it's a very nice change-up. My only real complaint with the remix is that it seems to be a little long... I think it should end with the drum beat at 4:48, and not go into the (in my opinion) awkward fade out. Love the quiet opening with the piano though.

/clap Good job altogether Krispy. 8/10.


Man, i cant believe that someone did this great song, won' say better, cuz nothing better then the original stuff, but extremely well done version of that.....I just love Halo OST (and games) but this was the only song besides Super Green X's "Ecco The Dolphin 2 - Drift" that made me listen to the same song more than 10 times in a row.....

Well, I'm not a music expert, but i did some tunes in Audition...it ralaxes me sometimes, when im not drawing or photoshopping and i do know that u espent some time on it and congrats, it's very good

  • 1 month later...

This is really really good. I really digged the string intro and everything keeps progressing from there. It never got boring, with parts always coming out at you and the awesome and active percussion. Overall, very very epic. I've noticed ReMixers with good samples may sometimes just have a little whole note here and a little horn riff there with nothing goin on in the background, but this arrangement was very well thought out as every part was obviously given individual attention. Krispy you are teh awesome. :P

  • 1 month later...

This mix carries a powerful element to it, much like soundtracks heard in many action movies where the climax is hit...or about to be it.

Syncopation is applied tastifully which makes this piece icredible to hear to my hears. The use of the percussion with the strings makes this piece feel like a scotish battle piece...reminds me slightly of Mel Gibson in brave heart. Incredible job

  • 3 months later...
  • 6 months later...

I'll say I never was big into Halo. But the main reason I DO enjoy Halo, more than it's multiplayer, is the opening music. You did an excellent job at remastering the score. I hope your talents will inspire remixes and hope to hear more remixes from you in the future.

  • 6 months later...

I loved this song so much, that I made a video to Halo out of it. Halo Homage. I'll provide the link in a second. I HAVE COPYWRITED YOU AND OCRemix. So I hope there's no issue. I just though you would like to see what's become of your song

Homage to Halo

but this song is outSTANDING.

I get it stuck in my head all the time.

It's beautiful

  • 2 years later...

Pretty cool stuff, the percussion keeps it moving, but it's not super driving. Samples were pretty good, and though it lacked a massive melodic hook, there was a lot of good harmonic structure to maintain interest. THings started picking up a lot about 1/3 through with a cool repeating string motif and some soaring horns, that completely stopped at the halfway point, only to start building again. I wish that transition would have been a little smoother, but it didn't ruin the track for me. Overall this is a pretty nice track, featuring a lot of good textures and tone colors, and pretty competent use of quality samples. The percussive elements are really what makes the mix though.

Check it out. :-)

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