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Help Jillian Aversa (pixietricks) sing for Assassin's Creed: Revelations! Make it happen!

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  Brandon Strader said:
I remember making a couple comments on Jill's wall post yesterday about trying the Ujam thing too. Today the comments are gone and the entire site of OCR is voting for Jill. Thanks for keeping it fair, not just for me, but for every single person entering this competition.

I certainly didn't delete those comments; we're not accountable for that. As for competitions like this being fair at all, this might be a newsflash, but they aren't. I might not have used a forum mailout for this purpose - that was Larry's call, and I've said before that I want to explicitly approve all forum mailouts, and he did not get my approval, which is our issue to work out internally, but try not to assume bad faith. Also, it bears mentioning that Jill is actually site staff. We try to help all OCR artists, staff or not, but it can make a difference in some situations.


This is my gratitude for the barbecue. :3

  Brandon Strader said:
Thanks for keeping it fair, not just for me, but for every single person entering this competition.

Internet voting and fair are never in the same sentence unless you're saying they're never in the same sentence unless you're saying... etc.

I saw Zircon's post about Jill's entry before anything else. That's not unfair. At all. That's like saying it's not fair that deadmau5 gets hundreds of albums sold while yours only gets 10. Promotion is a factor, and it is a fair fight.


Well also, it's like how else are you going to filter hundreds of submissions? There is literally no fair way of doing it. If you had private judging, as many contests do, then it (a) takes forever and (B) people complain about bias anyway. You might as well have it just be community/popularity voting. The nice thing about this contest is that it does have private judging for the top 20, which means nobody can win purely on popularity. It's just been used as a filter, an approach which is IMO quite fair.

  OA said:
where's your entry, dude? I'll vote for you! :-)

I was going to make mine on Saturday or Sunday... keyword now being was. After seeing someone go from the beginning to 5th place overnight, there's no way I could even hope to be in the top 20. And it just bugs me because I'm always looking for opportunities to clean sing and I never get them, and I always just end up screaming and people cheer me on like a circus chimp, one of those little ones who dances on the street corner for a dollar.


But zirc makes a good point, when it's top 20 the winner is chosen by judges, so best of luck to you with that... should be.... interesting ;-)


You know what? This is just my personal opinion but I feel like you've got enough going on in your career as an artist already, Jill, so no offense but sit this one out. I might be wrong, but you don't have to get involved with everything that comes your way. That's the quickest road to a burn-out.


I broke my oath of never joining a social network site to vote. This had better be worth it.

Ah who am I kidding, this is totally worth it! And I don't even have to use the account anyways.

Good luck, Jillian! And thanks for all the beautiful music throughout the years!

  djpretzel said:
I certainly didn't delete those comments; we're not accountable for that. As for competitions like this being fair at all, this might be a newsflash, but they aren't. I might not have used a forum mailout for this purpose - that was Larry's call, and I've said before that I want to explicitly approve all forum mailouts, and he did not get my approval, which is our issue to work out internally, but try not to assume bad faith. Also, it bears mentioning that Jill is actually site staff. We try to help all OCR artists, staff or not, but it can make a difference in some situations.

Yeah, just want to point out that Dave's right in that I did the forum mailout around 1AM Japanese time before I crashed to sleep, so that's my fault for not coordinating anything first before sending it. The other brain fart is not realizing y'all would be awake, since it was around noon in the eastern US.

Can someone link to other community people involved in the contest? I didn't even have time to look and heard katethegreat19 is also in it! You can vote your support for multiple people, so let's make sure we support everyone from OCR that submitted an entry!

  Ferret said:
You know what? This is just my personal opinion but I feel like you've got enough going on in your career as an artist already, Jill, so no offense but sit this one out. I might be wrong, but you don't have to get involved with everything that comes your way. That's the quickest road to a burn-out.

You know what? This is just my personal opinion but I feel like you've got enough posts on these forums already, Ferret, so no offense but sit this thread out. I might be wrong, but you don't have to get involved with every thread that comes your way. That's the quickest road to making yourself look like an ass.


OMG, I just woke up to find that I'm at #2?! Unbelievable... thank you, guys. Seriously. :)!!

  Brandon Strader said:
I remember making a couple comments on Jill's wall post yesterday about trying the Ujam thing too. Today the comments are gone and the entire site of OCR is voting for Jill. Thanks for keeping it fair, not just for me, but for every single person entering this competition.

Ack, really?! I feel awful. I actually deleted my first Facebook post about the contest entirely because I realized I hadn't written the correct information on how to vote. Your comment(s) must have been on that... Swear to God, I didn't even see that you wanted to enter! You still should, though.

I do completely understand the point of view of those who believe I shouldn't have entered the contest. I have been involved in video game soundtracks already, yes... And it does always seem unfair the way these popular voting systems work.

However, public votes can only get me into the top 20 - then it's for Hans Zimmer and the judges to decide. There are a lot of amazing entries up there, and I actually joined the comp quite late (it's been open for a while), so I do think that those others have as good a shot as anyone.

I'm also trying to make a living off music, and believe me, I make no where close to a full time salary at this point even though it's the only job I have. ^_~

So yeah... I stand by my entry, but wish everyone the best of luck! If there are other OCR artists in there, by all means, vote for them too!!! :D

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