The Joker Posted March 25, 2006 Posted March 25, 2006 OMG a pic of Pix!... That made me laugh! Anyway, that is the cutest dang "picture that looked slightly seductive" that I've ever seen, now & forever it shall be known! If I was a perv I'd prolly do something really bad (you know who you are, ya pervs). Also, Rexy had the cutest little voice I've heard in a long time (That's right I used cute twice). One more thing. Wingless mix is rad funkatronics. Reminded me of the "Space Station" music in TimeSpiltters 2! Good job Nic! P.S. I'm really hyper!!! You probably couldn't tell though.
WesPip Posted March 25, 2006 Posted March 25, 2006 Called in again. Ordered a VGDJ tshirt. What a productive night.
q-pa Posted March 25, 2006 Posted March 25, 2006 Called in again.Ordered a VGDJ tshirt. What a productive night. That right there, my friend, Is almost a haiku poem. Try harder next time.
Rexy Posted March 25, 2006 Posted March 25, 2006 Called in again.Ordered a VGDJ tshirt. What a productive night. That right there, my friend, Is almost a haiku poem. Try harder next time. I thought the same thing. Do you think he realised it? Buck's wager on "no".
Jillian Aversa Posted March 25, 2006 Posted March 25, 2006 Bad news. Bad, bad news. From John: "I'm going to have to gracefully bow out of VGDJ, sooner rather than later. I won't have time for it anymore. I'm sorry honey, but I've got to keep my eye on the prize, and you're tight, nubile VGDJ tee-shirted body is a distraction. Once again, I'm sorry for the inconvenience. --me" VGDJ needs a steady male cohost. It's not an easy job, takes a good deal of time and effort, but we gotta have someone who will really commit. Wingless did an excellent job for the short time he served, so I think we should all thank him for that. Still, this podcast has too much potential to just fade away. I have someone in mind who I might ask. In the meantime, sit tight, and let's hope this all works out somehow!
q-pa Posted March 25, 2006 Posted March 25, 2006 fuck. I was really starting to like the chemistry bettwen you guys too. Good luck geting VGDJ 2.5 off the ground, whenever it comes... IMO 1.0 = Rayza & Aurora, 1.5 = Rayza & pixietricks, 2.0 = pixietricks & Wingless
ILLiterate Posted March 25, 2006 Posted March 25, 2006 VGDJ needs a steady male cohost Why male? The VGDJ sandwich doesn't have to have sausage in it (get Rexy, her voice = instant downloads)
The Unsung Plumber Posted March 25, 2006 Posted March 25, 2006 Bad news. Bad, bad news. From John:"I'm going to have to gracefully bow out of VGDJ, sooner rather than later. I won't have time for it anymore. NOOOO! John is the best! Well at least pixie isn't leaving...Right? And on an unrelated note, Where can I find those VGDJ link buttons? I would like to link to it.
Nicole Adams Posted March 25, 2006 Posted March 25, 2006 *cries and applauds The Wingless* I loved you guys both as hosts; you two just totally clicked, in my opinion. John did a great job and I wish him all the best at Midway. I'm gonna miss his super sexay voice. *lol* I hope you find a new co-host soon, pixie!
Jillian Aversa Posted March 25, 2006 Posted March 25, 2006 I've thought about having two female cohosts, but I think that would significantly change the dynamic of the show, and not necessarily for the better. The male/female banter is one huge reason people enjoy listening to VGDJ. Also, it wouldn't be an accurate representation of the OCR community when there are very few gals around in the first place. Please hold off your host speculations for now. If you have any suggestions, feel free to PM me, but let's not litter the thread with that sorta thing. <3 <3 <3 EDIT: lancer130, You can steal the VGDJ banner from my sig. ^_~
reelmojo Posted March 26, 2006 Posted March 26, 2006 Aww man, The Wingless was good. I just did a parody of him for FunnyHaHa too... a sure fire sign of respect... no matter how bad my impression was. Good luck in future endevours, Wingy.
Dhsu Posted March 26, 2006 Posted March 26, 2006 Wingless - 1DrumUltima + 1 I have to say, that is an uncanny resemblance.
Rexy Posted March 26, 2006 Posted March 26, 2006 Well damn, I feel sorry for hearing about Wing bailing out like this In the short time I've heard him he did well to add some black representation to the show, and we are also glad to see that WinglessMix also came in time to make his moments shine on. Still, I understand how rough it would be, but whatever happens, I say best of luck to John and his future endeavours (presumably at Midway, no less). And to whoever thought I should work with Pixie, Jill hit it nail on the head; two females would mean a moderately inaccurate reperesentation of OCR. Besides, I think Nicole would do a better job filling in for Pixie should *she* go AWOL O.o Anyway, for whichever male host that comes along, I welcome him aboard and will hope to see a good future that comes out of the application.
DrumUltimA Posted March 26, 2006 Posted March 26, 2006 Wingless - 1DrumUltima + 1 I have to say, that is an uncanny resemblance. Aww thank you
Zarggg Posted March 26, 2006 Posted March 26, 2006 ZOMG action shot! That looks so comfy. I bet those cushions are soft. As for a new host... It's something I wouldn't mind doing (and is something I've secretly wanted to do), but (A) I have little time and ( I'd be scared shitless.
TCK Posted March 26, 2006 Posted March 26, 2006 Hmm, I'll certainly be able to put myself into the pot of people willing to fill in. Lord knows I've got the time.
Jillian Aversa Posted March 26, 2006 Posted March 26, 2006 No offense, guys, but there are some hosting qualifications. We need someone who is very on top of the scene, musically experienced, confident, fun, and at least in a compatible time zone. I'd really appreciate it if you guys would PM me if you feel the need to discuss possible cohosts. I don't want this to become some big, dramatic thing.
tgfoo Posted March 26, 2006 Posted March 26, 2006 Look at that, the Wingless just made me cry. I'm pretty sure that that is some sorta form of black on black crime, and as my buddy Rob always used to tell me, that just ain't cool.
Martin Penwald Posted March 26, 2006 Posted March 26, 2006 Isn't Larry going to move somewhere near to pixietricks? Hmmmm...
Rexy Posted March 26, 2006 Posted March 26, 2006 There may be a life outside of VGF after all. But still, speculation ensues!
Upthorn Posted March 26, 2006 Posted March 26, 2006 Seriously, if there's not a class scheduling conflict or such, I'd suggest DrumUltima. I mean, he's right there, he has a talent for spontaneous humor, he seems reasonably on top of the community, and his call-ins have shown good confidence and stage presence. (I know pixie asked for suggestions to be PMed to avoid drama and whatnot, but I'm having trouble seeing this suggestion being very controversial.)
Rexy Posted March 26, 2006 Posted March 26, 2006 If that's the case, he'd probably be the first VGDJ host that hasn't at all had any mixes on OCR yet. I think that's what's going to be the issue here, unfortunately. I mean, I take Pixie's word that he's a cool guy and everything, but I think that thought needs to get out there, is all.
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