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Legacy: Game Boy 25th Anniversary - History


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1. 25 remixes is doable, but I'm willing to sacrifice tracks that aren't done by the last cut-off point . It's better to release the best of what we have then put out a mix of quality. It's not fair to everyone, especially the listeners.

2. April is a target to strive for, but without knowing what kind of release schedule OCR has until then... Worst case scenario, the album gets released independently. But I doubt it would be that bad. OCR has a good history with releases and making them work.

3. I'm still willing to help when I can, but this last year was brutal for free time. This winter I have more (and since it's cold outside, I plan to be indoors by a computer more, so I should be around more until the end.

4. I do appreciate that WillRock took over and even managed to keep it going. I will send him a robotic hand-job machine for his efforts. (Not a valid offer, see details below*)

5. I also am glad that despite the activity of the people in charge, most of you still put the time and effort in. Thank you, especially for being patient. No robotic anythings for any one, though. I'm not made of money or robot stuff.

*Offer not valid at all, in any way. Attempts to make your own robotic hand-job machine can, and likely will, result in severe injury. Do not try this, for the love of god. If you do, I'm not responsible for anything that happens. Unless it works out great, then I get some credit. Maybe a percentage of all sales. But if not, then I don't want anything to do with this matter.

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Just putting some alternate ideas out there that involve less work.

Someone could do an EP, maybe 6-7 tracks where some people just pick a GB song they like and arrange that, with no specific game or genre requirements.

In the effort to keep it tight, you could also restrict the game choices to launch titles, of which Super Mario Land and Tetris were the main draws.

There's definitely no album coming on April 21, but if someone wanted to run a short, compo-style quick creation of an EP in time for the North American release date (July 31), that could work.

If someone else wants to pick this back up with a fresh approach, they should start a new thread.

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Wow I forgot this existed :-D Is this album going forward smoothly or do you need me to take it over, Will? LOL I kid :lol: I ain't got time for that :lol:
Ok guys heres the deal.

Damned has basically quit the project, he's too busy.

i'm also working on other projects right now, I'm willing to help out but not as a co-director duty.

Anyone who is willing to take over this project, shoot me a PM.

If not, I'll be forced to close this out :(

WOW. I was joking dude. :cry:

Sure gimme it I'll album it up, hahaha. I'll start by deciding on the new direction for the album, and go from there.

For me, coordinating albums is like checking my email. It's.... part of life.

Only snag I can see is if OCR Staff has a problem with 1 guy directing 8 albums at once (exaggeration I hope), but hopefully they can see past that and recognize a raw wellspring of dedication where it lay.

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i'll message tgh, but since mine and his song is already done i'm gonna see if we can just push ours to another album idea (like LT mentioned) or if we'll just submit it as is.

that is if this doesn't get taken over by someone else.

You could submit the mix to the panel anyway, and say it's a project mix. If there doesn't end up being a project, just let a judge know and they can move it to the regular list.

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