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Final Fantasy VII 'Fighting (7/8 Jazz Spiritual)'

This is a really nice piece of work, although I can’t say I’d like to listen to a lot of this genre, this mix is well done. Except, what gets at my nerves at the back of my spin, is when people put vocals in a mix, spoken word, lyrical, sung, or otherwise, and they are not audible enough to understand. I’m repeating this mix over and over trying to get what is being said, but I can’t make sense of it. Either make it audible, or leave it out, because it’s a major annoyance. Good stuff, Lau, just pump up the volume on your mic some.

  • 8 months later...

If you're looking for originality, you've come to the right place. It's almost like there's some telepathy of minds lurking around at OCR since Quinn Fox's Smooth Alexander also likes to totally rework the battle theme of a Final Fantasy. I can understand the second sentence at the beginning if I'm wearing my headphones with the sound turned all the way up but the first sentence I couldn't repeat for the life of me (it sounds like "reach [something] into the heavens" where the something could either be "up" or "not"). The understandable part: "When it's time for this planet to die, you'll understand, we are absolutely...nothing."

This 'Mix is all over the place. Very Unique. I can't say I like it personally, but the way he sets up the genre and keeps it from repeating too much is amazing and is why I don't skip it in the playlist whenever the time comes when I have to do homework for 7 hours and Final Fantasy comes, perhaps giving me a reason to like it personally. Some songs were just meant to be heard. We haven't heard from Lau in awhile. I wonder...

One final announcement - at 5:11 there is some distortion: minus 244234 points out of 92423525!


Just when I start to think I've heard every song on this site, this review gets bumped from the depths of the message board. I love this mix, but I'm a sucker for unusual time signatures. Some great stuff going on here. My only complaint is that it's a little long--I think if the song was made a little tighter, it would make it that much more enjoyable.

And I'm pretty sure it's "Reach not into (unto?) the heavens." But I could be wrong.

  • 5 months later...

This is probably one of the best pieces I've listened to on this site yet - very creative use of the battle theme in a VERY unexpected, yet no less effective, way. It's very atmospheric and the instrumentation is great. Many composers who attempt 7/8 or other less common time signatures end up with their songs feeling choppy and forced, but this composition is very smooth. This guy knows his jazz. My only complaints are the voices that come in near the beginning and near the end - at first the words are a bit too recognizable, which makes it too easy to focus on what the voices are saying, and towards the end, it sounds like 3 of the same person talking all at once, which sounds a bit muddy. The vocals could work effectively, given more attention from the composer. I also feel that this should be a bit longer. Anybody who's seen a small jazz combo play something like this knows that they can go on for 10, 15, even 20 minutes if they want to. I'm not saying it should be 20 minutes long, I just think that it could have developed some more.

  • 3 months later...

Well, I've certainly never heard a FFRemix quite like this one! :wink: VERY unique and creative,... I couldn't really hear a definite FF7 Battle, but when the FF8 took over, I could definitely make it out. Totally cool new way to create a remix. 8)

  • 4 months later...

This is really unique. I wasn't sure what to expect, but I LOVE the easier sound this has. Don't get me wrong. I love alotta heavy bass in remixes and stuff, but to see a battle theme turned into something so... easy. I'm truly impressed. This is something I could leave playing all night and wake up without a headache. Well done! ^_^

  • 2 weeks later...
  • 3 months later...

For reference, the talking in the beginning of this piece is the beginning of Bugenhagen's lecture on the planet, minus a few lines in the middle.

"Reaching up into the heavens, threatening to snatch the very stars from the great city of Midgar. You're seen it, haven't you? Well, that's a bad example. Looking up too much makes you lose perspective. When it's time for this planet to die, you'll understand that you know absolutely nothing."

That's the entire section, bolded parts are the parts that are in the song.

(Obviously this is one of my favorite remixes if not my favorite remix on this site, or I wouldn't have gone through the trouble of finding this out.)

  • 7 months later...

Wow... this stuff gets fast and skillful.

I am impressed.

Very interesting spin, though I'm not too familiar with the source material (yeah, there's like 5 of us on earth...) it definitely is good for a few listens.

Very intriguing mood to this piece. I like it a lot.

  • 3 weeks later...

Bigass vast improvement over the Summer Samba thing from long long ago. I'm just kind of sad that the mumbling at the first is completely unintelligible--glad somebody translated it, heh.

It's very original. To me, it's almost not so much a remix of the song as it is his own song with the essence of Fighting. The different instruments used throughout make a huge compliment to the song, and I just really enjoy it, even though the bass almost sometimes sounds out of key. That might be just because it's so low it's--it's as unintelligible as the mumbling at first. ;) I love 3:30, though, even if the funny "waoowayyoowayyooo" voice thing is ... special.

  • 5 months later...

It´s very hard to believe that THIS is the fighting song from FF7, but truth is, it is, and Laudude has done some serious work with this. The speech in the beginning was rather foggy, couldn´t hear those words, good thing lucubrator heard some. This was a very groovy mix, with an extra O in it. Had some nice piano to it and nice cymbals working together with a kewl synth and a organ. You don´t know the true meaning of "chill" if you haven´t heard this one. Thanks again, Lau.

  • 4 months later...

Now this is creative! The suspense from a fight is replaced with the jazzy/mellow feel. Now that's contrast at its best. And it goes really well too! This definitely needs stage time at a jazz club. Overall, the entire package, the mixing and the improvisations alike are amazing. Good work, Lau!

Yeah, I could've sworn I posted on this thread too...I guess not.

  • 1 year later...
  • 11 months later...

This song is amazingly chill. I love the way you blend the different pianos. Great EP playing too, I loved the tone you had. Anyone know what kind of piano that was? I love jazz/lounge music and this was a great example of it. Good stuff to relax to, keep up the good work.

  • 4 weeks later...
  • 2 months later...

The vocals are hard to discern at the beginning, and they were a bit too dry when they made chanting appearances and could have used some reverb to fit in better. Once things got going, it's a very chill and pretty well-produced track. The whole ambiance fits except for the vocals, and takes the room sound of something with a low ceiling.

Some of the higher rhodes notes get a little piercing, and there was a massive clip at the very end, but i was feeling the groove on this one.

The arrangement is stellar; I love when remixers turn a track on it's head, but still make it recognizable. The drums were just keeping time, but when the rhodes and piano are both so busy, there isn't much room left. There were plenty of

Overall with the exception of the ending noise spike and the vocals not fitting into the mix, this is pretty awesome.

  • 6 years later...
  • Liontamer changed the title to OCR00455 - Final Fantasy VII "Fighting (7/8 Jazz Spiritual)"
  • 5 weeks later...

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