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All the comments that DJP made in his obligitory writeup are true, almost to an unbelievable state. I've played enough of Earthbound to know its supposed to sound strange, but this ReMiX takes it to a new level, but personally, I think it works quite well. Great job Mazedude!


So... much... disonance...

I love you mazedude, and I love Earthbound's soundtrack; in fact, it's my second favourite of all time, but it's pretty clear this isn't anything groundbreaking... but you knew that submitting it. Didn't you... DIDN'T YOU!?!

That said; there's some great stuff in here. There's a few beautiful solo moments and it's overall pretty fun.

Keep up the good work.


This is really a superb mix if you ask me...it pretty much is a caricature of Earthbound's general grooviness. For me it just conjures up that image of the wavy background colors during battles...I dunno, that whole game was on acid. Great mix though, 8 out of 10 in my book.


I feel honored that my request to Mazedude got posted here.

I've been dying to hear a remix of Battle 1 for years and I always knew Mazedude would be the perfect choice for it.

Thankfully he had some spare time and I brought it up to him during a convo and lo and behold, here it be on OCR.

Hot stuff, Chris. Good to see it up here!


Just, wacky...In a good way. Mazedude has wonderful versatility, I didn't ever think he would come up with something this weird :P The simple pattern in the background gets a little tiring but there's still enough to listen to.

Hey if Shnabubula likes it, then it must be good :P



Looks like they liked it. :)

But seriously, I don't know what to think of this. It's just...plain crazy. It really captured the weird nature of the game. Anyway that doesn't stop me from liking this remix. It even gave me the goosebumps.

Good Job, Mazedude.


SO GOOOOOD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Of course the music student (graduate?) loves it. :P

But I just wanted to say that I wholeheartedly agree with him. Mazedude never ceases to, well...amaze. Simply incredible arrangement.


This actually did a perfect job of representing the backwords, bizzaro aspect of Moonside. I find that all the Earthbound remixes here are marvelous works of art and that we need more of them.

Again, nice job.


This is a very very bad attempt at making music. Whether maze was going for a 20th century avant guardesque sound or just trying to be original, this song soundly fails to do either. I suggest you pick up some J.S. Bach and listen to what battling organs REALLY should sound like. Next time go for a baroque style, not some ridiculous random jumble of notes pasted together. And don't bother quoting this and replying with "you just don't understand modern music" if you've never studied Schoenberg.


Finally!! He returned!!

This ReMix is great!! Really great!!

I like when it is weird!! Creative jobs are always Mazedude!!

Cool title, with great proportion of ideas, good use of instrumentation, clean resources...ack, he never stop with cool things. His songs are really excellent on these several years of creativity!!

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