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Beating Donkey Country 64.

Lol, that took me a while. Big ass game. Actually 105%ed it too. That took some doing, mainly cuz beating the original Donkey Kong is hard as balls. Good luck man.

For me, getting my anger issues under control. My son is nearly one and I will NOT be a negative role model for him in any way I can control.


I've been keeping up with what I've done about every 6 months since last January and have tried to write down goals every time to push myself to do and learn as much as possible. I find that if I set a lot of high goals and try to reach all of them I usually have a pretty good year, even if I don't quite do them all.

Some of my goals for 2012 are:

1.) Do at least 5 paid music composition gigs, 2 paid sound design gigs, and 3 paid performances.

2.) Win AMTA composition contest again.

3.) Improve my orchestral production values to a much higher standard.

4.) Release 2 small percussion Kontakt libraries.

5.) Progress on my remixes for the Dragon Warrior and Secret of Mana projects :)

6.) Learn cajon and at least 2 new instruments.

7.) Revamp website.


1. Finish my university degree

2. Starting my own business

3. Continuing my work-out efforts to regain the weight I had when I started my stay at university

3. Trying to get nearer to an OCRemix Level

4. Perhaps write my own synth plugin


I don't usually place year-long goals since I almost always have enough further goals to achieve. I could list some though, since hopefully this year will be a turning point in my life, as I've worked hard for it.

1. Finish losing weight/getting fit. With this rate it'll happen in about 2 months, and I've been fat for most of my life, so you can guess how much it changes things for me :P

2. Start getting more socially active in general again. The focus on my workout and diet has almost gotten me into a total recluse. Then again, it was a price I paid gladly to finally get this done.

3. Learn new things, get better at things (like playing guitar) etc. etc.

  • 11 months later...

Bump! I was curious how I did this year? Here's what I said before:

Oh boy...this is going to bite me later on.

-Submit at least three ReMixes, have at least one ReMix posted by MAGfest 11

-Maintain or have a weight lower than 160 lbs (currently 187)

-Get involved in a relationship

-Get a kickass internship/part time job

-Be more social than I currently am (less YouTube specifically)

-Submit at least three ReMixes, have at least one ReMix posted by MAGfest 11

Well...that's going to have to wait for that. 2013 maybe?

-Maintain or have a weight lower than 160 lbs (currently 187)

I was actually 197 lbs back then (weight scale was wrong), and I'm around 194 and dropping.

-Get involved in a relationship


-Get a kickass internship/part time job

This I did accomplish! And I got another one!

-Be more social than I currently am (less YouTube specifically)

I'd say so.

How'd everyone's year go?

I didn't post in the last thread? Where was I? :cry:

Well I guess I can start fresh here then...

-Go back to college

-Make a youtube series

-Make a regular income from recording music

-Learn to cope with loss better

-Get new glasses (this might sound lame but I've had the same since 2009)

-Contribute to the circle of life

-Donate blood more often

No on every single thing.


Put back on the 20 lbs. of muscle I lost this year due to some random health issue that seems mostly resolved by now.

Get contracted to write VGM or otherwise paid to write some music.

Get several mixes accepted by OCR.

Contribute to an OCR album.

Learn to draw/pixel art.

Win a damn Mega Man compo. Next time...

As I've been posting on FB, etc, my goal this year is to compose and release a new original album for sale, including physical copies and available sheet music. Yup. I've gotta learn a ton of shit to pull this off...

So... yeah. I think I'll need to save this for this next year. :/

Goal accomplished!

For 2012 i want to spend some more time on my own stuff, both original music and remixes. I love helping everyone, but i got like, very little done myself this year. :-)

I created a ton more music this year than last and had 7 mixes released with several on deck. If im lucky, ill have 8 by the end of the year. ;-)

I'd call that a success.

I apparently didn't post a resolution last year, but I definitely was on the 'Get the Inbox Up to Date' train. That was accomplished, too!

This year I want to get my votes up to date, and submit a mix of my own creation :)

Up to date...not so much.

Submitting a mix of my own creation...not totally, but took a pretty good step forward on that.

1/2 success!

My 2012 resolution - same as my 2011 one. Do 20+ pull ups, over 100 crunches in 2 minutes, and run faster than a 18 minute three mile. I probably won't accomplish it but hopefully I get close.

Looks like I didn't get close, although I did the middle one pretty early. I don't know about the run portion - I think 1 1/2 months ago I could have accomplished that, but I'm not really sure.

My resolutions for 2013:

1. Get in better shape (did a marginal job this year)

2. Finish a marathon in under 4 hours.

I don't make New Year's resolutions, but I do have a few long-term goals that were already in place.

- Get paid for scoring a game that gets released (I've been paid for scoring a game that may or may not ever see the light of day, already, haha).

- Learn to play guitar with some measure of competence.

- Keep ingesting less sugar and play sports more often.

- Get my associate's degree and move onto the last two years of college.

- Obtain necessary equipment for "full band" mobile recording setup, record some local bands, then make a profit.

Hm, let's see. I'm in the midst of scoring a game that should see release on Steam early next year, and I got my associate's degree and am now at university. I am playing sports with some more frequency, although I do still ingest a lot of sugar.

I'd say 2.5/5 ain't bad at all.


To go down a cup size. The weight can move around to the rest of my body for all I care, but my back is unhappy and I need to do something about it.

And start art again. I haven't done a single sketch or anything in over a year now.

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