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Sonic the Hedgehog 'Lightning Star'

Wee, its punk! Something even my crazy sister could appreciate, not like all of this techno crap I listen to. And I must say this one is very nice. It is high energy head banging on the way in and Hawaiian skirt swinging mellow on the way out. Excellent mix, jaxx, well done.

  • 3 weeks later...

(originally posted Nov. 29, 2001 02:04 AM)


Lightning Star (Sonic the Hedgehog)


by JAXX. You may remember him from such remixes as Chrono Trigger's "No Time," and Super Puzzle Fighter II Turbo's "The Bitch is Back."

JAXX...damn man. unfuckinbelievable. I could NOT get this song out of my head all day today. In the song, from 0-0:26, my favorite part is definitely the drums. Then I go crazy for the lead guitar from 0:38-1:05 (particularly the squeals at 0:52 & 0:55). At 1:18 the song slides into a mandatory finger snap thingy-dealy. The transition is...I can't think of anything else that doesn't sound remotely corny. 10 slices JAXX. Unprecedented. Unbelievable. Unnotlistentoable.

Folks, these opinions are just that. I ain't a remixer. I'm a listener. But if you've been a regular visitor to the message boards since July 10th of 2001, you already know that. Please, listen to this more than once before you make your own opinions. I didn't appreciate "Lightning Star" until I listened to it at least 3 or 4 times. Listen to it through decent speakers. And keep comin' back.

Kudos to JAXX.

Well done sir. Well done.

  • 3 months later...
  • 1 month later...

the unbiased reviewer give this selection a 9.5/10.

i loved the lightning star level in Sonic. so of course i remember the music. the orignal music was a slow swing beat which was good. but here comes JAXX with some electric guitars and some nasty jazz and totally kicks some serious ass. this is amazing, the beginning is hardcore elect guitar stumming. then he smacks you in the face with some slow jazz at 1:20. i thought the end of the song was a little abrupt and quick but it does the job. the beginning is also abrupt. there is no definite intro, it just jumps into the elect guitar which can be either good or bad.

all i can say is, this song is too short. after i was done listening, i was begging for more.

  • 1 month later...
10 slices JAXX. Unprecedented. Unbelievable. Unnotlistentoable.


How could that be so funny, yet so true? Just today I decided that I've been neglecting the reviews forum for far too long and decided to post some reviews of my favorites. Once I get to one I've been playing the song on repeat so I know more what I'm talking about in the review. When I saw the thread for this one I was excited because that means I get to listen to Lightening Star! There really aren't words to describe this mix (which I guess is why Mr. Pizza made up his own), its just THAT good.

All men are created equal, all songs are not. Every once in a while a song comes along that is simply perfect in every way. Sonic 1's Star Light Zone was home to such a song. It was quite possibly one of the best songs ever created. Why anyone would think they could improve upon it is beyond me... but JAXX, you've succeeded. You've proved many wrong and you've improved upon perfection. I'm not even going to put the nice work guy here, because this is better than nice work. And I think I'm only still typing so that I don't move on to another review and have to press stop for this song. Trust me, anyone who's reading this who hasn't heard it, it truly is THAT good.

  • 1 month later...

This is one GREAT Song :lol: ! I mean, i'm a real big fan of the original of this track (Starlight Zone). it sounds more rock than game now. I love it. Crap it! But, as I try to make a Sonic remix it won't work ( :banghead: )See yaz later!


AAAHHHHHH IT'S ROCK WITHOUT A STRONG TECHNO INFLUENCE!!!!!! WHAT HAS THIS SITE COME TO?? This is a simply beautiful remix... I love it. It NEVER drags for a second, it NEVER does some random (them)techno effect just for the hell of it, it NEVER gets annoying.... unless of course you weren't in the mood for a (seventies moment time) rockin' loud good time. 8/8

  • 2 months later...
  • 1 month later...


I really like this one ^_^

The only gripe I have is the slow half.

While its not bad by any means, it sounds like a mix of two remixes...which I dont like, I would have preferred an all fast rocky one and an all slower Jazzy one than this.

Nevertheless, Im keeping it because its just so awesome.


I love this, the overpowering guitar chords are really fun and the ska type takeover later on shows some very funky effects. A very listenable mix. I'd give it probably9.5\10 because I really loved the heavy hitting but nice rhythms of the chord patterns in the first half, which are reminiscent of some of the tracks out of sonic adventure 2. Very nice, and as DJP put it, the first half does sound a lot like greenday, don't agree with the Frank Sinatra bit though :)

  • 6 months later...

The increased tempo for this song totally changes the effect it gives. It's not a bad thing, though, in fact it's quite good. The build up is great, until the ending. I think the song ended a bit prematurely. The contrast between the two halves is done well, but splitting this into two shotrter songs would not hurt it.

Overall, I enjoyed this song though, a lot.

90.5%. Excellent!



I loved the rock influence the whole time. It wasn't that calming tune I loved, yet it still was great. The upbeat uh...beat really got me off guard, so it took me awhile to get used to, but when I did I loved it...then the soft rock/jazzy like part came. That totally turned me off, even til today. No offense, but I really dislike this tune(but others really do). It sounded too much like Mario (0_o), and I just didn't like it. But everything else was great.

  • 8 months later...
  • 4 months later...

good song jaxx, but i guess you could of made each part seperate and made them longer? either way, i love the song, and it had me in it's spells for weeks before i decided to get another "fix" here at OC.... =D

  • 1 year later...
  • 2 weeks later...

This remix makes me smile, how this arrangement goes from agressive and fast punk rock into a calm and jamming country session is beyond my mind.

Then I guess I too need to decide which part I like most. The first part was definitly kicking ass and exciting, but it sounded almost too chaotic for me. Too much action. I found the other half more relaxing and enjoyable, since I'm bit of a fan of acoustic guitar.

This remix is like a battery, two different ways to use a guitar in each end, but when you sum it up it becomes even. There's a big chans that at least one side will interest someone, so everyone who haven't listened to this yet really should.

Another smash hit from J, A, double-X. Tune in.

  • 6 months later...
  • 1 year later...

Guitar tone was a bit grainy on the leads, but the rhythms sounded nice, and there was a lot of energy to keep this one moving. Very rocking, and though I thought the transition was pretty weak, the second section was a cool direction to go in.

I was grooving on it, and then it abruptly ended. :/

Production was a bit rougher but worked overall, but the transition and ending were a little lazy. Still holds up pretty well though. :-)

  • 7 months later...

I like the genre switch, that worked well for me. The bass writing in the swing section was quite bad, it really throws me off. Walking bass should support the piece instead of wander aimlessly. The heavy distortion lead guitar in the first half was somewhat choppy in both sound and performance. There also seem to be a few guitar note choices that could've been chosen more carefully in both sections.

Looks like nobody else in this thread minded these things much, though, so you should check it out. The first section was pleasantly energetic and apart from the bass the swing section was decent as well.


  • 7 months later...

THIS is a remix. It's a to-the-point rush that takes the source melody, scrunches it into a ball and shapes it into something distinct yet instantly recognisable. I'm hardpressed to choose which section I liked best as both are remarkably cool and have held up throughout the many years its been around for.

There are enough ideas present for this to be expanded to two mixes (or merely a longer one.) I hate the fact this ends so quickly and almost without much care at all, almost as if it runs off a cliff and disappears into blackness... but I can excuse that for the sheer luck that the mix is here at all.

This impresses the hell out of me, and I honestly think this represents one of the purest statements of what this site is all about. It's a combination of liberal, conservative, fresh and nostalgic elements working simultaneously towards the one vision. It's just a shame there are a few imperfections thrown in along with it.

  • 1 year later...

This was......interesting, so say the least. Not that I didn't like it. The genre switch was actually pretty cool. The production just seemed a bit....meh, but it was still okay with me. About the only thing that turns me off is the dead-stop ending. I can totally dig it.

  • Liontamer changed the title to OCR00459 - Sonic the Hedgehog "Lightning Star"

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