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Couldn't find a dedicated thread, so here we go!

Just got back, and it was AWESOME. It was really, really fun with lots of great jokes, awesome action and some really smart writing. Lots of scatterbrained spoilers up ahead, though!

I felt it was really wise of them to make HawkEye into a villain for most of the film. We hadn't seen really anything of him up to this point, so making him a villain gave him screen time to do awesome stuff.

The buildup for the Hulk was really well done, and the pay off was great.

One of my favorite scenes was the fight between Thor, Captain America and Iron Man. It was awesome to see these three square off, and when Thor hits Cap's shield...FWOOSH! Levelled half the forest!! That was so much fun!

Cap really held his own against Loki, too! Overall, I think Captain America is still my favorite Avenger. I actually really appreciated the line:

"Captain, don't even bother trying to go up against those guys, they are basically gods."

to which he replied:

"There's only one god, and he doesn't dress like that."

It was a small thing, but I am very glad they put it in. It's nice to see that a character like Captain America wasn't neutered for today's PC-heavy society.

The ending fight scene was awesome! Loved the part where Hulk just grabs Loki by his feet and wails him around! My friend laughed so hard she started snorting at that XD

But what was that teaser at the end? I didn't recognize that character, though I confess to not being much of a comic book nerd. The entire audience exploded into cheers though, so I know he must be important. Illuminate me, please!

So, yeah! Awesome movie, go see it.


Oh yeah, about the 3d, I didn't find it to add anything to the experience like it did in, say, Tintin. Given the option, I'd gladly see it in 2D over 3D, and I'm an advocate of 3D.


@Overflow, about the ending...

That guy was Thanos, one of the biggest villains of the Marvel Universe. A simple Google search will give you the answers that you're looking for.


I went to see it last week in 2d (i've never been impressed by 3d, especially the increased price) and whilst I definitely enjoyed the film, I didn't feel as amazed by it as others have been saying. Really impressed by the action though, glad that the final set piece wasn't over way too quick, like in Iron Man 1 and 2 for example.

Still I do recommend going to see it!


The movie blew my fucking face off! It was just absolutely perfect. Childhood came to life. Extremely satisfied. I was so awestruck and happy when all the shit went down and everybody was just fighting, that I started getting teary eyed. Water works of pure bliss. It was everything I had wished and hoped for. Joss Whedon did a bang up job.

Oh let's not forget the amazing soundtrack! Alan Silvestri. He delivers! Loved the ending score. Just had that epic heroic sound and feel to it.


I'm not a huge superhero film fan but I was an extra for the film during the scenes shot in Cleveland, so I was all about seeing it opening day. Plus, with Joss Whedon directing, I expected witty dialogue and characters with depth. That's precisely what Whedon delivers in 'The Avengers' -- a film that perhaps represents the most fun you can have in a theater. It's formulaic but well-done (and the second bonus scene is fantastic).

I'm not a huge superhero film fan but I was an extra for the film during the scenes shot in Cleveland, so I was all about seeing it opening day. Plus, with Joss Whedon directing, I expected witty dialogue and characters with depth. That's precisely what Whedon delivers in 'The Avengers' -- a film that perhaps represents the most fun you can have in a theater. It's formulaic but well-done (and the second bonus scene is fantastic).

I'm right by Cleveland too. Ohio was so hyped about it being filmed there :P

And superheroes with depth. Mmhm. The interaction between Iron Man and Cap'n Murka gave me a narrative boner. Seriously.

I'm not a huge superhero film fan but I was an extra for the film during the scenes shot in Cleveland, so I was all about seeing it opening day. Plus, with Joss Whedon directing, I expected witty dialogue and characters with depth. That's precisely what Whedon delivers in 'The Avengers' -- a film that perhaps represents the most fun you can have in a theater. It's formulaic but well-done (and the second bonus scene is fantastic).
So when I go see this, where are you so I can point you out to my friends and pretend I'm incredibly well connected?
I couldn't help feel that The Avengers is just a kid playing with action figures. A big mashup, where every scene is a "wouldn't it be cool if...?" I don't see this as entirely a bad thing, though.

Exactly! My best friend and I were talking about that. How when we were kids playing with the toys and just wondering if a movie would ever happen.


I really got tired of the non-stop torrent of superhero movies but this movie was really really really good!

Thor started to win me back over when it came out last year. It was good but I didn't think they did nearly enough with it. My biggest fears were that the movie was not going to be big enough or The Hulk was going to ruin it.

I'm already thinking of seeing it again next weekend! Though I really can't figure out exactly what was so great about the post-credit scene. They left it open for a sequel? That's been going on for decades. ;-)

The good guys win in the end /spoiler


The movie was pretty good in my opinion. They managed to do a fairly good job balancing the amount of characters in the movie, and I enjoyed the dialogue. Good comedy and nuggets of "food for thought". I'm not sure about the mid credits scene, I didn't know who I was lookin at...

So when I go see this, where are you so I can point you out to my friends and pretend I'm incredibly well connected?

I am one of the running/screaming NYC pedestrians in the film's final act. I wore a black shirt with a trendy hat and hipster glasses. I unfortunately couldn't spot myself when I saw it in theaters, but a friend of mine swears he saw me run right past the camera in a scene where people are being rescued from a bus. In any case, I won't know for sure until I am able to freeze-frame some action!


The film was absolutely incredible -- it definitely lived up to expectations.

One criticism I've noted is a less than stellar reception of the music by Silvestri. While I agree that the music is not memorable, the orchestral soundtrack really does help to make it feel separate from the other films, which (especially Iron Man 1/2) had a rock background. If the music succeeds, then it is because it tells us that the film is neither Iron Man 3 nor Thor 2.


Bam-bam from The Flintstones impersonation by The Hulk. Awesome.

Also, that was a really well-done rendition of Thanos at the end. It actually looks like him. I mean, they took a very non-human character and made it work right.

Here's hoping Avengers 2 will be as good, if not better.

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