Brandon Strader Posted July 6, 2012 Posted July 6, 2012 Hmm well it DOES appear to be in 16:9 based on the trailer, and the terrible terrible compression artifacts on the video seem to be a lot less noticeable... so eh. It'll definitely be worth downloading perhaps (probably not if you have the PSN version). But they need to get crack-a-lackin' on that remake. Quote
PixelPanic Posted July 6, 2012 Posted July 6, 2012 If it's over $10, I'd say skip it. Seriously, who do they think they are? Nintendo??? Quote
Clefairy Posted July 6, 2012 Posted July 6, 2012 But they need to get crack-a-lackin' on that remake. Here's the thing about that. The entire industry is caught up in a graphical arms race. So a full-on remake would need to be done to at least the standard of FF13. Given how much more world there is to render, the cost would be prohibitively expensive. And no, having the story and music and all the other secondary assets copied over wouldn't reduce the cost enough. Graphics are far and away the most expensive thing to produce in AAA game dev. For example, more man-hours of work went into skinning, rigging, modeling and animating the main character of FF12(Vaan?) than the entirety of FF7. For a remake to even have a chance of getting into the black, it would need to outsell Call of Duty five times over. At full price. Quote
Gollgagh Posted July 6, 2012 Posted July 6, 2012 why would it be so much more expensive than a full new game that's what I don't get Quote
Bleck Posted July 6, 2012 Posted July 6, 2012 For a remake to even have a chance of getting into the black, it would need to outsell Call of Duty five times over. At full price. And yet, it'd have a much higher chance of making that much money than any of the obtuse FFXIII-related bullshit they've recently released. Quote
Annie Felis Posted July 6, 2012 Posted July 6, 2012 why would it be so much more expensive than a full new gamethat's what I don't get It wouldn't, but they probably have a good ten or so Final Fantasies on the drawing board right now, and odds are they're more interested in working on those. It'd be a different story if they could outsource a remake, like they did with FF4DS. I doubt they'd want one of their graphics-heavy games going someplace else, though. Quote
Gollgagh Posted July 6, 2012 Posted July 6, 2012 And yet, it'd have a much higher chance of making that much money than any of the obtuse FFXIII-related bullshit they've recently released. yes, ex-fucking-actly Quote
Brandon Strader Posted July 6, 2012 Posted July 6, 2012 They've made enough money with re-releases of FF7 to pay for a remake, they just keep losing that money on new games that suck. Quote
Thalzon Posted July 6, 2012 Posted July 6, 2012 Final Fantasy 13 sold over 6 million copies. If they lost money on THAT venture they are doing things very, very wrong. Quote
Brandon Strader Posted July 6, 2012 Posted July 6, 2012 Final Fantasy 13 sold over 6 million copies. If they lost money on THAT venture they are doing things very, very wrong. They've also released and published dozens of other games in that time that have done a lot worse. Quote
ocre Posted July 6, 2012 Posted July 6, 2012 Square Enix have definitely been in a slump. People expect a true FFVII HD remake and the magically beautiful Luminous engine games to materialize when SE can't even deliver FFXIII Versus. How many years has it been since that's been announced? 6 years? Come on now. Can anyone pretend to care about that at this point? If I had a genie I would wish for Square to never have been Enixed. Quote
Clefairy Posted July 6, 2012 Posted July 6, 2012 And yet, it'd have a much higher chance of making that much money than any of the obtuse FFXIII-related bullshit they've recently released. While that's true, it's not as much higher as you think. Literally everyone who owns a console of any stripe would need to buy it to hit those numbers. Video games are more mainstream now, but they're not universally adopted yet. why would it be so much more expensive than a full new gamethat's what I don't get You know how games have, in general, been getting shorter? That's graphics-related. In the PS1 era, I'd wager Square had 75 to 100 people on the art team. Now I'll bet you good money it's 300 or more. They work longer hours, and get paid less than their peers at other companies because they love games. The company knows this, and ruthlessly exploits them for it. Even so, all those wages pile up. So games are shorter and less ambitious to keep costs reasonable. That's also why non-critical staff like testers are shuffled onto new projects or outright laid off as soon as possible during a project run. Anyone who's done that kind of work will shrug and tell you "It's the nature of the beast". That's a horrible attitude, honestly. I really hope the next generation brings some serious scaling tech, because the current production model is completely unsustainable. Quote
Toadofsky Posted July 6, 2012 Posted July 6, 2012 I'd rather have an update of Final Fantasy IX over this. Quote
BardicKnowledge Posted July 6, 2012 Posted July 6, 2012 I'd rather have an update of Final Fantasy IX over this. The thing is that FFIX holds up today -- I just started it again and am loving it. I have a very difficult time re-playing FFVII because of how terrible some of the graphics are -- it's right in the awkward middle of the 2D -> 3D transition. I prefer both FFVI and FFIX to FFVII, but VII is the one really in _need_ of an update. Quote
Melbu Frahma Posted July 6, 2012 Posted July 6, 2012 I prefer both FFVI and FFIX to FFVII, but VII is the one really in _need_ of an update. Problem for me is that it doesn't seem like they're really trying to update it, just basically throwing a couple of extra features onto the original and throwing it up to be d/led. If they really upgraded it, I'd be all over it. Quote
Brandon Strader Posted July 7, 2012 Posted July 7, 2012 The thing is that FFIX holds up today I would agree with you 100% EXCEPT that I can't, for the life of me, play anything in 4:3 these days. The black bars on the sides drive me insane. x_x Quote
Antonio Pizza Posted July 12, 2012 Posted July 12, 2012 Graphics, schmaphics. A pig in a dress is still a pig. *unpauses SMB3* Quote
Zerothemaster Posted July 12, 2012 Posted July 12, 2012 I'll get this just because I've never played it before and would like to. Quote
Malaki-LEGEND.sys Posted July 12, 2012 Posted July 12, 2012 If I had a genie I would wish for Square to never have been Enixed. I can't even count the times I've heard this whole "Square was cool before they merged with Enix!" shtick. Why is this even a thing? The only thing I can think of is that there's less competition due to said merger(and thus less potential incentive for Square to rock the boat), but honestly even then it's apples to oranges; Enix's flagship series(Dragon Quest for the uninitiated) is(or at least was) nowhere near as huge outside of Japan as Final Fantasy. Enix also has a few decent RPGs under their belt, so I don't really see how anything was changed for better or worse. Not to say I don't oppose the idea were there actual evidence, but I just don't see it. Not directly related to you, but people like to whine and moan that "Final Fantasy ain't the same without Sakaguchi", but guess what? He made Spirits Within, and you all hated that shit. They axed him, and the three entries in the series following said axing(FFX - FFXII) were all both critical and commercial successes through and through, but more than that, they were completely devoid of any of his influence. If anything FFXIII's failures were directly related to the disjointed production cycle that it and most Japanese games in general have been subject to this generation. I'll get this just because I've never played it before and would like to. I haven't played the game recently so I can't give a good reading on whether or not you'd still enjoy it given the state of audia/visual fidelity and RPGs in general this gen. Just don't go in with crazy expectations and you'll probably be fine. The game wasn't a forward-thinking masterpiece. It just happened to be just what the genre needed at that specific time in gaming. Quote
Mikeaudio Posted July 12, 2012 Posted July 12, 2012 I just pretty much stopped caring once it was official that Enix would interfere with Squaresoft affairs. The biggest reason why the game industry is slacking seriously in general is because the people making the videogames today don't like or play videogames. Quote
EC2151 Posted July 12, 2012 Posted July 12, 2012 Taito was cool before they were merged with/bought out by Square Enix. Now all they do is Space Invader remakes. ;_; Quote
Garpocalypse Posted July 12, 2012 Posted July 12, 2012 I can't even count the times I've heard this whole "Square was cool before they merged with Enix!" shtick.Why is this even a thing? The only thing I can think of is that there's less competition due to said merger(and thus less potential incentive for Square to rock the boat), but honestly even then it's apples to oranges; Enix's flagship series(Dragon Quest for the uninitiated) is(or at least was) nowhere near as huge outside of Japan as Final Fantasy. Enix also has a few decent RPGs under their belt, so I don't really see how anything was changed for better or worse. Not to say I don't oppose the idea were there actual evidence, but I just don't see it. malakai fan for life. Sakaguchi nixed himself btw. Something I wish would catch on with some of these american developers. Hell why not filmmakers too? Michael Bay should take a page or two from sakaguchi. The only thing i am really bummed about is that they let Star Ocean die when tri ace said they didn't want to make anymore. Quote
Zerothemaster Posted July 12, 2012 Posted July 12, 2012 I haven't played the game recently so I can't give a good reading on whether or not you'd still enjoy it given the state of audia/visual fidelity and RPGs in general this gen. Just don't go in with crazy expectations and you'll probably be fine. The game wasn't a forward-thinking masterpiece. It just happened to be just what the genre needed at that specific time in gaming. I've never let audio-visual fidelity stop me from liking something Quote
Crowbar Man Posted July 14, 2012 Posted July 14, 2012 Square was going downhill fast WAY before the Enix merger. People blaming Enix on it is just a convenient scapegoat. Enix was and still is a good game company. Square stopped being one a long ago, and having extra funding by combining with Enix hasn't fixed their problem. By now most of the talent left the company so there is probably little hope left of anything good coming out from them. But it was NOT the Enix merger. Its Square. Oh and I love how the trailer of the game is all FMV, most of it sped up to look more action oriented. All the screenshots are promotional art They can't even bother to show us what the actual game looks / sounds like in this rerelease of an old port Quote
Mikeaudio Posted July 15, 2012 Posted July 15, 2012 Square was going downhill fast WAY before the Enix merger. People blaming Enix on it is just a convenient scapegoat. Enix was and still is a good game company. Square stopped being one a long ago, and having extra funding by combining with Enix hasn't fixed their problem. By now most of the talent left the company so there is probably little hope left of anything good coming out from them. But it was NOT the Enix merger. Its Square. Oh and I love how the trailer of the game is all FMV, most of it sped up to look more action oriented. All the screenshots are promotional art They can't even bother to show us what the actual game looks / sounds like in this rerelease of an old port This is true, I must agree on that. Enix does take the fall for alot of Square's decisions. Quote
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