djpretzel Posted October 20, 2005 Posted October 20, 2005 What did you think? Post your opinion of this ReMix. Quote
Psychotic Ninja Posted October 20, 2005 Posted October 20, 2005 Damn, I am a sucker for the title theme of MM2, i've always loved it! I got one word for this remix: GREAT Quote
MedHead Posted October 20, 2005 Posted October 20, 2005 A very simplistic, minimalistic song that still manages to have a certain charm to it. Some of the sample choices left me wondering what the remixer was thinking, since they didn't seem to fit with the genre nor the song. Obviously, to give a good review I must listen through the entire song. In this one, I was tempted not to listen all the way through. I found myself tapping my foot along with the beat, but the song wasn't enjoyable enough to continue listening to it. It wasn't until the banjo came in that I really became interested in this remix. The banjo portion had depth, atmosphere, energy, and a good variation in the sonic gamut, if you will. The song succeeds in being a very ambient, laid back groove, but it fails to reach that subtle area where the beat is strong enough to remain interesting without becoming something more than what it is supposed to be. If the entire song could be played as it was during the banjo portion, I would find it much more interesting. Quote
BlueMage Posted October 20, 2005 Posted October 20, 2005 Got this at VGMix too (jeez, it's like a mantra ) and I've always considered this a definite improvement over Stomping Through Seasons (got rejected from here a while back). One thing I have noticed is that most of GaMeBoX's tracks use extensive use of samples, often taken directly from the game. Now that is truly paying homage to a title Overall, a nice, mellow track, with enough bite to make sure you won't fall asleep. Easy 6 (>75%) Quote
binster Posted October 20, 2005 Posted October 20, 2005 I'm a big fan of GaMeBoX's stuff, and this track I feel showcases what he's all about. It's fun, accessible, inventive, polished... everything your ears are after... Seriously top stuff - download it now! Quote
Bummer Posted October 20, 2005 Posted October 20, 2005 Very smooth and groovy remix, had some real good beats to it, found myself many times nodding my foot along the rhytm, good stuff. I don´t quite remember the ending credits, but I recognized the Title screen music, had a...what you call it mellow atmosphere to it. Maybe not as much skills as the other remixes, but this one clearly succeded to create a calm mood to it, the banjo at the end helped in some point with that, interesting choice of instrument. By the way, this is off-topic, but do you happen to be swedish? Quote
PlastikBag Posted October 20, 2005 Posted October 20, 2005 I've loved this mix since I got it over at vgmix. It has a certain charm to it. Just when the song opens up, it feels really nostalgic just from the (awesome) samples you use. A lot of nice mellow grooves here. Very unique and fun to listen to. Great stuff to chill out to. Quote
swampbug Posted October 20, 2005 Posted October 20, 2005 gamebox.. this song is certainly sweet. Love your style. Song is very relaxing. PLease make an album. Quote
ILLiterate Posted October 20, 2005 Posted October 20, 2005 Strolling past OCR and new mix and whats this? GaMeBoX! Everyone I know is getting onto OCR but me D: Anyways it's a fun song to just kick back too. The from game samples are used nicely and the pads really give the mix a flooooooow. And mabye it's just me but, his is something that's going to be playing in the background of the MMORPG's I play Quote
k u n g f u c h i c k e n Posted October 20, 2005 Posted October 20, 2005 This is too much hotness, I've had this track for months, so you know what I think of it Quote
Crazyonr1 Posted October 21, 2005 Posted October 21, 2005 Now that's some fun electronica. Agreed, I haven't played MM2 in years, but both themes came right back to me.... maybe thats the game, or your style, I don't know In any case, awesome, mellow first mix Quote
RimFrost the Tourianist Posted October 22, 2005 Posted October 22, 2005 Charming and constructive little tune. I liked it alot. Something to hear while sipping down a glass of fine cognac in the evening Quote
Tnadz Posted October 24, 2005 Posted October 24, 2005 I really like the light ambient background layers put in here. The panning is kind of nice too. The effects processing is exquisite as well, really keen to help produce the transition you were going for. Some of the instruments though are real layed back to the point of almost not being heard aka the guitar around 2:45 or so. I guess you do just have to turn it up. That guitar sound though, at 3:05, nice. The fade out isn't bad but it seems just unsuited considering all of the elegant transitions you gave us in the previous sections. It just feels like that smooth energy should peak somewhere instead of drift away. Very unique and well assembled. The synths are interesting as well. Quote
jorgandar Posted October 31, 2005 Posted October 31, 2005 Wow.. this really gives an amazing atmosphere - cleverly done in the mimialist of ways. This is a great example of when less is more. Each sound is very deliberate and well placed. Very enjoyable...and im a picky bitch. Quote
Less Ashamed Of Self Posted November 8, 2005 Posted November 8, 2005 I can't believe I haven't reviewed this yet; it's just got so much character, I love it. It's minimalist for sure but it's very moody, very fluid, and very sexy. I absolutely adore it's unique electronic-lounge flavour and would not be adverse to hundreds like it. Quote
Memorex Posted December 1, 2005 Posted December 1, 2005 Ah I love this tune. It's my favorite out of ALOT. Just has that flavor to it I like. I love the megaman leap-down bleep sample hehehe makes the song IMO and then the part at 2:10+ is sweeeeet. Atmospheric. Ah man GameboX keep doing stuff this good!!! hehe Quote
Xiedo Posted January 17, 2006 Posted January 17, 2006 This is the best OC remix I've heard in a while. I barely know anything technicial about music, but the song seems to always be flowing and it never drags. The beats are catchy and there's enough variation that the 4-odd minutes just fly by. IMHO, there are too many OCremixes that are very complex and catchy (a good thing) but they just don't vary their original material enough. The result is I'm always waiting for the song to transition into the next section which eventually leads me to boredom and then I stop listening to the song at all. I definitely do not have the above compliant with this song. It just moves. Quote
Antipode Posted October 2, 2006 Posted October 2, 2006 Thanks for an excellent remix, GaMeBoX. This is one of my very favorites, and it think it can be underappreciated at times. I love the arrangement and you've created something that's very unique and catchy. I would be just fine with some extended mix lasting a minute or two longer! Quote
leilock Posted April 18, 2007 Posted April 18, 2007 I'm a huge fan of that tune from Mega Man, and I really like this treatment. I always skip to this song when i wanna hear a good Mega Man tune One of the things that this song does well is blend the original 8-bit samples in a really smooth way, so much so that it feels very comfortable in the chill pace of the song, never breaking the grove with jarring volume or tone. Quote
Michaelinnotts Posted June 11, 2007 Posted June 11, 2007 Wonderful remix, beautiful composition. Quote
OceansAndrew Posted March 17, 2009 Posted March 17, 2009 This combination has been mixed a lot, but usually in similar styles, so it's refreshing to hear such a unique style on such a classic. Honestly, I didn't recognize the intro at all the first time I listened, and the title screen, while more recognizable, still had a huge shift in rhythm and phrasing. It's classy and cool, but also really quirky, and I think this is one of the few cases where the very popular source improves the track as a whole. Going as interpretive as this is on a lesser-known source would probably just end up sounding like an original track. The feel of this is really casual and futuristic, while being really clean as well. I could imagine this being played for an IKEA commercial or something in 20 years. The instruments are well chosen, and I like the flow. Overall a really good mix, but definitely something no one would expect. Quote
Eino Keskitalo Posted September 17, 2009 Posted September 17, 2009 Nice and chill, this mix was in VGDJ's Russian Remix Roulette section in ep#069, but I've heard and liked this before as well. The sound feels kind of muffled, but it's a very complete and balanced piece, nice and soothing. --Eino Quote
Skyline Drop Posted July 14, 2010 Posted July 14, 2010 This one's got a nice, chill, sort of minimal soundscape to it. I feel like it would fit really nicely as background music to some sort of Mega Man themed puzzle game, or something. Quote
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