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Mega Man X: The Grand Maverick Remix Battle 2012

Presented by the OverClocked ReMix Forums


The Grand Maverick Remix Battle is upon us! It's the fall season of the year 2X12, and Mavericks of all shapes and sizes, colors and creeds are converging at OCR to duke it out in a battle of musical supremacy! So begins OCR's second Grand Maverick Remix Battle!

Current News

Shieldner Sheldon and Sting Chameleon have called a truce and decided to share the title! Phonetic Hero and Theory of N have collaborated on a track together. It's available in the archival release of the GMRB2012 competition. Get it now!


Collaborations with and contributions from outside artists are allowed, but the primary artist must be the actual competitor. Match-ups are live and in the brackets section. Remember to submit WAV files, not MP3s.

Check the Releases section of this post for the latest remixes.

Check the Voting and Results section of this post for voting rules and guidelines.

A final note from your tournament organizer:

The archival release is every entry re-encoded and retagged for metadata consistency. It also includes the badge graphics. I hope everyone enjoys listening to these tracks again. I think everyone did a really great job, and I'm sorry that the schedule got so out of whack (I blame Hurricane Sandy). People really brought their A-game (as they always do), and I'm really proud of everyone who participated, especially the folks who were initially unsure of their mixing abilities.

Our next competition in the CapCompo Series will be this summer. We'll be doing another Wily Castle Remix Gauntlet, with a little bit of a twist that I don't want to give away. Some of you out there know what's going to be happening, so please don't tell anyone if you do. There's still a few months until then, so in the mean time make sure you check out the other competitions that are happening here on the forums.


The Grand Maverick Remix Battle 2012 Archive Release [205 MB]


The X Bracket



  • Phonetic Hero - Shieldner Sheldon




  • Superior X - Rainy Turtloid
  • Tuberz McGee - Wheel Gator
  • AMT - Flame Stag
  • Enigami - Vanishing Gungaroo
  • Neblix - Crescent Grizzly
  • Xarnax42 - Optic Sunflower
  • wildfire - Boomer Kuwanger
  • prophetik - Blizzard Buffalo
  • chthonic - Magna Centipede
  • urdailywater - Frost Walrus
  • Jakesnke17 - Crystal Snail
  • Cash and Change - Overdrive Ostrich
  • BlackPanther - Blast Hornet
  • Prophecy - Volt Catfish


The Zero Bracket



  • Theory of N - Sting Chameleon




  • Yami - Magma Dragoon
  • Zerothemaster - Infinity Mijinion
  • Ectogemia - Bubble Crab
  • Trism - Spike Rosered
  • Amphibious - Slash Beast
  • pixelwave - Armored Armadillo
  • SilvernixSP - Crush Crawfish
  • WillRock - Spark Mandrill
  • Gario - Blaze Heatnix
  • Metal Man - Flame Mammoth
  • jnWake - Wire Sponge
  • TheRexAsaurous - Storm Eagle
  • ProjectSpam - Toxic Seahorse
  • hakstok - Storm Owl
  • Sir Nuts - Chill Penguin




X and Zero art are official artworks by Capcom.

Nana art is fan art by Diana Da Costa.

Voting and Results

Voting takes place at the GMRB social group, here on the forums. Things to keep in mind when voting:


  • Everyone is allowed (and encouraged) to vote.
  • The most important thing to consider when voting is how well the remix incorporates and arranges both themes. Production and enjoyability should also be considered.
  • You are required to vote in each battle taking place during the round. If you don't, none of your votes will be counted for that round.
  • You are not required to vote in battles that have a competitor advancing by default (in the case of missed deadlines or resignation). Generally, a voting thread for these battles will not be made.
  • You are required to make an actual decision between two competitors for each battle, meaning, you cannot declare a draw or a tie. This will be counted as not voting and your other votes for other battles will not be counted.
  • You are allowed (and encouraged) to vote for your own entry when voting in your own remix battle.
  • Do not post reviews in the voting thread. Compile your reviews for a round into a single post in this thread.
  • Post the name of the remixer you're voting for in boldface text.
  • Post only once in each voting thread.
  • Everyone must adhere to the Competitions Code of Conduct.



All entries must be sent to me (DarkeSword) via PM on the forums. Please include the name of your bracket and the round number in the subject line of your PM.

This year I will be encoding all MP3s myself, so please send me your submissions in WAV format. Do not send MP3s.

File names must be in the following format:

Remixer - Title (Remixer's Maverick vs. Opponent's Maverick).wav


DarkeSword - Snow Problem (Chill Penguin vs. Blizzard Buffalo).wav

Please note that the Maverick names are two words (e.g. Chill Penguin, not Chillpenguin). Also note that versus is abbreviated with a period (e.g. Chill Penguin vs. Blizzard Buffalo, not Chill Penguin vs Blizzard Buffalo). Your artist name and mix title can be whatever capitalization you want but the Maverick names must be capitalized properly (e.g. Chill Penguin, not chill penguin).

Properly formatted file names make it much easier for me to tag everything properly, which ensures good, consistent metadata on all the files that will be distributed to voters.

You must adhere to this file name standard. If you don't, I will seriously consider disqualifying you, and I don't think anyone wants to be disqualified just because they couldn't name their file properly. In the past I have received really cryptic file names like gmrb2wip.wav and frost.wav, and that is unacceptable, especially now that the submission format is WAV.


How does it work?

You, the remixer, choose any Maverick from Mega Man X through Mega Man X8. Choose wisely, because this will be your Maverick throughout the entire tournament. Once all competitors choose their Mavericks, they'll be matched up with an opponent.

When the round begins, remixers will have one week to write a "vs. remix;" that is to say, a remix featuring the themes of their own Maverick and their opponent's Maverick.

When the round ends, a public voting period of one week will be conducted for each battle.

The tournament will be single-elimination, with two brackets competing on alternating weeks to make things manageable. There will be an X Bracket and a Zero Bracket.

All participating competitors and voters will adhere to the Competitions Code of Conduct.

So do I just pick a Maverick? Is it first-come-first-served?

I'll be doing a draft for Maverick selection. If you're planning on participating, please post a list of five Mavericks you're interested in claiming, in the order of preference. Once everyone posts their lists, I'll go through and assign everyone their first-pick, resolving any conflicts with a coin-toss and moving down the lists as necessary. You will only be assigned one Maverick for the competition. Keep in mind certain Mavericks shared themes, so they will be treated as the same theme for the draft.

Mavericks that were chosen in previous competitions are allowed, but I encourage everyone to try someone new.

When does it start?

The draft/recruitment period will last two weeks or so, so tell your friends and get people to participate! I'm shooting for 16 remixers, but if we get 24 or 32 that'd be phenomenal. Once we have the minimum amount, I'll gauge how much more interest there is and go from there.

I'm not a remixer but I want to take part somehow. What can I do to help?

We need sigs and artwork and stuff, so if you're good with the Photoshops, that would be a big help. Please wait until I nail down the visual design for this competition before making anything though. I'd like things to be more visually consistent this time around.

What about Mega Man/Legends/Battle Network/Zero/ZX?

This tournament is limited to the X series.

Can I pick Sigma/Doppler/Repliforce, etc?

No. The competition is limited to the main 8 Mavericks chosen during stage select in each of the 8 main Mega Man X games. Command Mission themes are also ineligible.

Isn't this all just your way of tricking people into making Mega Man remixes for you?


Posted (edited)

Awesome... Sign me up:

1. Rainy Turtloid - X6

2. Tornado Tonion - X7

3. Squid Adler/Volt Kraken - X5

4. Bubble Crab - X2

5. Shining Hotarunicus - X5

I'm going to be out of town the weekend of labor day, August 31 - September 3, so I'd rather not mix that week if possible please. Shariq - if you do your regular "mixing round starts on Saturday", I'd just want to avoid that Saturday, September 1st mixing week. Sat, August 25 week (if we start that early) or the Sat, Sept 8 week are fine with me. Thanks!

Edited by SuperiorX
Posted (edited)
I'm interested. But I've never played Mega Man before, so I have no idea what a maverick is. :-?

I sent this list over to prophetik already. Some of my favorites, but everyone feel free to expand on them.

Also, I kind of ignored X7 and X8 because I'm not terribly familiar with those themes, having only played through each of the games once or twice a long time ago.

X - Boomer Kuwanger http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=E_IVbuC1ZSs

X - Armored Armadillo http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ja5QUTlgZ3Y

X - Storm Eagle http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sayGb0MMS_k

X2 - Crystal Snail http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3u_7dfeR7qo

X2 - Overdrive Ostrich http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=afCfbnOBAns

X3 - Blizzard Buffalo http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DL3m1izjzHY

X3 - Gravity Beetle http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=I5TanI96EdE

X4 - Jet Stingray

X4 - Storm Owl http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vse756mAMfo

X4 - Magma Dragoon http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IHuzsD0Z3Qs

X4 - Cyber Peacock http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XjnEezSfdKE

X5 - Volt Kraken http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BZ03jCAt_ZE

X6 - Infinity Mijinion http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=h5IVzmZYu1I

X6 - Blaze Heatnix http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=W0yZtgyqHXM

X6 - Commander Yammark http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aYeWo_9v38g

X6 - Blizzard Wolfang http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FDiVxIwToyU

X6 - Rainy Turtloid http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=N2KlIff4dEY


prophetik, you are probably thinking about Spring Man, which is the theme you had for the Robot Master (regular Mega Man) compo last summer, not the Maverick (Mega Man X) compo from almost two years ago.

Edited by orlouge82

prophetik, you are probably thinking about Spring Man, which is the theme you had for the Robot Master (regular Mega Man) compo last summer, not the Maverick (Mega Man X) compo from almost two years ago.

this is correct. stink man was the worst theme ever.

i'll go down the list arbitrarily.

1. X3 - Blizzard Buffalo http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DL3m1izjzHY

2. X3 - Gravity Beetle http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=I5TanI96EdE

3. X4 - Jet Stingray

4. X4 - Storm Owl http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vse756mAMfo

5. X4 - Magma Dragoon http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IHuzsD0Z3Qs


For those who don't know what source to pick, there's plenty done from the Maverick Rising album :razz:

Here's some suggestions for those clueless though:

Mega Man X

Boomer Kuwanger

Spark Mandrill

Chill Penguin

Flame Mammoth

Storm Eagle

Armored Armadillo

Launch Octopus

Mega Man X2

Wire Sponge

Bubble Crab (Note: The song also appears in MMX5 as Duff McWhalen)

Morph Moth

Flame Stag

Magna Centipede

Crystal Snail

Mega Man X3

Volt Catfish

Crush Crawfish

Blizzard Buffalo

Toxic Seahorse

Blast Hornet

Gravity Beetle

Mega Man X5 (Guessing DS will correct the X5 maverick names to the Japanese ones)

Grizzly Slash

Squid Adler

Axle the Red

Dark Dizzy

Mega Man X6

Commander Yammark

Rainy Turtloid

Blizzard Wolfang

Blaze Heatnix

Infinity Mijinion (aka The Final Countdown Reborn)

Metal Shark Player

Mega Man X7

Soldier Stonekong

Vanishing Gungaroo

Splash Warfly

Ride Boarski

Mega Man X8 (Note: X8 has some two part songs for the maverick stages)

Optic Sunflower

Gravity Antonion

Dark Mantis

Burn Rooster

Avalanche Yeti

Earthrock Trilobyte

Bamboo Pandemonium

Have fun choosing! Of course this is not a list of every maverick, but it's a good list IMO.

I'm interested. But I've never played Mega Man before, so I have no idea what a maverick is. :-?
Same here.
Essentially, the primary eight bosses of each game. Their theme is the music that plays in their stage. You'll have to track down the music yourself, but here's the complete list:


Chill Penguin

Spark Mandrill

Armored Armadillo

Launch Octopus

Boomer Kuwanger

Sting Chameleon

Storm Eagle

Flame Mammoth


Overdrive Ostrich

Wire Sponge

Wheel Gator

Bubble Crab (this is the same theme as Tidal Whale from Mega Man X5)

Flame Stag

Morph Moth

Magna Centipede

Crystal Snail


Blast Hornet

Blizzard Buffalo

Crush Crawfish

Gravity Beetle

Neon Tiger

Toxic Seahorse

Tunnel Rhino

Volt Catfish


Web Spider

Magma Dragoon

Storm Owl

Split Mushroom

Frost Walrus

Slash Beast

Jet Stingray

Cyber Peacock

MEGA MAN X5 (these bosses have rather different names between the US and Japanese versions, because the American localizers decided to name them after Guns N' Roses band members)

Grizzly Slash (Crescent Grizzly)

Squid Adler (Volt Kraken)

Izzy Glow (Shining Firefly)

Duff McWhalen (Tidal Whale)

The Skiver (Spiral Pegasus)

Axle the Red (Spike Rosered)

Dark Dizzy (Dark Necrobat)

Mattrex (Burn Dinorex)


Commander Yammark

Rainy Turtloid

Shield Sheldon

Blizzard Wolfang

Blaze Heatnix

Infinity Mijinion

Metal Shark Player

Ground Scaravich


Soldier Stonekong

Tornado Tonion

Splash Warfly

Flame Hyenard

Ride Boarski

Snipe Anteator

Wind Crowrang

Vanishing Gungaroo


Dark Mantis

Bamboo Pandamonium

Earthrock Trilobyte

Gigabolt Man-O-War

Avalanche Yeti

Burn Rooster

Gravity Antonion

Optic Sunflower


Sign me up:

1. Mega Man X2 - Wire Sponge.

2. Mega Man X6 - Blizzard Wolfgang.

3. Mega Man X6 - Shieldner Sheldon.

4. Mega Man X4 - Cyber Peacock.

5. Mega Man X5 - Volt Kraken.

I hope someone picks the themes I don't get, they're so good.

Also, for people that can't find the tracks:

OSTs of X2 to X8 uploaded by this user.

I don't know if he uploaded X1, but somebody else can probably find a link for that.

I just want to say...someone better pick Duff McWhalen. I think the source is good enough, but more importantly how can you beat a name like DUFF MCWHALEN!!!!


  • Any mavericks from Mega Man X5 will have their Japanese names used, because naming Mavericks after the members of Guns 'N Roses was stupid as hell and Capcom USA should be ashamed.

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