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I have been privy to many of RTF's tracks in recent times and I have to say, he continues to amaze me. He has a talent for sequencing and some very creative ideas in his head. This track finally gets some OCR lovin' and I know for a fact that it won't be the last time that we see Red Tailed Fox posted on here. Great work!


I've been listening to this song quite a bit over the last couple months, and it still hasn't gotten boring. The new part at 3:47 is a welcome change up, not that this song lacks variety by any means. The beginning is very atmospheric - definitely well done, and does a good job of setting up the mood for the rest of the song. Very accomplished mix, even beats out Wood's Motel in my opinion (though they are close). Good luck in the future RTF, and thanks for ending my long wait for new high-energy Hyrdocity. :D


I've had an earlier version of this on my ipod for some time now, I was exited to see it posted on OCR with some changes made. Though I'm a bit particular to the old version since I listened to it alot, this definately has some good additions. Adding the main melody back in around 2:40 worked well, and the little solo a minute later is cool (though I think the transition out of it is a little weird).

I liked it before, and I still like it now. Good stuff, RTF.


Well, whatdoya know? A Red Tailed Fox remix on OCR. LOL.

I remember when this awesome track was still a WIP on Vgmix. I kept track of its progress, meaning I've kept pretty much each WIP version he posted on vgmix. I gotta say, this remix has certainly gone through some changes since, but good changes mostly. Although I'm quite partial to the finished VGmix version, this one is still quite enjoyable and is definitely going on my hard drive. While I noticed a number of differences in this version that I personally probably wouldn't have made, I have always thought very highly of this remix even in its early stages, And I will continue to do so.

All I've got to say is this.

Red Tailed Fox...welcome to the family.


I'm not too crazy about this one. Everything sounds pretty low fi and the sounfield feels pretty empty. Many of the samples are downright awful- for example the strings- and in desperate need of humanization. A lot simply doesn't sit very well in the mix. The various little synthy ornamentations sound haphazadly pasted around at :45-1:30... and more or less throughout the song. I like the use of a breakdown to emphasize melody. The groove is pretty reasonable, and the drums do change, but really, that's all there is positive to the song.

I actually don't mind the compositional choices 3:50-4:10. It was a nice breakup from the rest of the song and was probably the best segment in the arrangement.

I feel this is well below the bar. The production doesn't come close to even say, BitMap's BottledMetro, and the arrangement doesn't come close to making up for it.



I don't think instrumentation is an issue here at all. No, it doesn't sound "real" by any means, but I think that what's there goes quite well together in the style.

It has a groove, and the song has been on repeat since I got it. The samples used don't grate on my nerves by any means, and that leaves me quite open to enjoy the piece. Congrats to Red Tailed Fox, I'm loving this.


I loved this song the moment I first heard it on vgmix and still do to this day. This is a fine day when Sonic and breakbeat unite in harmony. Also, loving the usage of synths in the song, which bring back those memories.

I've been listening to Caio's stuff for a while now, and this was a breakthrough in his sequencing, and his stuff just keeps improving. However, I still favour this one, he did a great job adding some jazzy influences into the composition, and the breakbeat drums were always a good idea.

Nice work Caio!

I loved this song the moment I first heard it on vgmix and still do to this day. This is a fine day when Sonic and breakbeat unite in harmony. Also, loving the usage of synths in the song, which bring back those memories.

I've been listening to Caio's stuff for a while now, and this was a breakthrough in his sequencing, and his stuff just keeps improving. However, I still favour this one, he did a great job adding some jazzy influences into the composition, and the breakbeat drums were always a good idea.

Nice work Caio!

Send me Roses! :wink:

* I hope you get the hidden message!


Hahahah!! My great friend!!

Isso tá muito bom, cara! Eu me lembro da versão anterior. E isto melhorou bastante! Gosto dos sentimentos novos que você colocou no tema da Hydrocity Zone. A percussão tá ótima; você colocou efeitos agradáveis de filtro e de panning. Eu também gosto da percussão tropical. Os instrumentos todos, ao menos para mim, são de grande qualidade. A flauta que você pôs tem tudo a ver com a música. Os synths são também muito bons; trazem uma sensação de música eletrônica agitada, assim como o contexto inteiro do remix. Tem muitos elementos aqui, inclusive alguns conceitos de jazz que eu realmente apreciei.

Por todos os diabos!! Isso é música briliante, cara!!


I could not wait for someone to finally do a remix that did Hyrdocity Zone Act 2 justice here on OC Remix. Finally... someone who takes it and does it right. You sir? You are my hero.

Wonderfully catchy, fresh, and I love the fact that it changes and adapts over time. My two gripes are that it takes a bit too long to get to the main theme,(though once it gets there, it's spectacular), and the ending is a tad abrupt. All in all, though... very respectable work, and from the sounds of it, all the work you put into this paid off.


I was a big fan of the WIPs back on Vgmix, and the original which I thought came out there (I could be wrong). But regardless its easy to see the differences in quality and technicality between the two. This newer version is superior in so many ways. Nice work.


OK, buddy, it's almost 1:00 am now, and I'm here just to listen to this. If I get disappointed I'm afraid I'll have to take three buses just to go to your place and kill you reallllly slowly...

Jokes apart, I'd like to analyze this from the technical aspect and stuff like that, but I lack the knowledge for it. So let just the Sonic-fan-who-likes-mixes version of myself talk:

Damn crazy man!!!! Lots things mixed up together and one of the coolest songs ever!!! Just gotta listen again!!! Does anything fail in there??? I GUESS NOT!

It just could be here...

Jokes again, you're safe, man. And I just imagined which kind of comment would Mr. Pretzel write if this fox had a white tail...


(Useless but cheerful post...)


And I just imagined which kind of comment would Mr. Pretzel write if this fox had a white tail...

i thought it was red And white ? :P

good song Dj Pretzel, i've listened to it a couple of times in the last 30 mins, really is a good track.

just a suggestion from a newbie: maybe work back down the beat at 3:30 - 3:55, it seems to drop off very quick going from an up-beat techno to a slower paced chill-mix.

other than that definantly a very well made song ! :D


I enjoyed this. The samples and humanizing really aren't too great, but the arrangement and the fresh drum track more than make up for that shortcoming. It does a lot in its almost 6 minutes of length, and its just fun to listen to. Not to mention it's from my favorite theme in the game.


(And good work)


Loved this remix, it is far better than that bottled metro remix as seen in the past, definaly a tune added to the top of my fave list for sega remixes as far as this song goes, until someone makes something better... well I somehow doubt they can make a better remix for this song in general hehe, Great work, looking forward to more awesome remixes such as this! 10 out of 10

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