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This piece really fits the time of the year, 'tis the season for wholesome piano scores! I couldn't help but let my foot tap out of control while listening along. Short but sweet, and most definitely brings a lot to the table. Hey, for a live recording, this came out pretty darn good! I hardly would've noticed a difference. :P


Just what everyone else said--the recording leaves a lot to be desired, but the arrangement is fresh, fun and ever so bladiated.

Here's to better recording on future mixes.

Other wise, great work as usual.


Wow, I've actually heard this one before. I think Blad posted it in a thread where people were showing off their live music skills. I loved it then and I loved it now. When I first got it, this song sat in my walkman for many moons. I think it's time to stick it in there again.

Glad to see this is finally on OCR!


Niiiiice. I like this. It's so...jubilant. Jubilant is a good word. I definitely admire your talent on the piano, I wish I could play like that. I wish I could play, period. :lol: Anyway, the fact that this is so full of rainbow and sunshine energy makes you just want to huggle a physical embodiment of this remix. Or Blad himself. Huggles are in order.

I wasn't going to download this...until I saw the remixer.

Indeed. I got it in the same way.

This is certainly a nice work. The piano proposed here is very catchy; there have a cool variation of volume notes and powerful execution.

I always like piano solo mixes. This is an example of how this can be so good. Sweet mix.


Excellent. Just... Excellent.

This is an amazing mix, from a not remixed game... Which is a shame, because personally, i enjoyed the Yoshi Story music. The actual game still makes a great rental.

The piano is really great, and I like the extra reverb from the live record.

Overall, very good music, from a very good game!


Thanks for all the happy thoughts on the piece, guys. I really appreciate it. And who knew it was the first from this game? Woot!

Excellent piano piece.

I think (feel) it mixes energy with emotion.

I just wonder if it is all written, or improvised ?

I had every note exactly the way I wanted it before I started. But I didn't write anything out.

I usually dislike bladiator piano pieces, but I actually enjoyed this. In my opinion, this is definately a step up from your usual boring/non-inspirational piano crap.

Even in a compliment, I dislike you.

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