Saunders Posted May 26, 2002 Posted May 26, 2002 Mega Man 3 'Get Down' I love the part right after the initial intro, where it’s just the bass. The samples that come in (~0:30) after the percussion, are really good, I’ve always liked Disco Dan’s sample choices. I also love the sample that comes in at ~1:00 for the main melody. Oh dear, there are so many different samples in this mix that are just amazing and perfectly suited to this mix. Also, I just don’t know what to say about this tune, it’s exceptionally well done as is all of Disco Dan’s stuff. Unfortunately I find myself totally speechless, I just don’t know what to say about this mix. Maybe if I knew more technical aspects of music I could critique this better, but at the moment I’ll just say that this song is great, and leave it at that. 5/5 Quote
bartkusa Posted June 9, 2002 Posted June 9, 2002 This is one of those songs you can have repeat for hours on end solo (I speak from experience). I have to say my favorite part is a long-ass part. From 2:04ish to 2:48, there's these great percolating rhythms, followed by a great sparkling sound effect and soothing piano(ish?) break. Throw in a driving beat and quality sound and you have another instant classic at OC Remix. Quote
EvilHorde Posted August 6, 2002 Posted August 6, 2002 Goddam this is a good remix! The sounds are unbelieveable! DiscoDan surely knows what he is doing. How did he manage to make such a long remix without being repetitive or boring? The sounds fit the parts of the song perfectly. The flutes and guitars (or at least they sound like flutes and guitars ) are used just the way they should be. DiscoDan, you´re the man! With the masterplan! And you know what? I´m a fan. Aargh. maybe I´ll stop rhyming just about know. First DiscoDan makes me yealous because his Heatman remix is way better than mine, and then he kicks ass with one of my favorite megaman tunes. I´ll stop writing now and go fetch some more DiscoDan remixes! Superb work indeed.. Quote
Deryck Khusial Posted November 15, 2002 Posted November 15, 2002 we love our bass, eh. it practically sugarcoats this entire mix. then again, it's the very reason why i like this one. love the bass solo around 2:20 Quote
Kazin Posted April 15, 2003 Posted April 15, 2003 MMM...Delicious!! if it were to come down to AE..or Disco Man...I would have to sit out of the judge booth on that one..I can't get enough of either your guys's mixes...I think I repeat them more often than I should. Great mix I have to say that more but i'll leve it to just that. OOO...BASS..anyone not liking it a lover of all electronc music an vg music, I think I enjoy bass a little more than I should. I think I am going to be deaf soon from it but hey at least you goin with the joys of BOOM BOOM BOMM Yes the beats on this mix were very well incredible...especially at 2:07.oooooo..I love that! So for those of you who didn't repeat this track more than twice, my record I think was about 64times..LOL...GOOD SCHTUFF!! Kazin Quote
SpikedBladeZero Posted May 20, 2003 Posted May 20, 2003 One of few tracks I find worthy of being a Mega Man remix. All i can say is that this track is so good, when i'm playing MM3 on my Roms/ I mute out most of the sound just to have this track play during Snake Man's Theme. The only way I feel to tell is just to ask yourself this question "If this track were remixed today, how would it sound" and...i can honestly picture this track. It stays true to the NES theme but gives it a techno makeover. Good job Disco Dan. 10 / 10 Quote
playingtokrush Posted October 19, 2003 Posted October 19, 2003 Jesus Christ, Disco Dan's Mega Man remixes are awesome. Now if only I could find his Magnet Man remix for download. I heard that song on a radio stream and it made my ears orgasm. The fact that it isn't being hosted at OCR right now is a tragedy. Quote
Kaleb.G Posted October 19, 2003 Posted October 19, 2003 This song is awesome! It is one of the very first mixes I picked up when I first came to OCR about two years ago. It's essentially a trance mix, but it captures every bit of spirit that made the original so great and just flows with it. I don't really know what else to say except that this mix is a classic, and it's WELL worth your attention. Highly reccomended. Quote
Moejoe Posted February 13, 2004 Posted February 13, 2004 Wow, all i can see is that Disco Dan is a genious. This, along with all of his other great Megaman remixes, deserves a medal. beautiful... Quote
Shonen Samurai Posted February 13, 2004 Posted February 13, 2004 This, and MetalMan Goes Clubbing, are among my top 10 most listened-to songs. I love the ridiculous simplicity of this song, while simultaneously realizing that this is more than just a run-of-the-mill dance track. Disco Dan has my respect. Thanks for a track I can listen to over and over. Quote
Falcovsleon20 Posted February 23, 2004 Posted February 23, 2004 Y'know vgmusic has a On Tour remix of SnakeMan's theme and it sounds very similiar to this remix. I don't know if said MIDI is the same thing used for this but if it is, Disco Dan just went and took my favorite Megaman 3 MIDI and made it even better. Regardless, it gets 9.5/10. Quote
Disco Dan Posted February 25, 2004 Posted February 25, 2004 Someone else pointed this out not too long ago, actually, about the "on tour" midi on Now I knew that I hadn't copied my rendition from anyone else, so I had to see this other version. I downloaded the file, checked the submit date and the create date as listed. It's about a year later than my original midi. I'd be upset except that they say imitation is the sincerest form of flattery. D Quote
killthisuser Posted March 5, 2004 Posted March 5, 2004 This is one of the best remixes I ever heard. I made a top 5 list from remixes I have listen (more than 200 remixes from Megaman) and this song mades it to the 4th place. It's starting very good and continues very good too. I hope Disco Dan wants to make a lot of remixes from Megaman because I think he's the best remixer who's here at He got a lot of more songs which are very good too (I also located songs in different sites), but this is the best one from him. Quote
HumpteeFree Posted September 4, 2004 Posted September 4, 2004 The best Snakeman remix to date. Style and variety on top of quality. I really dig the solo. Style style, download this. Quote
White Mage Posted December 11, 2004 Posted December 11, 2004 I'm not normally a fan of techno-ish remixes, but the main tune being done with a sitar just makes one rock. It's powerful in the right places, subtle in the right places, and just fits together really well. The Snake Man theme from MM3 is one of the simpler tunes from the game. I'm amazed that Disco Dan has made a six minute song out of it that doesn't drag on. Very well done, 8/10. I'd give it a higher score, but it's not a jaw-dropper like several remixes on this site *cough-eutopia-pegasi-cough* Quote
DJ Magotrox Brazil Posted March 25, 2005 Posted March 25, 2005 Yes. A good Remix. Good News Fine chemical inside this one. Creativity. Good sense on changing. The guy really knows how to use the effects wisely. The rythm and the beating got the atmosphere of the action game. Good job man! You surely made happy a lot of megaman 3 fans, also you! Hehehe! Bad News I liked the mix. No bad news! Quote
Shwenky Posted September 11, 2005 Posted September 11, 2005 Disco Dan's music rocks. This song is no exception. It's not my favorite by him, but it's still a great piece. Quote
Bummer Posted September 23, 2005 Posted September 23, 2005 This is a great facelift for snakeman. DD has kept that oriental feel and added some real nice beats and some real beautiful piano. Loved the finish, it was smooth and cool when the beats faded away one by one until only piano was left. I like that very much, ya? Quote
Steve1 Posted February 25, 2006 Posted February 25, 2006 I have to say, I really hated the sitar-like melody instrument at first, but the whole remix grew on me after a few listens and now it's one of my favorite pieces on the site. Great job. Quote
Pink Posted October 10, 2006 Posted October 10, 2006 I've yet to come across a song by Disco Dan that doesn't use the "additive and subtractive" methods of intro and ending in his songs. The additive also tends to be a lot more dragged out than the subtractive in his works most of the time. This remix is no exception, as it starts out with a simple beat, and slowly works its way into the full melody. Snake Man's theme has always been one of the stranger ones out there from all the Mega Man games, but it's still catchy and enjoyable just like all the rest. Disco Dan gives this one a good do-over that keeps enough of the original feel that it could work in place of the original song. This is one of those songs I've had for ages on this site and it has still survived the amount of songs I had to cut off my playlist (because my MP3 player only has 512MB which turned out to be about 512MB short of what I need. XD). This is really a typical Disco Dan remix. It's a techno Mega Man remix with the additive intro and subtractive ending, coupled with a more subtle techno dance groove. Personally I recommend that this is worth a listen to everyone. If you like it, that's good, if you don't like it, that's fine too. It's all a matter of personal taste. Quote
KogeJoe Posted January 27, 2007 Posted January 27, 2007 There are a lot of things going for this mix. Love the intro and the introduction of different parts. Loved the countermelodies done in square lead patch. Percussion track and bass aren't bad either... I DO hoped for a better patch for the main melody though. Thought the ones used (Synth Sitar and some wind instrument I believe?) were kind of weak for the lead melody. Other than that, loved it. Quote
OceansAndrew Posted March 17, 2009 Posted March 17, 2009 OCR classic material. If there was ever a 'remix retrospective' for the OCR 10 year anniversary, this or DD's bubbleman mix would be required on the list. Great builds, clean production, pretty good samples that are well used, and well-chosen source music = something that lasts the test of time. Even the breakdown section with the 4 on the floor works because of the catchy bassline. Great stuff. Quote
xlphantom Posted March 1, 2010 Posted March 1, 2010 This song sounds just likeSnake Man's Stage ("On Tour" Remix) by Geoffrey Verheij on very nice song. Quote
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