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OCR01470 - Wild Arms 2 "Lord Blazer, the Robot Who Chills with Da Peeps"

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It's about time Wild Arms 2 got some remixing done! And its done very well. It blends together to form something very jazzy and i love it. Thanks for the remix to my favorite RPG series. now if someone could get Wild Arms 3 done...it'd be you.


Why must this be so short? For while it lasts the composition is brilliant. The first listenings were certainly a jolt before settling in the style of the piece, expecting something akin to Shnabubula was close and yet off the mark, ktriton adds a new layer here. The length is the only thing keeping it back from its full potential.


Am I the only one to catch the really strong Bela Fleck & the Flecktones influence? :D

For those who've been whining about not hearing enough DIFFERENT stuff around these parts, well, this one's for you. ktriton keeps making quality, and most importantly, unique remixes. Keep it up bro! :P


I didn't like this at all. I like jazz and all and I'm open to new and crazy forms of music, but I felt this was poorly executed. I mean, the instrumentation could be better, there's not enough velocity dynamic to be interesting and all the notation seems just kinda random. And it's really, really short; we need more! I did not enjoy listening.


The thing is though parts of the genre of jazz is random. People who play saxes and trumpets freestyle their notation to give it feeling and dynamics. It may not sound realistic when it comes to the composition aspects, but it still has something there that touched me.


Keep it up!


I want to like this ReMix as it was done for a game I really enjoy(ed), but I can't.

It doesn't really fit my taste at all.


Atonal jazz fusion would be the best description I could come up for this one. There's no clear chord progression and no obvious melody so the arrangement feels random and hard to follow (all save for the middle section). I don't think that's bad at all though, and is pretty typical of 20th century orchestral pieces, so I think this arrangement is effective.

At first, I thought the synthed saxes were going to get on my nerves, but as the pad came in at 0:25 I had pretty much forgotten about them. They fell into the back as they should, and the new tones kept my mind off the repeating sax.

There's not too much I feel needs to be said about the rest. It can pretty much stand on its own. It's fresh, and it's interesting.

I will talk briefly about production. This is the first review I'm writing after listening on my new cans, and I had absolutely no concerns regarding sound quality. No clipping, no hissing, a well put together mix all the way through.


I want to like this, but I cant. It sounds sloppy. The synth sax sounded odd. Should have been replaced with a different instrument. I do like the piano and parts of the bass. Also there are not enough dynamics. All the instruments remain at the same volume the whole time.


Not for everyone but a welcome addition to the OCR family.

Grows on you.

Very fluid, very spordaic, and very very well executed.

A short passionate burst of musical expression. But, unfortunately, the kind of thing that an un-trained ear would take for granted. The lower sample qualities of some instruments isn't as important because of the speed /dynamics of the instruments.

I won't be forgetting the name ktriton anytime soon.


I won't be forgetting the name ktriton anytime soon.

Wow dude...thanks!

I did one of those quick, minute-long interviews for VGDJ in which I briefly explain the instrumentation and the reverb, so definitely check it out next Monday if you were curious about 'em.


Good song. I have no specific complaints about this song, but it just isn't really my style. I loved the subtle string work (or maybe it was sax? I'm not good at picking out instruments) in the background, and it is a fun piece, but for some reason I can't really get into it.

Keep up the good work! 6/10

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