watkinzez Posted June 8, 2007 Posted June 8, 2007 Prediction- anyone who doesn't own a Cube controller will get flattened by those who do. Okay, maybe the Classic one has a chance.
atmuh Posted June 8, 2007 Posted June 8, 2007 id like to see someone play this with just the wii remote ha motion controlled smash funnyfunny in seriousness though this update actually made me happy
cobaltstarfire Posted June 8, 2007 Posted June 8, 2007 Hmm, interesting. I'm really curious to try out the other control types just cause.
Chuckles Posted June 8, 2007 Posted June 8, 2007 Hm. To me, the idea of four different people playing four different styles is intriguing. Sure, one will probably trump the others as far as popularity, but it'd be interesting to see some psychos who were both incredible with their own style going against each other. Although, I really can't imagine how just the wii remote could be as fast as the gamecube controller.
KakTheInfected Posted June 8, 2007 Posted June 8, 2007 I'd be willing to try the classic controller if the goddamn joystick wasn't in such a shitty spot.
Strike911 Posted June 8, 2007 Posted June 8, 2007 Oh man, it would be REALLY bad ass to pull back the remote for a charged up Smash attack before striking... *looks around* well... it'd be interesting at least. Yeah, this is the most newsworthy info yet. Although, seriously, anyone that's remotely interested in winning will probably stick with the Gamecube controller. . . Even the dev says he'd stick the the GCN controller... but it's a good move imo to support everything.
KDY v-150 Posted June 8, 2007 Posted June 8, 2007 FuriousFure said: compared to telling us what characters we've seen in the trailers. this is pretty huge. atleast it will shut up those who were bickering about the controllers. (maybe) Indeed, pretty much the only reason for previous complaint is if they don't want to use the new control scheme... Then again, Super Smash Brothers as a franchise has a ridiculous history of people complaining about the controller, some still swear that using the N64 controller was much better. I doubt that's going to stop anytime soon.
Hum4n After All Posted June 8, 2007 Posted June 8, 2007 Sa-weet update. I'm going to kick back and relax with the Wiimote + Nunchuk style.
Dr. Wilhelm Posted June 8, 2007 Posted June 8, 2007 The Wiimote + Nunchuk would be an interesting Smash experience, no doubt about that. But I'm way too accustomed to the Gamecube controller, especially since I've been (and still am) Melee for as long as I have.
The Author Posted June 8, 2007 Posted June 8, 2007 I believe I'll be a Wiichuk Brawler. ... The four schools of Brawl: School of the Wiichucks School of the Mote School of the Classer School of the Cuber Now all we need are four matching sigs.
eternal Zero Posted June 8, 2007 Posted June 8, 2007 If I'm being lazy, I'll probably just play with the Wiimote because I do think it would be possible, just not as effective due to a lack of stick. Serious Smash players will undoubtedly stick with the cube controller because it's the only one that will give you the control and speed you require at higher level play.
The Author Posted June 8, 2007 Posted June 8, 2007 Don't diss the Moters just yet. A lot of people here have a tendency to assume stuff. The Wiimote may give a more responsive control scheme if they did not go overboard with motion sensing. Jerk the controller in a direction while pressing 1 for a smash, tilt it to move faster in a direction. you know, stuff like that that kinda makes sense.
Ninja-san Posted June 8, 2007 Posted June 8, 2007 Its gonna be interesting playing with friends or at tournements for which style people use. And possibly the bickering "im using a harder style" talk?
chrono26 Posted June 8, 2007 Posted June 8, 2007 this just opened up pandora's box for all those smash nerds. now they're gonna say "only really smash bros. masters use the wii mote because it shows real skill" or "you use the classic controller? haha, i fight with honor with the cube controller" or maybe not....but this is a good update
The Author Posted June 8, 2007 Posted June 8, 2007 Hmmm... Ultimate humiliation for a Cuber: Being beaten by a Moter using Jigglypuff.
Devyn Posted June 8, 2007 Posted June 8, 2007 Holy shit, we were all right about the control scheme. Wow.
The Author Posted June 8, 2007 Posted June 8, 2007 megadave said: Holy shit, we were all right about the control scheme. Wow. I was more right because I never discounted the possibility of GC controller compatibility as opposed to people who said there would be NO Wiimote compatibility. And yes, I am a jerk.
eternal Zero Posted June 8, 2007 Posted June 8, 2007 I don't think arguments about harder playstyles can come up in tournaments and stuff unless they're idiotic and don't realize how easy it is to switch. I don't think motion sensing will take part, to be honest. Smashing and such can still be done without a stick. Take Jump Superstars as an example, it's practically a Smash mimic on the DS that uses solely the dpad for direct combat controls, and it works. Though, I'm thinking that the WiiChuck setting will be for those that want the motion controls...but this is purely guessing. I personally think that the best players will want to stick to either the classic (never used it, so I don't know the feel of it yet) or the Cube controller because it allows for the reaction speed that you need and holds familiarity. Does this mean that cube controller production will have to increase? The demands still exists now...but is it enough for Nintendo to warrant the maintenance of practically two systems in terms of peripherals?
Devyn Posted June 8, 2007 Posted June 8, 2007 You may have misinterpreted what I wrote, because I don't know what you're talking about. I just read the update, and I was like "whoa". I think that this whole update kicks ass. Seriously, you can't beat four control schemes. Anyway, I was hoping that this game would at least use the Wiimote, and I'm probably going to have to start with the Wiimote or Wiichuck combo. I'm thinking that the superior control scheme for pro players will be with the cube controller, but I'm a mediocre Smash Player, so I want to have fun. But this is still good news, because I only have two wiimotes, but I have about 4 cube controllers laying around, and so I'll be able to play 4 player without dishing out another $100.
eternal Zero Posted June 8, 2007 Posted June 8, 2007 megadave said: You may have misinterpreted what I wrote, because I don't know what you're talking about. I just read the update, and I was like "whoa" lol. This does bode very well for the casual gamer especially if they have/had a cube.
anthonium Posted June 8, 2007 Posted June 8, 2007 Finally! Good and surprising info. I am curious to see how the use of the wiimote would work. I'll be sticking to using my two wavebirds though.
Effector Posted June 8, 2007 Posted June 8, 2007 Love the update. I'll probably be using the GCN controller the most (I just booted up Melee again last night for the first time in ages and everything still came instinctively), but I can see myself playing with 'mote + 'chuck for fun. Just to mix it up. The updates just keep getting better and better. I enjoy the way Sakurai writes them - informative without divulging too much, with a little bit of humor.
Tenucha Posted June 8, 2007 Posted June 8, 2007 Radical Dreamer said: I believe I'll be a Wiichuk Brawler.... The four schools of Brawl: School of the Wiichucks School of the Mote School of the Classer School of the Cuber Now all we need are four matching sigs. I am the school of the Cuber. Thats pretty awesome that the 4 controllers are available for use on this game. I am also far too comfortable with the Gamecube controller. That and I love my Wavebird. Besides I still lack to Wii so I have no idea how to even use the classic or Wiimotes.
eternal Zero Posted June 8, 2007 Posted June 8, 2007 This is a good time for Nintendo to develop a Wavebird that's Wii compatible. They'll call it the Bluebird. Err...that name sounds dumb...but you get my gist.
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