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If it wasn't a typo, then I figure they probably placed a limit on the number they'd sell at that price. It just got on the frontpage of Digg about an hour ago, so they probably went through them all.

I don't think it was a typo though. They have a rather large sale on all types of Pre-order games at the moment.


This links to all of the sale-items. They have some decent 360 games. http://slickdeals.net/?permadeal=11334#direct_deal_11334


Damn! The link is broken now....I should have ordered it. Oh well, just a couple more weeks then we can finally play it!

Ok, this is weird. The link is broken, but when I search for smash bros., it still shows 19.82 on the search results page. But I can't view the page, says product not found.

Technically, Kirby wouldn't be able to use Pikmin right? Since he adopts the standard special move of the character he sucks up, which is Pikmin Pluck in Olimar's case, there is no way he can actually throw them. Pikmin throw is the side special move...


Hopefully Kirby will copy all the special moves of a character rather than just the standard special. Kirby Superstar set a precedent for Kirby having multiple attacks for each ability that I wouldn't mind seeing in Smash.


HELL YEAH CAPT. OLIMAR!!!!! That makes me so happy not only that he's in the game, but that he's playable. Now they just need to announce a Pikmin Thwii...


The latching thing is going to be so annoying. Think Lip's Stick but fucking CONSTANTLY. I guess the object would be to make Olimar run down his Pikmin count before taking him on.

I'm really starting to realize just how dynamic he's gonna be. You gotta catch him before he builds up a force, then keep on him so he can't escape. Of course this wouldn't be too hard in 1-on-1's, but in team battles or free for alls he could easily keep all 6 Pikmin, which gives him crazy recovery. But then again he has worse-than-Yoshi recovery with none. I'm really loving this whole power fluctuation thing. Much kudos to Sakurai.

Yeah I'm playing Olimar first.


OH LORD, 24 things on the screen - SURELY the Wii cannot handle an unprecendented TWENTY-FOUR Pikmin at the SAME TIME!!! Wait - 28 things including the four Olimars, and maybe even more things if there are some items...! I hear there's a Wii game with almost FIFTY things at the same time - apparently it runs at 5 frames per second on the Wii, but the PS2 version it can sometimes reach 18 FPS!

I kid. But really, those things are so low-poly, the N64 could probably handle 60 of them just fine. In Pikmin weren't there hundreds of those guys?

And if you're talking about 4 Olimars online, that's another story. A story which ends with: "And the 4 anonymous Olimars played happily ever after for two minutes, with no noticeable increase in lag whatsoever. The end."

Hopefully Kirby will copy all the special moves of a character rather than just the standard special. Kirby Superstar set a precedent for Kirby having multiple attacks for each ability that I wouldn't mind seeing in Smash.

Hopefully yes, but... the Dojo update already said otherwise:

He’s able to copy an enemy’s ability (by which I mean, their standard special move) and use it as his own.

Waaaaait... he didn't say that you don't ALSO copy their other moves!! (>'O')>


So, Wal-Mart just sent me an e-mail telling me that "my request" to cancel the Smash Brothers order is being processed.

Too good to be true! Oh well. Best case scenario: I would get the game for $20. Worst Case, I got my money back. :?

So, Wal-Mart just sent me an e-mail telling me that "my request" to cancel the Smash Brothers order is being processed.

Too good to be true! Oh well. Best case scenario: I would get the game for $20. Worst Case, I got my money back. :?

Sam here :(


Well, I'm not sure if I should be flattered that a poster or two ripped off of my Mii idea. In any case, let the record show I came up with it first (or started it up again, if it was thought of before many posts ago). :P

But after today, I'm actually looking forward to using the (really) little guy. Olimar seems like he's got enough variety to satisfy anyone. And did you see his tether recovery? It looks like he gets the longest one (so far).

I too wonder how his B move is gonna work with Kirby...

[insert suspense here]

let the record show I came up with it first (or started it up again, if it was thought of before many posts ago). :P

holy crap do you you realize how incredibly meaningless you are to this thread


just because im not a gleeful fanboy faggot any most of my discussions about the game have been regarding the negative aspects that all of you love to overlook and justify doesnt discount what i said as invalid

just because im not a gleeful fanboy faggot any most of my discussions about the game have been regarding the negative aspects that all of you love to overlook and justify doesnt discount what i said as invalid

Ignorant and poor sentence structure? We've got ourselves a WINNER!

oh and yeah, I was talking about the/a pikmin stage earlier.

It wasn't terribly clear but I'm glad there is a couple other idiots out there that understood. :P

ITT pretentious fags.

let's get out of here atma

And go to GameFAQs? I appreciate atma's posts, if only because they do help me keep from sending all my money to Sakurai the Perfect, but gimme pretentious people over GameFAQs any day.

To stay on topic, though - Olimar's recovery is a BEAST, indeed. However, if the opponents can kill your Pikmin directly, doesn't it become less useful? I wonder if the Pikmin can be killed directly?

Also this topic deserves a FALCON PAUNCH. Because it's so huge mirite.


all of you who just tried to flame atma and "prove" their worth to this thread only proved that they are each an idiot

lurk more

stop posting

learn how the forums work

this isn't gamefaqs.

Ignorant and poor sentence structure? We've got ourselves a WINNER!

oh and yeah, I was talking about the/a pikmin stage earlier.

It wasn't terribly clear but I'm glad there is a couple other idiots out there that understood. :P

god you are stupid

And go to GameFAQs? I appreciate atma's posts, if only because they do help me keep from sending all my money to Sakurai the Perfect, but gimme pretentious people over GameFAQs any day.

To stay on topic, though - Olimar's recovery is a BEAST, indeed. However, if the opponents can kill your Pikmin directly, doesn't it become less useful? I wonder if the Pikmin can be killed directly?

Also this topic deserves a FALCON PAUNCH. Because it's so huge mirite.

you really don't get it either

for the sake of this thread and for those of us who actually know how things are here, lock this thread until the game comes out.


Don't know if somebody already opted it. But regarding the whole kirby olimar thing. I think, as kirby, the first B push wil pull a pikmin out of the ground. The second will throw it. Than you have to pull out one again. Little bit of context sensitive B


CoroCoro cards were released in Japan.

They confirm this, which we didn't already know:

-Zelda's final smash is Light Arrow(s). Her down-B was not listed on the card.

-Wario's up-B is Corkscrew.

-Charizard's up-B is Fly.

all of you who just tried to flame atma and "prove" their worth to this thread only proved that they are each an idiot

why so angry? I just enjoyed the HUGE irony of Atma telling someone else that they didn't matter to this thread.

Like anyone does! no singular individual makes or breaks this thread.

as for "flaming" Atma, Its just when someone uses the word "faggot" out of context,

I find that person to be ignorant and

I'd have a hard time of taking him or her serious.


Come now, come now. This is a message board about a game, not a war.

Olimar seems like a pretty hard character to use... But he looks like a lot of fun. Smacking people with small colorful creatures is an idea that instills joy into my soul.


what do you think gamefaqs is

Lol, no kidding. I personally have spent a good amount of time cruising the GameFAQs Brawl board, and this thread only manages to be slightly more intelligent.

Don't flatter yourselves, OCremix Brawl thread...

But yeah, less war, more Brawl talk, okay?

*Waves to Atma*

You know, I support ranked online wi-fi play. You're not the only one.

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