Adam_Slight Posted September 28, 2007 Posted September 28, 2007 way to go for giving us a shitty update for the weekend
MasterSenshi Posted September 28, 2007 Posted September 28, 2007 This week's updates were pretty lame. I mean... some of things were interesting, but come on. Tourney? Please... I think this is the first time I really was like "Oh come on...". I don't know reall anyone who uses the Tournament mode, granted is it cool if you have a party and no WiFi, but still, he could've just let us discover this on our own. I think it was assumed. However, if it has WiFi (which it doesn't appear to) that would be great. Hopefully we get 2 characters next week in the bargain.
Neo Samus Posted September 28, 2007 Posted September 28, 2007 Needs Moar Captain Falcon. And Luigi, and Ness, and Ganondorf, and Falco...... Are you catching my drift Sakurai-san????
Azul v2 Posted September 28, 2007 Posted September 28, 2007 I'm thinking they will eventually reveal the tourney mode as Wi-fi as well, with a set of rankings or leaderboard. I think all the people bitching about Brawl's online haven't got a gist of what the dojo does or even read the update.
!Nekko! Posted September 28, 2007 Posted September 28, 2007 I'm thinking they will eventually reveal the tourney mode as Wi-fi as well, with a set of rankings or leaderboard. I think all the people bitching about Brawl's online haven't got a gist of what the dojo does or even read the update. I'm not getting my hopes up.
Devyn Posted September 28, 2007 Posted September 28, 2007 What would be some good assist trophies? I think Epona would be a good assist trophy (whinees and runs over people). Definitely Midna if not an actual character (maybe include that other version of her too) Oh yeah, Cranky Kong should be in there. He could beat people with his cane and tell them about his days as a young chimp and how he had to walk to school in the snow 4 miles every day. And Mouser.
Arek the Absolute Posted September 28, 2007 Posted September 28, 2007 What would be some good assist trophies?I think Epona would be a good assist trophy (whinees and runs over people). Definitely Midna if not an actual character (maybe include that other version of her too) Oh yeah, Cranky Kong should be in there. He could beat people with his cane and tell them about his days as a young chimp and how he had to walk to school in the snow 4 miles every day. And Mouser. two people toss out assist trophies one gets resetti one gets cranky cranky vs resetti go if only
Dexie Posted September 28, 2007 Posted September 28, 2007 Fishing Lakitu assist: He flies around, dangling a healing item from his rod. Once someone grabs it, he starts tossing out Spinies.
cobaltstarfire Posted September 28, 2007 Posted September 28, 2007 It'd be cool if they had a round robin tournament mode instead of just elimination rounds, or the ability to merge both types, first round robin, then the elimination rounds are set up by how each person performed in the first part. I guess it'd take longer but everyone gets to play more.
The Author Posted September 28, 2007 Posted September 28, 2007 There is a hidden meaning in the names, I know there is one. Just can't see it.
The Mutericator Posted September 28, 2007 Posted September 28, 2007 He could beat people with his cane and tell them about his days as a young chimp and how he had to walk to school in the snow 4 miles every day. Uphill both ways.
Dexie Posted September 28, 2007 Posted September 28, 2007 Uphill both ways. While tossing barrels down the hill at oncoming plumbers.
Strike911 Posted September 28, 2007 Posted September 28, 2007 I'm thinking they will eventually reveal the tourney mode as Wi-fi as well, with a set of rankings or leaderboard. I think all the people bitching about Brawl's online haven't got a gist of what the dojo does or even read the update. Yes, but to be fair, and this is just an observation, Nintendo has never capitalized on any game's having a robust online mode. Never. They've had it in there for a few games, but it's always been slim pickings. I'm cool with what they have in Brawl, I loved Mario Kart DS's online, but seriously, don't get your hopes up. Online aspects of companies slowly ramp up to get features like that, and Nintendo is hesitant to do that. Now if they prove me wrong and bring that stuff, then cool, but, honestly, I'll tell you why I don't think there will be leaderboards... firstly, there is no way of identifying a nickname, making it uniquely individual. The only thing that is unique to each player are the Friend Codes, which really, seeing a leaderboard of friendcodes is next to useless. There is no database with usernames to identify people with. Additionally, this lack of structure makes no sense to save virtually meaningless information in some database. Maybe it will save your stats to your local machine, but not online. The only way around this is if Nintendo makes a username/password system that is not friendcodes for Smash Bros Brawl, but lets face it, that isn't happening, because they've already said they're using friendcodes. Friendcodes are the worst thing to happen to Nintendo's online ideas. I have no idea why this company wouldn't just let people register a nickname and password like XboxLive or PlayStationNetwork... hell, keep the friendcodes for little kids that can't get mommy's permission to go online, but they need to give us nicknames and passwords so we can use some online functionality. XboxLive is great for what it does, but PSN is free, and still offers 1000 times more functionality than Nintendo has ever offered online. I don't get it how Sony can have a good online experience, while Nintendo refuses to come to bat. Anyway, long story short, my opinion is that it can't happen because Nintendo's online strategy (currently) is flawed. It can't happen, because trying to create a leaderboard without unique names is nonsensical. Oh look, 1234-1234-1234 is in first place. Oh, and 1455-2346-2346 is just three wins behind. You Tournament mode might have quick one-time rankings for the people that played offline though to show you the stats of everybody after the fact... but online? No.
Antipode Posted September 28, 2007 Posted September 28, 2007 Nevermind me. FEEL FREE TO LEAD OFF ANY TlME!
MasterSenshi Posted September 28, 2007 Posted September 28, 2007 I might have some qualms about recent updates on the Dojo, but Smash looks totally awesome. I don't care if it has limited online or whatever; I enjoy smash playing with friends and fam... there's just something you can't emulate getting a person right next to you to play against, mock, scream, etc. The online sealed the deal for me... especially after hearing Shiggy say those horrible comments about difficulty not being important in video games. I mean geez... add difficulty levels. I may get too busy to play video games that often in the future, but for now I intend to enjoy brawl as much as possible. I love the series, and WHATEVER characters he adds, short of something completely horrible is welcome to me. Considering how many days left, I'm sure some features will be left off; actually it would suck if they spoil everything, but a few more good spoilers wouldn't hurt too much.
friendlyHunter Posted September 29, 2007 Posted September 29, 2007 sakurai sounds a little annoyed/pissed off/in a rush in this update Today's update is the tourney. I need to take lots of screenshots, so I can show all the robust tourney-generating functions! I- I'll choose 32 players!! Wow, that's a lot of matches! Better make them only one minute each, I don't have a lot of time to waste Whirrrrrreeee... It sure is hard work creating detailed data for each entrant! I must keep going, or it will look like I don't have 31 friends! It - it's time to begin the Tourney! Black text on a red background??? My eyes!! It's super effective! (10 minutes later) I-I... I must finish the Tourney! People must see the mode determining which player stands victorious on the summit after winning many battles against many foes! (20 minutes later) Ooooh. It’s so dynamic! (5 minutes later) What is Tourney mode?! This is a fun extra mode where you can enjoy decorating things by putting stickers on them. Actually, you can also play this by yourself against computer opponents, so try it out if you’re so inclined.
Strike911 Posted September 29, 2007 Posted September 29, 2007 I particularly like how he implies playing tournament mode for more than one minute is time wasting! *GIGGLE!* Hehehehehehehehe.
Antipode Posted September 29, 2007 Posted September 29, 2007 Today's update is the tourney. I need to take lots of screenshots, so I can show all the robust tourney-generating functions! I- I'll choose 32 players!!Wow, that's a lot of matches! Better make them only one minute each, I don't have a lot of time to waste Whirrrrrreeee... It sure is hard work creating detailed data for each entrant! I must keep going, or it will look like I don't have 31 friends! It - it's time to begin the Tourney! Black text on a red background??? My eyes!! It's super effective! (10 minutes later) I-I... I must finish the Tourney! People must see the mode determining which player stands victorious on the summit after winning many battles against many foes! (20 minutes later) Ooooh. It’s so dynamic! (5 minutes later) What is Tourney mode?! This is a fun extra mode where you can enjoy decorating things by putting stickers on them. Actually, you can also play this by yourself against computer opponents, so try it out if you’re so inclined. Hahahaha. Very nice.
Jam Stunna Posted September 30, 2007 Posted September 30, 2007 Rgs10168 (10:57:10 AM): Hey, what's up? mobilisq (10:57:58 AM): not much mobilisq (10:58:03 AM): just about to go to work mobilisq (10:58:05 AM): you? Rgs10168 (10:58:05 AM): nothing much, about to do some typing. Man, I think God himself doesn't want me recording any more Melee matches mobilisq (10:58:52 AM): haha, why? Rgs10168 (10:58:42 AM): I woke up this morning to find that our TV refuses to turn on Rgs10168 (10:59:01 AM): My wife and I had planned to record a few today Rgs10168 (10:59:25 AM): I suppose this is what I get for not honoring the Sabbath or kissing enough babies or something mobilisq (11:00:28 AM): hahah
Linkjing Donuts Posted October 1, 2007 Posted October 1, 2007 wow. i didn't use ness too much, but this makes me kinda miss him (if ness is excluded, which doesn't seem likely, since sakurai mentions him)
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