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Actually, Jack has major potential...

His forward smash could be much like Peach in SSBM, but rather than sports equipment, he'll use his main tools

[{Least Damage} Watering can, Hoe, Scythe, Ax, Hammer {Most Damage}]

His charged attack could be (this is the only part I haven't found a good suggestion for), maybe the fishing pole could release bigger and bigger fish? Meh, I know, but I tried.

and for his smash attack, they could use one of two things:

1] He opens an umbrella, which dramatically summons a gigantic thunder storm which hits everyone, besides Jack, within distance to take huge damage (Reference to HM:GBC, where the umbrella waters all plants nigh-instantaneously).

2] He pulls out one of his main tools, but this time, he prepares for a gigantic swing, and eventually is surrounded by a powerful aura, before finally letting loose an amazing attack (Reference to HM:FoMT, where, if you follow the right criteria, you will get cursed tools, bless them [in various ways] to make blessed tools, and [though another set of arduous criteria] upgrade them into Mythic tools [All three of these types of tools, when you charge them to these levels, surround your character in an aura, and releasing the power of the tool often has a dramatic affect on things around you, such as the Hammer releasing a blinding white light before destroying every stone, boulder, and rock in the area and the Hoe pretty much tilling an entire screen worth of soil when released, which is a lot]) so yeah... The effects this could have would be numerous and all would be effing awesome [Even the watering can could probably release hundreds of small drops which do 1 damage each].



omg animal crossing character clone

Here's an idea:


You don't have to, no one's making you play online, and in fact, I'm pretty sure I don't want to play against you online, because you seem like a jerk.

What if they forced you to only play timed 4 player matches in offline games? Would you just say "don't play multiplayer"? If you don't like something, should you force yourself to be just indifferent to it? Brawl is a game that is focused on multiplayer, and is Nintendo's highest profile release so far for the Wii. Atma's already said it, but for some reason Nintendo's the only one that can get away with this shit.

Since the original SSB has been all about variety, options, and customization. I don't see why their online mode should be any different.


I don't automatically think of online gaming when I think of Smash Bros. though. If they nerfed the multiplayer aspect of it somehow, then I'd be a lot more disposed to rage then if they didn't release a complex online system.

They haven't given us a complex online mode, BUT that's not the main focus of the game. Never has been. Therefore, I say 'Meh' to the online mode. I can take it or leave it.


I'm just saying we don't know until the game is released how online will work. Trust me, if you can think of something, they are thinking about it right now. The best thing to do now is to get the updates, add to what we know about the game but don't assume it is all there is to know.

Up until the "online" announcement, people like Atma were saying stuff like "It's never gonna be online." When online gaming was announced, what I heard was "Yeah but you'll only be able to play with friends and not with strangers." And they introduced random anonymous play. And people found some details to bitch about.

Frankly, I would love for Smash to be a superior online experience, at this point, we have no clue how it will turn out simply because the game is neither completed nor released.

So for now, I recommend that people simply shut up, and wait until the information we have is final before complaining.

Your bitching about online capability at this point would be akin to me celebrating the inclusion of Captain Olimar.

So for now, I recommend that people simply shut up, and wait until the information we have is final before complaining.

Your bitching about online capability at this point would be akin to me celebrating the inclusion of Captain Olimar.

Well, the problem with this view of things is that once it's final, it's final. If at that point things are not as we would like them, we can no longer do anything about it. The whole idea of "complaining" (or, from another perspective, providing input and feedback) is to let them know what features we would like, and if they don't receive any guidance in that regard then we're going to wind up disappointed.

I will, however, say that OCR is not the forum to bitch unconditionally on. Your complaints here will do no good, because even if Nintendo realizes people discuss the development of their game here daily, I guarantee they have no regard for your two cents in comparison to those of the much more numerous folks over at their own forums, or some place like Smashboards that's more of a renowned "authority" on the game. So if you folks want to discuss what you do and do not like about the game so far in a civil manner, fine, but if you just want to regurgitate the same disgusting bits of whine over and over then go somewhere else or get yourselves a bloody Livejournal.


if nintendo had half the brain to understand what it means to patch games i wouldnt be nearly as pissed off about their broken online system

and despite what all of you blind fanboy faggots say it is absolutely broken

if nintendo had half the brain to understand what it means to patch games i wouldnt be nearly as pissed off about their broken online system

and despite what all of you blind fanboy faggots say it is absolutely broken

I'm so thankful that Brawl has free online.


Halo 3 online is so broken though. When someone disconnects on Team Slayer, why can't Bungie freaking make it so that player is replaced by a computer so my team isn't at a disadvantage?


Halo 3 online is so broken though. When someone disconnects on Team Slayer, why can't Bungie freaking make it so that player is replaced by a computer so my team isn't at a disadvantage?

dude omg dude y r there no bots n multeeplayer


Alright so I've been reading these past 5 pages and I've taken the arguments of both sides into account.

At this point I'll say yes, it could be better, but I'm happy for what I've got.

That said, at this point, I think we have not seen all there is to see regarding online mode. That is, I really don't think these are all the options that are going to be available, especially being released at this early time.

Sure this may be a long shot, a desperate hope that there is going to be something more, but if meaning is not lost in translation, then just check out what is actually being written in the update.

"Join a quick and simple brawl against someone, somewhere! If you’re not going to be playing with a friend, this is the mode you’ll tend to use." Major emphasis on the tend here, it kind of indicates that there will be more options, hopefully more than team battle.

"Huh? We’re already at character selection? That’s right. You don’t make any rooms." Ok, so at this point I'm thinking, why mention the idea of rooms if you're not going to perhaps use this option in another feature. This is giving me the indication that there may be a option with rooms later revealed....or they're are being really bitchy and rubbing it in...:-P

"When you have a battle mode that runs online like Basic Brawl" Ok, here the word like is used, indicating Basic Brawl is not the only option, again I am hoping he does not simply mean Team Battle or Spectator modes.

Ok so that's pretty much my two cents. I know it does sound very very hopeful, but I think at this point, it is still too early to come to conclusions. But Atma feel free to rub it in if I'm wrong, I will still be your anonomous friend on online mode. :tomatoface:


Shying away from the whole "blah blah internet" thing... I honestly do not believe that THAT character selection screen is going to be the standard one in Brawl...

...I mean, there is no Kirby. Or several other characters, but Kirby seems more like a "starter" than that. Someone probably noticed this already, right?

That whole "replacing a person with a computer" thing, is kinda... Weird. I guess if you wanted to know if someone was replaced or not, you could just start ducking repeatedly and hope they catch on?

Oh, and most characters will be unlocked in the Adventure mode? In one playthrough probably, from the sound of it? Well, I hope that there are still a few that I can unlock by beating classic mode really fast, target mode, homerun contest... Etc... Those were fun.

I'm so thankful that Brawl has free online.
battle.net is free and it doesn't suck. brawl giving you almost no control over options in an online match and not even letting you see who you're playing against isn't justified by the fact that the online is free. it's just nintendo being gay.

i don't get why so many people can't live with people pointing out how brawl's online sucks. nobody's trying to say the game on a whole sucks because of it. brawl will still be amazing, it's just too bad that the online is total garbage, when it could easily be a lot better.

Your complaints here will do no good, because even if Nintendo realizes people discuss the development of their game here daily, I guarantee they have no regard for your two cents in comparison to those of the much more numerous folks over at their own forums, or some place like Smashboards that's more of a renowned "authority" on the game.

I think we determined several hundred pages ago that Sakurai (or one of his employees) reads what we're predicting or discussing on this forum, as evidenced by his occasionally posting an update about it the next day. Of course, it could have been a series of coincidences. Assuming the former, however, it follows that what we say here is not merely read but has the potential to change the course of video game history. I for one would welcome another two-month delay if it meant the inclusion of an online mode with rankings and more options, the beginning of Nintendo's march into true online gaming. Not that that would take two months to program. And not that they haven't already implemented one (see DuskyFerret's sound reasoning). If Sakurai wants to keep the ranking mode a surprise, this is not a bad way to do it.

Also, what's the difference between "the items that are turned off in the item switch are also determined by lottery" and "all items are turned on"? Answer: nothing, if the rounds are short enough. This gives me hope because it means that perhaps it will randomly pick one of the four settings for the four players involved, supporting the theory Bean has suggested. For example, if all four players have their settings on no items, then there will be no items in that round.

Another thought: Brawl is to be released in Japan on January 24th. What should be our agreement on putting spoiler warnings around unreleased characters, stages, assist trophies, and the Subspace plot at that time? I propose we keep everything hidden until February 14th. Why so late? It's easy to remember (Valentine's Day) and allows us to participate in the First Official OverClocked SSBB Tournament without fear of having that information spoiled for us (except for the characters/stages that our opponents have unlocked).

P.S. Thanks for the compliment, Atma!

battle.net is free and it doesn't suck. brawl giving you almost no control over options in an online match and not even letting you see who you're playing against isn't justified by the fact that the online is free. it's just nintendo being gay.

i don't get why so many people can't live with people pointing out how brawl's online sucks. nobody's trying to say the game on a whole sucks because of it. brawl will still be amazing, it's just too bad that the online is total garbage, when it could easily be a lot better.

I think everyone is living with it. The problem is just that some of us are seeing complaining each nice, ad nauseum, seemingly following ANY sort of update. It's pointless to complain about every new aspect of a game you supposedly like. It's more like saying you're afraid the game will suck, and each day you get a little more evidence to substantiate your fears.

Life is too short to spend worrying about something you have no control over. Enjoy the updates, or sleep or something. We could've been totally in the dark like with 99% of games out there. Some people are enjoying these updates, including myself. If you don't like it, you can do something else, you don't need to post complaints every night over each minuscule quanta of update you dislike.


Although I honestly don't give a crap about Brawl's online capabilities they did handle it rather wrong.

What they should have done was made two types of online settings; one for the kiddies and their parents to have to limit all the BS for their own safety, and then another one for the more seasoned players who like to customize their own games and have a ranking system and all the other crap that everyone else wants.

In all seriousness I'll be happy playing my 10 minute long games against the computer, crapping all over them with Meta Knight (yes I like time matches).

The only way I would play online is if I had real friends and since I don't have any, it's whatever. (People in this state suck at life so bad I honestly don't want/need the kind of people here for friends, all they do is cause drama for themselves.)

So yeah, I'm open to play any of you guys if you'll be my online 'fwends' as Atma puts it. :razz:

Also MEGA MAN, X, and/or ZERO for brawl.


Actually, it's ludicrous to even HINT at censoring or restricting online play.

The best way to do that is to take out the wireless router. I've did that before and it's failsafe. And what kind of retard takes anyone seriously from what is said over a game? I will never understand that logic.

PS- I'm glad to see SSBB incorporating some sort of a randomized online play. Even if it's pretty weird by jumping straight into the choosing screens. It seems the Japanese developers have no idea what 'lobbies' are and how advantageous they can be. Like testing connectivity, pre-game chat and set up, etc. Just about every fighting game I've played online was like that.

battle.net is free and it doesn't suck. brawl giving you almost no control over options in an online match and not even letting you see who you're playing against isn't justified by the fact that the online is free. it's just nintendo being gay.

Comparing battle.net to Brawl? Come on now.

i don't get why so many people can't live with people pointing out how brawl's online sucks. nobody's trying to say the game on a whole sucks because of it. brawl will still be amazing, it's just too bad that the online is total garbage, when it could easily be a lot better.

It's fine for people to complain, but when it's the same person complaining about it on every page, it gets old.


It's fine for people to complain, but when it's the same person complaining about it on every page, it gets old.

Thank you, this is an extremely valid point.

I know I was saying I'd stay away from this debate, but I just wanted to support that idea that "it's fine to complain, not everyone is going to like everything, it helps developers, blah blah". But yes, it gets annoying when it's the same person, as Bigfoot said. That said, I'm hoping that there is a way to get 1 vs. 1, 3 players, stock matches, etc. in online. I mean, yeah, you'd think that with all these option we're being given that they'll have something like that? At the very least, I hope to be snagging some friend codes from ye folk so I can play with all you'se. You'se mugs.


One thing that I'm very curious about is when someone gets replaced by a computer, what level will that computer be. It seems to me that the best possibilities would either be level 5 or level 9. It would seem kinda sucky if an inexperianced noob gets replaced by a level 9 computer mid-fight.

One thing that I'm very curious about is when someone gets replaced by a computer, what level will that computer be. It seems to me that the best possibilities would either be level 5 or level 9. It would seem kinda sucky if an inexperianced noob gets replaced by a level 9 computer mid-fight.

whats the difference

neither of you get a loss or a win

honestly just play vs computers

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