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Western characters (non Japanese) ?

hmm.... that is a real tough one... besides the aforementioned Earthworm Jim (and Crash)... I can't really think of any good characters from Western studios... besides some Mortal Kombat characters...

StarCraft was on the N64... would it be weird to see a Space Marine show up? Or a Zergling? Wouldn't that be weird!!

Hmm... what else? I'm having a real difficult time thinking of some... *HMM*

I guess technically Diddy Kong (and Donkey Kong's representation) could be considered western from Rare's influence on the evolution of Donkey Kong's persona.... man... what a toughie. I just cannot for the life of me, think of any Western characters that have been on a Nintendo system...

Rayman, maybe? Spiderman? Batman? Err, I don't know how licensing would work with that... I doubt any comic book superheroes would ever show up, although it would be cool. Used to be a lot of StarWars stuff from back in the day............... but that'd be weird.

hmmmm....... video game characters..... *thinks really hard*

.... oh to hell with this.... Japan is so xenophobic anyway, Sakurai probably meant for Japanese characters that Westerners are aware of. BUT STILL, there are tons of Japan only characters showing up... hmm...

Nintendo did have something going with EA, like how Mario, Peach, and Luigi showed up in NBA Street.... maybe some EA property will show up... *shrugs* but all they do is license crap ... I can't think....



Guitar Hero was on Wii so I dunno Pandora or Lou could possibly be an American character... Tira or Ivy from Soul Calibur could be a character too. RealFolkBlues... your sig is made of awesome just because it's the first Bebop one I've sen with Jet in it.

EDIT: Nevermind about SC, I just remembered that it's Japan made, still they'd be cool

Guitar Hero was on Wii so I dunno Pandora or Lou could possibly be an American character... Tira or Ivy from Soul Calibur could be a character too. RealFolkBlues... your sig is made of awesome just because it's the first Bebop one I've sen with Jet in it.

EDIT: Nevermind about SC, I just remembered that it's Japan made, still they'd be cool

A couple things. First, thank you sir for the compliment. Jet is NARROWLY my second favorite character in the series. Your sig made me and a co-worker lol pretty hard.

Secondly, Nintendo has a controlling portion of NamcoBandai's stock, so a Soul Calibur character isn't out of the question, especially after Link having been in SC2. Granted, it wouldn't really qualify as a western-produced character, but I would love to wreck somebody's world with Astaroth or Nightmare.


So, after lurking for quite some time (a few months, I believe), I've finally gone and registered. Can't wait to argue the finer points of SSBB with you guys!

Wow, this thread has been great. Its basically a summary of all the craziness that happens on the Gamefaqs SSBB message board (without a majority of the stupidity).

Before I say anything else, let me state that if Mega Man classic is in Brawl, and has the ability to gain a new power by KO-ing an enemy (so he doesn't copy like Kirby does), this game will be the single best game of this, and perhaps any generation!!!

On the latest subject...american reps...I really can't think of any that deserve it. Sorry!

Before I say anything else, let me state that if Mega Man classic is in Brawl, and has the ability to gain a new power by KO-ing an enemy (so he doesn't copy like Kirby does), this game will be the single best game of this, and perhaps any generation!!!

having a character in a game doesnt make it the greatest game ever if they somehow screwed up mechanics they could have enough characters to make every fanboy in the world wet himself but suck

having a character in a game doesnt make it the greatest game ever if they somehow screwed up mechanics they could have enough characters to make every fanboy in the world wet himself but suck

Right, because all evidence so far shows us sloppy programming and poor game mechanics. Plus, both previous games were horrible.



no but i am just trying to convey the fact that the inclusion of a single character does in no way cause this game to be anywhere closer to perfection than it would be without that

also hey look 1 week no updates

im probably late on that

well hopefully therell be a leak of the jap version before then so we can know EVERYTHING about the game


Looks like the online testing has finally tapered down to zero.

This convinces me a lot more than the japanese image that Brawl is done.



Custom Graphs ehh? Good enough!

No seriously, (almost) ONE MORE MONTH BEFORE BRAWL COMES OUT!!! I just thought about Brawl and I got hyper. But anyway, if Mega Man is in Brawl, I won't use him, IMO he's a queer. If they are or shall I say did include any more 3rd parties, it should be NiGHTS, seen the game at Blockbuster today and s/he looked like s/he'd be an interesting character. Or Leon or Ada from RE4 since, you know it did make the Gamecube a lil more famous I guess. Or the dude from Geist.... he'd be better as an AT.


1000+ pages of this thread? Wow, this is probably the longest thread I have ever seen on ocr.

This game almost here! I can't wait. January is gonna be a long month.

Mostly...always right... (>.>)

What's that supposed to mean? Don't tell me you're one of those who didn't see Bowser in the clouds... But, let's say you didn't -- that's a pretty neat-o graph he has there. People like graphs.


Bowser is most definitely in the clouds in that picture.

Anyway, if you want to verify that graph, the source is WFCStatus, which can be found at http://wfcstatus.net/. It is a program that polls Nintendo's WFC servers for activity and reports the statistics it finds.

Always right? I have been wrong before. I remember that day pretty well considering how long ago it happened.


Here's a thought that just occured to me.

The other Hunters in Metroid - Hunters. They have a possibility to enter this game, Metroid is a series ill-represented as it is in SSBB, so this could be possible.

Always right? I have been wrong before. I remember that day pretty well considering how long ago it happened.

well there was that one time where the planets were in some odd configuration and for an instant i knew something that had to do with computers that drack didnt

then they moved again and my instant of extreme happiness was over D:

well there was that one time where the planets were in some odd configuration and for an instant i knew something that had to do with computers that drack didnt

then they moved again and my instant of extreme happiness was over D:

True Star Control 3 Confirmed?


I see Bowser, but not any of the others. The clouds on either side of his head are his claws.

Then again, I'm not even sold on there being anything in the clouds.

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