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I have seen that pic a million times but I must admit, it never really gets old.

On the side note, STOP!!!! requesting Final Fantasy VII characters. Enough is Enough already. I can even probably understand FF:CC but VII or any other main series characters have no place in SSB. VII is a playstation exclusive, this is and will always be a NINTENDO brawler. The addition of Snake doesn't change anything. Wishing for Cloud, Tifa etc. is pointless. It is much better to wish for a final fantasy fighting game. Until then play "Ehrgeiz: God Bless the Ring" if you can even Find It. The closest thing you will find to Final Fantasy brawler. There cast includes Cloud, Tifa, Vincent, and pretty much any other of your stupid beloved Final Fantasy VII Characters.

I have seen that pic a million times but I must admit, it never really gets old.

On the side note, STOP!!!! requesting Final Fantasy VII characters. Enough is Enough already. I can even probably understand FF:CC but VII or any other main series characters have no place in SSB. VII is a playstation exclusive, this is and will always be a NINTENDO brawler. The addition of Snake doesn't change anything. Wishing for Cloud, Tifa etc. is pointless. It is much better to wish for a final fantasy fighting game. Until then play "Ehrgeiz: God Bless the Ring" if you can even Find It. The closest thing you will find to Final Fantasy brawler. There cast includes Cloud, Tifa, Vincent, and pretty much any other of your stupid beloved Final Fantasy VII Characters.

I love you.

friendlyhunter, you sound like you're trying to get a reaction out of people and/or sound unique.
And I can't complain enough about how Melee's graphics, especially compared to SSB's simplicity, are insanely cluttered and distracting (characters that are no more than a dozen pixels high, changing colour and suddenly appearing in different places all the time, behind a wall of flashing white smoke thingies, fire, explosions, AND the scoreboard

does anyone know what he just said? I honestly don't get it.

im not going to wet my pants because someone doesn't like my favorite game, but when you say it sucks for some reason that makes no sense at all, i just want you to clarify a little. just pick any one of the thousands of ssbm vids on youtube and show me where the graphics detract from the gameplay.

Ah, sorry, looks like my rediculous sentence was too unreadable. Here it is in point form:

Characteristics of the players that make them difficult to follow:

- they are often a very small size on the screen

- they change colour a lot (on fire, punched by gannondorf, etc, etc)

- they often change direction suddenly and move very long distances in a short amount of time (dodges, rolls, jumps, a lot of moves, getting hit, etc)

- fast camera movement (zooming/panning) contributes a bit too

Things the characters are often behind, partially or completely blocking view of them for varying amount of time:

- flashing white smoke thingies (you know, the ones that appear whenever anything happens)

- fire and explosions, etc.

- the score display (damage percentage and number of lives)

I am genuinely curious: am I the only one in the world who has a problem following the gameplay when I play? I'm often losing track of which character/flying object I am, causing me to fall off the stage just often enough to make it really annoying. I also find it difficult to tell which way I'm facing in mid-air, and whether I'm "stunned" after a hit. In the original SSB, you could clearly tell when you were spinning and could not do a double jump, which direction you were facing, and whether you still had a B-up move left in you. In Melee - I haven't got a hot clue half of the time. The high falling speed in Melee accentuates this problem a lot - I have trouble playing with Falco, and surviving on the DK stage (the one with Cranky, and without the DK rap). Actually, my problem with that DK level is mainly because of the camera - the angle makes it difficult to tell exactly which part of the ledge you can grab onto, and it's hard to see the platforms that players aren't on. Anyone else notice ANY of this stuff?


I'm definately not saying SSBM sucks because of this - I am however saying that I liked the original a lot better in that particular aspect. And it looks like the developers have caught on - the Brawl videos seem to have that non-melee "feel" where the characters actually have some weight and girth, and don't keep zipping around huge distances like deranged mosquitos. Or somethin'

Also note, little I say here is completely serious - don't over-dissect anything I wrote! ;-)


I used to have trouble following the gameplay of SSBM after playing SSB. Actually I used to be a little turned off by it, but after I grew used to it I highly value the fast pace. It only gives an advantage to those who pay close attention and know their character.


FFVII characters are impossible to be in the game because it was a PS2 exclusive, but what about some of the original Final Fantasy games. like FFI-FFVI. All of those were on Nintendo, right? Especially from FFI. No real specific characters, but It would be cool to see a Red Mage in there. None of the others really seem like they'd be very original except for Black Mage and White Mage. Warrior would be too much like Marth and Roy (nothing really but sword attacks). Thief would be about the same but with weaker attacks and more speed. Monk would be like a Street Fighter character. What else...am I forgetting any jobs from FFI?

Black Mage could seriously kick ass with Fire, Lightning, Blizzard and such with some dagger attacks for melee combat. White Mage would be pretty unreasonable though. Moderate hammer attacks with possibly Aero or whatever was white magic offensive back then. The only thing I can think of other than that, though, is healing magic, which would make him/her almost impossible to kill.

Now Red Mage would kick some serious ass. Dual wielding swords while casting low level fire, lightning, and blizzard.

Just...throwing more ideas out there.

FFVII characters are impossible to be in the game because it was a PS2 exclusive, but what about some of the original Final Fantasy games. like FFI-FFVI. All of those were on Nintendo, right? Especially from FFI. No real specific characters, but It would be cool to see a Red Mage in there. None of the others really seem like they'd be very original except for Black Mage and White Mage. Warrior would be too much like Marth and Roy (nothing really but sword attacks). Thief would be about the same but with weaker attacks and more speed. Monk would be like a Street Fighter character. What else...am I forgetting any jobs from FFI?

Black Mage could seriously kick ass with Fire, Lightning, Blizzard and such with some dagger attacks for melee combat. White Mage would be pretty unreasonable though. Moderate hammer attacks with possibly Aero or whatever was white magic offensive back then. The only thing I can think of other than that, though, is healing magic, which would make him/her almost impossible to kill.

Now Red Mage would kick some serious ass. Dual wielding swords while casting low level fire, lightning, and blizzard.

Just...throwing more ideas out there.

Man, Aero? That wasn't in FF1. You need the most awesomely-awesome offensive White Magic spell ever put into an RPG: HARM. Yep. Almost as good as Dragon Quest's HURT. You have to hand it to those guys who worked in the 80's. They had some creative minds.

Also, you're forgetting the Thief/Ninja.

Isn't that the same as Monk pretty much?

I dunno, come to think of it, I don't even recognize the Monk from FF1. Maybe you played the GB version? I played FF1 on the NES, and the classes available were: Fighter, Thief, White Mage, Red Mage, Black Mage, and Black Belt.

Yeah! Lets throw as much shit at the wall as we can! Some of it is bound to stick, right?


Lol, okay Sahasrahla from Link to the Past? He can't even moves! Granted he can hand out boots... Hmmm, possible winner over the moon?

Man, Aero? That wasn't in FF1. You need the most awesomely-awesome offensive White Magic spell ever put into an RPG: HARM. Yep. Almost as good as Dragon Quest's HURT. You have to hand it to those guys who worked in the 80's. They had some creative minds.

Meh, yeah, I'm mixing the games up...I'm just thinking of the early FF as a whole (even though I said FFI...) I've been playing FFIII lately so that's where I got the aero as a white magic idea. And yeah, HARM kicked ass :P

Also, you're forgetting the Thief/Ninja.

It's up there. Read again.I mentioned the thief for a sentence. Ninja is basically an advanced thief so it wouldn't be much different. Only cooler and it would have the ability to kill pirates.

FFVII characters are impossible to be in the game because it was a PS2 exclusive,

Firstly, it was a PS1 exclusive.

Secondly...not saying I'd want him in the game, but Cloud and Aeris were both in Kingdom Hearts: Chain of Memories on GBA...so, technically, they *could* show up in Brawl. :P


Ah man... never fails. Someone links a Melee video on YouTube and I spend the next few hours just scopin' for good matches.

That 1233 guy is like my hero. His DK is the sexiest thing I've ever seen. Except maybe for that one guy that was actually insanely good with Mewtwo years back... Man, underdogs ftw.

I like good Bowsers.

And I cannot lie.

Those Mario brothers can't deny.

That when a Koopa comes in and starts laying waste

With a fireball to your face

You're well-done.

Wanna go down, though

Cuz you notice that Peach was stole'

Deep in the castle she's waitin'

I'm hooked and Bowser's baitin'

Oh, Bowsie I wanna get past ya,

And take you out to pasture.

My homeboys tried to tell me not

But that lava you got

Make me so hot!

Ooh, spikey turtle shell

You say you wanna send me to hell?

Well abuse me, abuse me, cuz you aint that average Koopy


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