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Brace for borderline disturbing.

During one playthrough of Deus Ex: Human Revolution, I for some inexplicable reason thought it'd be really fun to slowly and stealthily kill everyone in the police station and hide their bodies in weird spots (like the air ducts or the elevator).

...so that's something I do in video games that I don't do in real life. Murder entire police stations.


Catching animals and forcing them to either fight other animals to the death or assist me in catching said animals in order to do my bidding in a similar manner. That is something that I don't do in real life - I'm actually pretty kind to animals, for the most part.

I've just been playing Pokemon a lot lately, is all.


Fuse demons and gods together to make even more powerful demons and gods. And then use those demons and gods to help me save people who were thrown inside TVs.

Also shoot beams out of my sword when I have full health.

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