Whitey Posted August 1, 2004 Posted August 1, 2004 This song was my frist ever remnix i downloaded from here, i loved the orginal of this, and when i heard this, i decided to come back for more, its always in eveyr playlist i have, anything to be said about this remix has been said already this truly kicks ass, its really nice and relaxxing and as one said, its repeteive but u dont actually seem to get sick of it ever - truly brillaint Quote
gamecubin700 Posted August 1, 2004 Posted August 1, 2004 HOLY CRAP. KUDOS to the Prot factor for remixing probably the best track off the DKC2 soundtrack... the right way. Seriously this remix is FlatOut FREAKin AWESome. Proticity u get 5 out of 5 stars, 2 thumbs up,the 10/10, HOLY SH** award, editors pick, and placed among one of my fav OCRs... just simply BRILLIANT. GJ (note) if u like this guys work check out " KROOL Intenstions. http://www.ocremix.org/detailmix.php?mixid=OCR01183 great mix 2 Quote
DiamondBerg Posted December 1, 2004 Posted December 1, 2004 When I dlded all Ocremix with bittorrent, I listened to all. Yes, I did, but it was a long time ago. Then, your song came to my ears. I remember I've said : Holy shit! This song rocks! (in french, cauz I'm in Quebec). Seriously, Potricity, you've made many remixes with DKC, did you? I apreciate them all. I must thank you to bring us good remixes like this one. (Good?, why good, that's not enough to rate this 5:32-minutes-best-song-ever. Me too, I often relax with it. I like when you think that the remix is finished, as the sound go down, and all seems to fade-out, and then, the melody reappears. That's just beautiful. I wish I could make good remixes like this one. You're my idol! No, seriously, Thanks! Quote
greenyoshieggz Posted January 7, 2005 Posted January 7, 2005 Man I can't stop bobn my head. A very addictive song Love when the deep guitars take over. 10/10 Awesome ______________________ "I cant eat, i cant sleep, so i sing myself to sleep, you know... self hypnosis!" Quote
Demko Posted January 11, 2005 Posted January 11, 2005 Wow! This guy really likes DKC2! Good Job, Protricity. Quote
ghaleon Posted March 14, 2005 Posted March 14, 2005 There are a bunch of things that make this song amazing: 1) it's a remix of the best DKC2 song, 2) it's long but it keeps your attention the whole way through, and 3) the instrument selection is damn near perfect. It jsut screams DOWNLOAD ME! Quote
jordex Posted March 23, 2005 Posted March 23, 2005 Prot's second best DKC2 remix, I'ld say Cool ambience with a very cool rhythmic synth with a raising and dropping EQ When the piano comes in it reminds me of music from Gunbound which isn't bad, not bad at all The song continues moving in on, getting more laid back as it goes. There's a sweet drumtrack overtop everything but it all seems so relaxing still Quote
diamondfalcon Posted April 5, 2005 Posted April 5, 2005 I agree that this song is the best DKC2 song...and Prot is the only one who can pull off a remix as good as this! Quote
Bummer Posted September 16, 2005 Posted September 16, 2005 Although this is a techno song, it´s very soothing with awesome piano and nice drumbeats. This is harmony stuffed in a musicfile. Great stuff! Quote
phoenix_paradox Posted January 26, 2006 Posted January 26, 2006 There's only one word to describe this remix: WOW!!! Congratulations Protricity in my way to see it u even did it better than the original song. I used to love the original one, but now that i heard this remix version... well i cannot stop hearing it once and once again. Im not a big musician, in fact i cannot even read a score sheet , but in my younger days i used to be a great video gamer and this game, specially this song always was one of my favorites Thanks a lot!!! Quote
House of Hyrule Posted March 6, 2006 Posted March 6, 2006 This one is right up there in my top 10 OC remixes. The sound is so rich and crystal clear that it pops majestic inside my headphones. I also adore the original version. I would sometime replay the stage or just let it sit there while the tune runs in the background back in the mid 90's (no chance of finding an mp3 of that floating around back then) Proticity did a super-awesome job of doing everything right with this track while also preserving the original sound. Quote
Mr. Flonne Posted April 21, 2006 Posted April 21, 2006 I'm right there with the above post. I, too, used to enter brambles levels just to listen. This mix is, so far, my favorite on the site. Granted, I'm predisposed to love this song, as it haunted my childhood. I could never get it out of my head! This mix is perfect. A -wonderful- adaptation of the original. Quote
NeOmega Posted June 19, 2006 Posted June 19, 2006 I've been listening to this one for over a year, and put it on a cd of my top ten favorite remixes, to go camping with me. It really makes me miss the grass on the side of the road as you go to a far away place. My girlfriend likes it too. Quote
Iridi Posted June 7, 2007 Posted June 7, 2007 AWESOMES song!!!!! This remix is just better than the original (both in GBA version and Snes version) though the original song Stickerbrush Symphony is the greatest song in DKC 2 Any way, most of Protricity songs are excellent Quote
Jamonte Posted May 18, 2008 Posted May 18, 2008 I honestly love this piece. Something about it that is just so nostalgic and kinda brings back memories of me struggling on this game when I was younger. Excellent Job! Quote
Lemon Posted July 20, 2008 Posted July 20, 2008 Wow! This song is so catchy! I loved the song in the game, and this is easily as good, if not better! Really good. Quote
Lucentas Posted December 7, 2008 Posted December 7, 2008 A very cool mix, very flowing. Well done. Quote
Marmiduke Posted August 27, 2009 Posted August 27, 2009 Rather than raving like a loon like I've done many times before, I'll grant this mix the dignity of just keeping it simple. A perfectly executed mix and without a doubt one of the best 10 mixes on the entire site. I shouldn't have to explain why. Quote
Pachi Risu Posted November 17, 2009 Posted November 17, 2009 Relaxing. Rather simple, but suited for an easy listening pleasure. Quote
Sir_Snooze Posted February 6, 2010 Posted February 6, 2010 This is an odd bump, but whatever - it must be said. This is a magnificent mix. A ready favourite for wandering to school on cold winter days...Lotsa good times on this one. There's nothing really to complain about or even say - just let its majesty unfurl on you. You'll love it - downbeat-ish with a solid, solid core. Definitely recommended. Quote
Crulex Posted February 19, 2010 Posted February 19, 2010 Ohhhhhh yeahhhhhh........now this is chill. The Mix is so soothing a relaxing, and the source is woven in beautifully. Protricity made a heck of an impression with his first ReMix and it's no surprise that this was only the first of many. Keep rocking. Quote
SChepulis Posted March 5, 2010 Posted March 5, 2010 I Can't Get This Out of My Head! - 5/5 - - - Stickerbrush Symphony is my favorite song of the 16-bit era. Literally I can't overstate how awesome the source material is and you should check it out. The original has a very distant feel to it, yet also endows the listener with hope. Simply a brilliant piece by Dave Wise. Now I tip my hat to Protricity because he somehow managed to keep that same feel and bring it up to the modern day. This remix has aged very well and remains one of my favorite on the site, give it a listen! Quote
OceansAndrew Posted April 29, 2010 Posted April 29, 2010 Though it is structurally very similar to the original, but there is a good deal of personalization with some new beats and backing instruments. Overall one that has held up pretty well over the years due to a strong source and a cool production style. Quote
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