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The mix itself is very good, as to be expected of Vurez.

But I do not see how this falls into the vision that Shael initially stated that this should be urban, electronic, beat oriented. In the SF2 site it says "The arrangements contained herein have been designed to be evocative of dark, pseudo-romanticized urban imagery: abandoned playgrounds and crowded street markets; back-alley block parties and hole-in-the-wall bar dives, scenes that are, I hope, befitting of a tribute to one of the most iconic games in arcade history."

I'm a little confused on how this mix from a genre perspective was found acceptable, but txai's was not - irrespective to the difference of quality between the two.

I listened to pretty much all the mixes of the project yesterday though and thought Shael and Malcos did an otherwise great job with the project. The Malcos and RTF collabs in particular were delicious.

Congrats to those involved.

Not sure if the [the chanting and singing is] sampled, recorded, or a mix, but it integrates very contextually.

Funny story behind that:

One of my only criticisms of Vurez's steller first WIP about a year ago was his use of some vocal samples that didn't quite mesh with the rest of his production. Exited about the track, and something of an egoist, I offered to replace the pre-fab vocal samples with my own chantnig and singing. Vurez declined, saying he intended to record the vocals himself, and then promptly recorded vocals that exceed by an immeasurable sum the quality of my snot-nosed, post-alt-rock crooning (which is, coincindentally, featured in a later track on the album).

The end product is evertything Dave praises it for being in his write-up; that is to say it's an excellent track and stands out in the album for a number of reasons. Though it did raise some initial concern about keeping the album consisitant in its urban tone, it ultimately won me and other concerned parties over. It ended up being the reason for me going into my write-up and adding into the examples of images that songs from this project were intended to be evokative of "crowded street markets," and I don't mean to say that this track brought to the project's theme any compromise. Rather, it expanded it in a way that included a tone which, while remaining consistant with the project's theme, I'd overlooked previously. A number of tracks did that, and they ended up being some of my favorite tracks on the album.


Very chill. I've been waiting for the next great remix album to come along, and here it is.

I recommend this to anyone who loves Super Street Fighter 2 Turbo, and to everyone and anyone who loves music.


I am amazed,astonished,astounded, and all together affected. I love the western gun-slinger type feel this remix has. It seriously makes me feel like I want to ride a horse into the sun set, and have an inevitable show down with my greatest foe. Also it kind of makes me want to karate chop things and have sword fights and and .. uh anyways.. this remix may seem abstruse compared to the others of the same project, but don't let that turn you off! This is kickass, 10/10.

  • 4 weeks later...

What can I say but very well done, very enjoyable.

I'm also a fan of Ennio Morricone and Spaghetti Western music (like Once Upon a Time in the West) - and thought this track captured the essence of the genre.

The vocals really took the track to a new level - well done!

One of the best I've heard,


  • 10 months later...

Kindof rare to see a project mix with so few comments, and it's too bad, because this mix has some awesome elements which make it really unique, and very well done. I think the issue is that even though it's a very well done mix, the genre isn't the most popular, and may come across as cheesy to some.

The vocals and brass are phenominal, as is the percussion. I really like this one; it has a distinctive sound that sounds very authentic.

I encourage everyone to check this one out; super high quality stuff.

  • 1 year later...

This is a high-quality mix with a lot going on. I think my favorite part is the chanting--I'm impressed the remixer did his own vocals. Maybe my affection for this track hearkens back to the days of watching spaghetti westerns with my dad, but regardless, it's a melodic piece that makes me happy, and that's what counts most to me.

  • 2 weeks later...

This is my first post here, as I've just discovered this site this morning. "Blood on the Asphalt" was the first of the OCR projects that I listened to, and I loved it. This particular track was a standout for me. It did a terrific job of painting an image (even if it's not the image originally laid out for the project) and really captured the essence of the Western sound. It's a really epic piece that makes me wish I had a sweet sunset to look at across a sandy flatland with a real big manly looking belt around my waist.


Even though this sort of broke with the urban theme of the rest of the SF2 album, it was really, <i>really</i> good. Just perfect for T-Hawk's stage. Vurez is great at evoking a certain atmosphere with his remixes, and all the extra effects and arrangement choices he made here worked out to accomplish just that. KF

Even though this sort of broke with the urban theme of the rest of the SF2 album, it was really, <i>really</i> good. Just perfect for T-Hawk's stage. Vurez is great at evoking a certain atmosphere with his remixes, and all the extra effects and arrangement choices he made here worked out to accomplish just that. KF

If you read Shael's post in the beginning of the thread, this mix did not break the urban theme. Shael said he realized through this mix that the concept of "urban" was even broader than he realized.

Though it did raise some initial concern about keeping the album consisitant in its urban tone, it ultimately won me and other concerned parties over. It ended up being the reason for me going into my write-up and adding into the examples of images that songs from this project were intended to be evokative of "crowded street markets," and I don't mean to say that this track brought to the project's theme any compromise. Rather, it expanded it in a way that included a tone which, while remaining consistant with the project's theme, I'd overlooked previously. A number of tracks did that, and they ended up being some of my favorite tracks on the album.
  • 4 months later...

This is quite an exceptional mix, in more than one sense. For starters, the quality of sound is well above average, and secondly it is a great representation of how successful novelty genre mixes can be pulled off. Whenever I hear someone say "It's Dire Dire Docks in the style of rockabilly" or indeed "T-Hawk's theme in a Spaghetti Western style", I balk and say "Why? Why not just create a unique style with a combination of inspired ideas that lets the melody flourish on its own accord." 'New Mexican Thunderbird' is the reason why I'm a listener and not a mixer. Because I would never have been able to foresee how well the theme is manipulated to suit the Western musical persona. The vocals, whistling, strings and percussion are cliche but in the best way possible, and I'm positive this piece would have been half as enjoyable if the novelty wasn't taken to the extreme imitative territory that it does. Extra kudos for those vocals.


This is another one of my favorites from Blood on the Asphalt and one of the few mixes that,for what it is and where it came from, I consider a very rare gem.

Great work and I'm glad that this is in SSFIIHDR. :nicework:

  • 1 year later...

Wow, now this is cool! I can hear the western influences, and it does take me back to things like G,B and U. Glad this was used for the album and it's really done well. Great job!

  • 6 months later...

Ah, the flamenco is here. Not without a healthy does of the spaghetti western thrown in for good measure. The mens group singing was really entertaining. Almost has a native american quality to it. Very ethnic, for lack of a better work. Actually, strike that, this piece is very cultural. Even though it's steeped in the flamenco/mariachi style, Don takes this in a lot of different directions. I loved the trumpet. The sound of it was fantastic. Don has QUICKLY grown tremendously as a programmer, and I praise him for that. Hahaha, the whistling is totally brilliant. This is what I would expect to hear in a Little Big Planet level. Don, you keep raising the bar for yourself, and you continue to meet and surpass it. Very nicely done!!

  • 3 weeks later...

Surprised this doesn't have more comments, and a comment by me either - I have to say that this may be one of my favorite songs on the site, and I wish it got more attention. It really has a Mexican flair to it with the guitar & flamencos, and the strings & trumpets accentuate the atmosphere greatly. The vocals are also tastefully used in a similar manner.

Overall, I believe this to be a must listen on OCR - it's hard to really hate on this track.


First time I heard this was the SSF2THD version, and I enjoyed it. But the Blood on the Asphalt version is where the mixer's vision really shines through.

Vurez knows his way around this style of music, so no complains here. The samples are also quite strong in this, so the track could very well be in a real spaghetti western movie.

Amazing stuff.

  • 4 years later...
  • Liontamer changed the title to OCR01479 - Super Street Fighter II Turbo "New Mexican Thunderbird"
  • 1 year later...

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