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So you're getting the street fighter experience everyone expected.. I don't get why people are complaining. One of my friends on facebook was like "Did you hear about Street fighter!? Missing modes!! All it has is online!" and I'm like... surely it has couch play too. And he's like "Well yeah, online and couch play, but--!" And I am all like it's street fighter, that's fine, what do you expect? "B-but it... it..." No it's a fighting game, you bought exactly what is in the title, street fighter 5




as a side note you can STILL get Fatal Fury on the Genesis, only fighting game that was ever worth its weight 


I heard they basically released it early to cater to some gamers' request to practice for some upcoming tournament. Not sure how much truth there is to that. Regardless, I'll be waiting until the game has arcade and story modes before getting it.

On 2/17/2016 at 10:21 PM, AngelCityOutlaw said:

This kind of BS shouldn't be tolerated by consumers

gamers have been tolerating this for literally one (1) decade


I haven't really had too much time to delve into it because life reasons, but I think I enjoy it from what I've played? Not entirely sure yet. While it doesn't bug me as much, since if I'm not playing online, I'm in training mode, the game DOES feel pretty barebones and unfinished. The rumor floating around is that they wanted to get it out with enough time before EVO. I'm assuming some marketing guy high enough that Ono couldn't say no to him said "Let's get this out for EVO for MASS publicity/sales!", which isn't a bad assumption to make, but that's too insider baseball to get into,

Mechanically, I'm not crazy interested, although I appreciate Zircon and some other folks' perspectives on how it relies less on pulling off long combo strings a la SFIV, and more good timing and meaty 3- or 4-hit technique a la SFIII. It feels weird moving to that when I've been pulling off 9+ hitters for years in SFIV, to be doing the same type of damage with Karin woth a crouching med kick into QCB strong kick. I almost feel like it's too easy? I dunno yet. I do appreciate V-skills, triggers, and reversals, though again, I haven't really had a whole lot of time to really delve into it. Maybe over the weekend I can give better impressions.

Stability-wise though, the PC version is a mess. There are sections of the game that can chug at times, specifically background animations in stages like Kanzuki Estate. They might just be locked down to 30FPS for whatever reason, but it's slightly jarring to see. Additionally, and probably most annoying to me is that while I can use and customize the main attack buttons on my SCIV Fightstick, why the bloody hell do I have to press Enter on the KEYBOARD to enter the start menu mid-training/fight session? This is especially annoying since I can otherwise access every command using the stick, even exiting the menu! That seems like a strange issue to have. This of course is just my experience. Apparently, many folks using other sticks can't even get theirs working on the PC. Oh, and remember when I said if I weren't online, I'd be in training mode? Well it seems like I've been stuck in the latter, given the incredible instability of the network. I could be waiting for 30 minutes with fight request on in training and nothing.

Obviously, this is an early superficial impression, but so far, there's enough left to be desired that I'd rather be playing something else.I might get really into it around late March when (ostensibly!) most of the major bugs are fixed, or I might wait until Ibuki and Juri come down the DLC pipe. Cross play is nice, though! If I happen to be online, my Network ID is Malakhim3.

3 hours ago, Malaki-LEGEND.sys said:

I haven't really had too much time to delve into it because life reasons, but I think I enjoy it from what I've played? Not entirely sure yet. While it doesn't bug me as much, since if I'm not playing online, I'm in training mode, the game DOES feel pretty barebones and unfinished. The rumor floating around is that they wanted to get it out with enough time before EVO. I'm assuming some marketing guy high enough that Ono couldn't say no to him said "Let's get this out for EVO for MASS publicity/sales!", which isn't a bad assumption to make, but that's too insider baseball to get into,

Mechanically, I'm not crazy interested, although I appreciate Zircon and some other folks' perspectives on how it relies less on pulling off long combo strings a la SFIV, and more good timing and meaty 3- or 4-hit technique a la SFIII. It feels weird moving to that when I've been pulling off 9+ hitters for years in SFIV, to be doing the same type of damage with Karin woth a crouching med kick into QCB strong kick. I almost feel like it's too easy? I dunno yet. I do appreciate V-skills, triggers, and reversals, though again, I haven't really had a whole lot of time to really delve into it. Maybe over the weekend I can give better impressions.

Stability-wise though, the PC version is a mess. There are sections of the game that can chug at times, specifically background animations in stages like Kanzuki Estate. They might just be locked down to 30FPS for whatever reason, but it's slightly jarring to see. Additionally, and probably most annoying to me is that while I can use and customize the main attack buttons on my SCIV Fightstick, why the bloody hell do I have to press Enter on the KEYBOARD to enter the start menu mid-training/fight session? This is especially annoying since I can otherwise access every command using the stick, even exiting the menu! That seems like a strange issue to have. This of course is just my experience. Apparently, many folks using other sticks can't even get theirs working on the PC. Oh, and remember when I said if I weren't online, I'd be in training mode? Well it seems like I've been stuck in the latter, given the incredible instability of the network. I could be waiting for 30 minutes with fight request on in training and nothing.

Obviously, this is an early superficial impression, but so far, there's enough left to be desired that I'd rather be playing something else.I might get really into it around late March when (ostensibly!) most of the major bugs are fixed, or I might wait until Ibuki and Juri come down the DLC pipe. Cross play is nice, though! If I happen to be online, my Network ID is Malakhim3.

Ruh-roh! I certainly hope they get things on point, as all of those issues are very unfortunate. Big game releases can be pretty iterative these days, but the core things like network responsiveness and stable animation need to be rock solid.

EDIT: How's the music at least? I loved the music used in this trailer (starts at :39):



Am I the only one who's been enjoying his time with SFV? I guess I'll jot some thoughts so far:

 - Mechanically/Gameplay wise, I feel its a step up. I love the that the focus is less on execution, and more on reading your opponent. The whole crush counter dynamic is really well done, throwing out a blind shoryuken-type maneuver is the riskiest it has ever been. It's very easy to avoid/ignore vortex setups because of easy-access quick-rise.  Having good defense fundamentals and good poke is really, really critical in SFV.

 - I'm having no trouble with the graphics or lag. I have 2 mid-range pcs that don't have much trouble at all. Also, networking has been working pretty well for me, generally. I feel like I'm a bit lucky in this regard, as most everyone seems to be citing massive connection issues with the game.

 - It does feel unfinished, a lot of the menu options literally say 'this will be available for free come march/june' when you try to use them, but the core game is good, you have arcade, survival, vs, and online. That's enough to keep me happy for a few months!

 - Also, why is no one talking about the fact that for the first time in a capcom game since like... forever? You can BUY DLC with in-game currency? this is so huge, and no one is talking about it.

 - There are controller issues on the PC, but joy2key has pretty much fixed every one of them for me - Definitely an annoyance, but a minor one.

 - The music is fantastic, i think. A lot of the themes are remixed, and its just a lot better than what I remember from 4.


I remember when I bought a game and it came with a ton of features and actually worked properly right out of the box and cost just 60 Canadian Pesos.

Now, it costs me 80 Pesos, there's no single-player, game's broken and all the features I should have had to begin with are promised to be given to me at a later date. Oh, and there are micro-transactions because why not?


I got bored and rented it from redbox.  What the fuck is this shit?  If I wanted to play Killer Instinct on XBox One, and get 1/8th of the content when the game comes out, I'd do that.  The online is awful on ps4, sitting waiting on a match forever, no SP except a teaser story mode and poorly implemented survival.   Way to manage to mess up everything all at one time Capcom, you truly outdid yourself in a special retarded kinda way.  I felt ripped off out of 3 dollars on this just for the rental, and that never happens.

Edit: Also, reading the stuff at gamefaqs forums is golden on this, most people think they way I do on this, but you have the hardcore EVO type that are trying to say casuals don't matter, offline is for chumps, wrar wrar wrar.  Hilarious.


I played a ton last night, working through survival mode.

LOVE how this game feels. Really controls well. I never feel like the technical execution of what I'm trying to do is out of reach, which gives me more of an opportunity to focus on tactics. Sticking mostly to Karin right now, as she's a character I've always loved from Alpha 3.

Not really winning a lot of games online, but I've never been that good at fighting games to begin with. Hopefully I can win some more.

Love the survival mode. Trying to decide which bonus to use between matches really keeps things fresh.

Also gotta say, this game looks insane on PC. I discovered last night I was only playing on mid settings for the past week; I bumped everything up to max and my eyes popped outta my head.

I think @BardicKnowledge said on Twitter or FB that this game feels like 3rd Strike-2; I'm inclined to agree. Considering that 3S is my favorite Street Fighter, that's high praise.


it really depends if you love fighting games or like to play competitively. I myself love the way the game feels but of course I hate how its essentially early access with hardly any SP action as well. Its just due to big competitors getting ready for Evo and its understandable in my pov at least. Also I guess I'm the lucky one to not really get any online issues as most of my matches have gone through relatively smoothly, but if anything I keep running into ppl that rage quit more then I deal with lag. Only time will tell if the new features added on will be worth the wait or trouble that its bringing to the gaming community, but other than that I have been enjoying the game so far. 

  • My player profile is currently lvl 218.
  • currently 10-0   on Casual matches. 
  • currently 17-13 on ranked matches.
  • Completed every characters Story Mode.
  • Completed every characters Survival in Easy mode
  • working on completing every characters survival in Normal mode

I keep getting close to beating survival in hard mode with some of my favorite characters but keep getting screwed over at the 40-50 Stages, and it really sux cuz you don't get shit if you lose no matter how close you are. making ur time spent on the mode wasted. 


I love this game.  The lack of Arcade mode doesn't bother me one bit.  When I get into a competitive game all I care about is: 1-Is the game good and fun? and 2-Is the online experience good too?  to those two things I can say Yes in the case of SFV.  The game mechanics are fun and interesting, and every character feels different.  The online performance, was terrible the first day, then it got progressively better until it's flawless now.  When I play people who are on Europe it feels like how it used to feel when I played people in the east coast on USF4.  People in places nearby feel as if the game was being played offline.  It's that good.

Like I said Acade mode doesn't bother me one bit, as it's a mode you play once and forget about it forever.  At least in my case, when I play competitive games I prefer to, you know, compete against other people.  What will hold people for the next 4 to 5 years is the online experience, not some arcade mode.

Also I have the same controller as Darkesword and I love it.

This is my first try at getting good at a fighting game (besides a half-hearted try at third strike many, many years ago) so I'm in the proces of getting decent.  I need people who are better than me to play against.  Even if you're a noob like me, I would still love to play with you, so add me, my Fighter ID is "Macronaso".  


I assure you even though @Sir_NutS labels himself as a noob, he is in fact not 8-)

@DarkeSword the controller looks great, I wouldn't mind grabbing that as I'm a controller guy (even for PC games - I main a controller in BF4 and Battlefront). I have been learning on a stick currently which does make things feel more "arcadey" and immersive for me, but I have a long way to go to even beating other rookies consistently. I actually got worse since I started lol. I haven't touched a casual or ranked since my great losing streak after the first week of play, I've instead just been training my ass off and trying my hand at survival.

The game still lacks modes to teach newcomers (I'm not a newcomer to fighters I'm just bad at them ;)). Something which teaches you the basics through to advanced combos for your character would be really welcome and make it easier to train instead of setting up recordings for a dummy in training mode all the time. Some earlier SF's like SF EX plus Alpha had training programs for each character where it took you from the simple moves through to combos and linking super moves into those combos - this would be great to see and I think this might be what the challenge mode is that's coming in March (I could be mistaken).

An arcade mode would be a welcome addition for people who enjoy single player, as it helps you to learn the match-up basics. Survival I guess could be considered the replacement at the moment but it's not set up great - most of the opponents are dummies right up until the last 5-10% (especially on normal). Currently I resort to fighting a level 5-6 CPU in training with all recharges off.


Is the OCR community pretty big on this game?  I generally prefer fighting games that utilize all 3 dimensions but if there's a chance for an OCR SFV gathering/league/whatever I would consider buying the game, and learning it, for that. :)  

All in favor of SFV supporting cross platform play, and since i plan on buying a ps4 later in the year is it possible to buy a stick that would work on both the PS4 and PC? 

4 minutes ago, Garpocalypse said:

Is the OCR community pretty big on this game?  I generally prefer fighting games that utilize all 3 dimensions but if there's a chance for an OCR SFV gathering/league/whatever I would consider buying the game, and learning it, for that. :)  

All in favor of SFV supporting cross platform play, and since i plan on buying a ps4 later in the year is it possible to buy a stick that would work on both the PS4 and PC? 

My fightpad (same as Darke's, above) works on both PC and PS4.  Although for the time being, you have to use a workaround to get it to work, because support for directinput is not there yet.  The link Darkesword posted works perfectly and it's what I'm using.  If you decide to come please add me and let me know.  I have a feeling I'll be playing this game for the following years to come.  Unless Overwatch takes all of my playing time, that is.

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