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This is a very nice reinterpretation of the source medley. It's all fun. I loved the end.

Oh by the way I love your album. This is for me your Mona Lisa, man. I dont know why it needed 5 YES votes to pass, instead of only 3 YES votes.


I love this piece. Mazedude has this way with music that just flows into enjoyment. It's rare that he makes something that I don't find enjoyable.

Anyway, this one is great, the main melody playing through the majority of the mix reminds me a lot of Descent's music, which used that off-tune chord style that MD shows here. Beats are cool, the wacky time signature makes it even cooler. Reminiscent of Tool's stuff in that you can't groove to it, but it has its own pace that is still enjoyable.


This one has come across as one of the best songs on The American Album- which is saying a lot. Said work was ultimately the highlight of 2005 in remixing for me. The way Mazedude works with layers, man.. awesome.

Now, if it could get under the file size limit, Glow Worm Jim would be most welcome here.


I haven't heard the American Album, though it seems promising. Perhaps this will be my foot in the door. But regardless, this song is freaking awesome. Slow and spacey, the first time I heard it, it actually reminded me of The Mars Volta touching on video games (which is fitting because you come directly after them on my music library).

It's rather slow paced, and a little repetative in the intro, but it's so cool sounding that it doesn't matter. The voices later in the song add to the eerie feel and make it a little more whole. Although they can be a bit distracting, they seem to fit very well, and they're not there very long anyhow.

It's one of the first mixes of its type that I've enjoyed in a VERY long time. After several listens I'm reminded more of djcarbunk1e's Luigi's Mansion mix. They seem to be sister mixes of similar styles, with different tricks and influences thrown in. I really dig it.



I guess I'm going against the grain here.

I am in love with all of the music from 7th Guest and 11th Hour, and perhaps it's just that love for it that I still hold so close that makes me automatically dislike all of the remixes I've heard for it.

This odd time signature really effects the song, and not in a good way. It also effected the delay of the introduction to sound choppy and strange.

Oh well. Maybe next time.


Since I haven't played this game, I didn't listen to this one when the album first came out. However, I think I can make one exception.

I like the heavy atmosphere this piece has. Several strong beats and synths makes a good combination, even if the synths aren't first class. The bass in the beginning together with the piano created a smooth walkover to the more busy and lively part of this arrangement.

As I said, I liked it, this remix has a strong and heavy yet a little creepy feel to it. :D


not only am i a huge fan of the game. this remix was amazing. truly captures a bit of the spirit too.

i wanna find my copy now wherever that ended up. ^^;


W00t! Okay, so my first post here, and I chose this mix. =) Rock on, Mazedude!

Picked this song for my RP character on a webforum cuz it fits her like a fricken glove. Creepy, crazy and all over evil sounding.

I agree with meccaneer in that it's just a tad slow in the beginning, but once it picks up, man, it rules the school.

Awesome job! Lookin' forward to more.


This is one of the most atmospheric mixes I've heard in a while. The beginning just exudes evil, from the off beats on the piano to the electric "footsteps" at 0:21, 0:52 and 0:57(I dunno why I subconciously labeled them that, but they made me want to see if anyone was following me). The evil laughing and voice samples made me picture someone going insane in a padded cell, and the beat had me imagining a giant evil monster of some kind lumbering up some stairs. I know these are all really subjective visuals, but you can imagine what kind of mix would spawn them. A very, very well done mix here.

  • 2 weeks later...

I rarely crawl out of the shadows of OCReMix to post anything anywhere, but this calls for posting, just because of how awesome this is. Really nice work with the "totally wacky time signature" - makes me want to experiment with various strange time signatures myself.

All in all a solid and good remix which, as mentioned, would be absolutely great on Halloween. Keep up the good work.

*fades back into the shadows of lurking*


With the exception of perhaps djpretzel himself, no remixer on OCR has been as prolific, as versatile as Mazedude. His catalog of 34 (count em!) OCRs range from one end of the sonic spectrum to the other and he continues to put out more insane, twisted, innovative tracks year after year. This track is an excellent example of his talent, as is the American Album. If you haven't picked that up and donated, what are you waiting for?

It's no big secret that the 'dude is one of my favorite remixers in the entire community. I can't wait for more.

  • 1 year later...

Started out a little slow for me, but once the drums really kicked in, it caught my attention, and once the lead synth began, it was even better.

The vocal samples I thought were lame, but that's just my general opinion. The section right after that is super catchy, and the breakdown was good, but another sample comes in, and i'm sure it's from the game or something, but it just annoys me.

Overall a great track, but the use of samples leaves me kindof cold. :-(

  • 1 year later...

This starts off a little to slow for my liking, but once the drums kicked in, it started to catch my attention. The vocals really didn't hit it with me either, but the sections afterward were fantastic.

This mix more or less has me on the fence. Not bad by any means, but not really that great either. Sorry 'Dude.

  • 7 years later...
  • Liontamer changed the title to OCR01491 - 7th Guest "Microscopism"

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