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I love the other version of this song on this site, but this song blows it away. I love the guitar and the violin its all put together so nicely. It just melds perfectly. This song is definitly going into my normal rotation of songs. Thanks for the great song guys you did an awsome job.


This is awesome. No doubt. The apocalypse-ness of it certainly emanates from that e. guitar. All quality and arrangement is brilliant. The guitar is one of the best I've heard. This is one of the few mixes that actually have a live violin without using crappy soundfonts for solo violins.

Midee + Prozax? Oh, I know those guys.


Excellent mix. I'm lovin' every bit of it. Being the huge fan of the Beatles that I am, I am really into that bit at 2:32. Not only is it reminiscent of the band, but it gives this mix a good change of pace and keeps it from ever getting stale.

The guitar, the violin, nothing much to say there other than "Wow." Both sound out of this world and the mixing of the two comes out great.

Bravo to all who were involved.


First time listening to it I didnt like it... at all. But I gave it a second listen and I started picking up stuff about it that I really do like, the sort of old-rock-ish feel, the laid-back ness of it... it all combines very nicely. After that, I started to appreciate what was going on with the rest of the mix, and now I absolutely love it. Good work!


Considering this came sixth, and is awesome, it's safe to say that June 2005 was a good month for DoD. Loved it then, love it now. Nice to see it over here; Midee and Prozax are close to the best collaborators in the community.


Oh man oh man oh man oh man I know this song, FINALLY someone made a remix of "Judgement Day". Elements such as electric guitar, strings and a dark piano to begin with really makes this arrangement worth listening, downloading and then have as repeat for the next 5 hours. It fills me with respect, awe, but also sickness since I think I've been banging my head for too long now.

Excellent, I'm loving it, I'm taking this. :D X 999998


Pretty cool, It gives a great tune that little bit more punch, I also like the variation between chaotic and more ordered parts of the song... gave it a nice tension and release aspect.



I'm kinda mixed on this... mix. See, one of the things I look for in a remix is whether or not it would sound good in the game, and this Mix really wouldn't. It changes it's mood too many times, and in fact the song seems more like an experiment, where the artists were trying to see how many different ways they could play the same part over and over. I really couldn't see raiding the northern cave with this playing, particularily when the "beatles-like" part comes on.

However, as a stand-alone song, i really, really like it =) It's interesting and varied, and masterfully crafted. So it's not like a song HAS to be "game-pluggable" to be good in my book, no-no, it's just something I look for. Not all OCremixes are like that, and perhaps they shouldn't be.

Ah well, 9/10


This mix seemed to get a lot of positive reviews, but I'm not sure I dig it so much. I love the Judgement Day theme of FF7 (I sometimes use it to help motivate me to study for my finals), but I feel this rendition was missing something. For one, the violins sound too midi to me - a more natural/realistic sound would have made a huge improvement IMO. I also think the drums could have been a bit louder too and perhaps a bit more improv overall would have gave it a more emotional feeling.

But maybe my concern is based on bad expectations. When I think of a quality hard-rock remix, I think of remixes like Zyko & Destiny's Dragon's Prayer: The Blackened Desire (CC) or (one of my favorites) Christian Pacaud's Battle on a New Continent (FF6)...and it's hard to see the positives in something when doing a lot of comparison.

To be fair and balanced, though, I loved how the transitions were done - they sounded very cool! Good job overall, I think I was just expecting something a bit more natural sounding. Don't let my opinions keep you from making great remixes though.



For one, the violins sound too midi to me - a more natural/realistic sound would have made a huge improvement IMO.

Eh, too midi? You do know they're real violins performed by me mixed in with samples, right? I haven't gotten much negative comments about the violins, so I hope you'll be a little more descriptive. Do you mean they're too simple sounding, or out of place? Or do you honestly think they sound fake? Granted, I'm not the world's most amazing player, but I think this is one of the better string jobs I've done.

I also think the drums could have been a bit louder too and perhaps a bit more improv overall would have gave it a more emotional feeling.

While the kick could have used more punch, I think the rest of the kit was at a good volume. I kept the groove simple and slightly laid back. (In fact I think the hi-hat could've been even more simple overall)

I think you were disappointed because you were expecting to hear a more traditional rock version of your favorite tune, but instead what you have here is a more quirky British-flavored tune. That's understandable, as brit-pop styled remixes are pretty much absent from the community, and I've gotten similar comments last year. For this one, I concentrated more on tone and voicings and eased off on complex melodies and rhythms. I kept it much simpler than my older remix, Tactile Freefall, in which Dan and I are all over the place in prog-wank heaven.

Also, if you'll notice, I based this heavily on MUSE's Apocolypse Please. Very, very heavily. Not to the point of plagiarism mind you, but similar rhythms, chords, the piano, the guitar tone, mix-wise, etc. So I think it's safe to say that if you didn't like this track much, then you may not their track much, either. Not everyone digs their whole angsty goth brit pop vibe, but it's one of my guilty pleasures :)

I appreciate the comments though.


As I listened, my very first impression is this should be accompanying a credit roll. It has that slow, deliberate pace, changing the style but not the theme. It works very well, reminding me slightly of “Homeworld (The Ladder)” by Yes, and for the same reasons. As stated by Steele, it changes mood too much to be set to a scene, but for credit rolls, it gives a very good ambience.


I like this version, personally. It takes a song that is supposed to have a set way of being (faster and electric, in this case) and turns it into something unexpected. And, unless I am mistaken, isn't that the point of a remix? :) To breath new life into a song?

I love the mood changes, also. Maybe that's because I change moods just as fast. I know that at 2:31 where it gets a little funky is my favorite part of the song.

Cudoes to you, Midee & Prozax, for your fine work!

Eh, too midi? You do know they're real violins performed by me mixed in with samples, right? I haven't gotten much negative comments about the violins, so I hope you'll be a little more descriptive. Do you mean they're too simple sounding, or out of place? Or do you honestly think they sound fake? Granted, I'm not the world's most amazing player, but I think this is one of the better string jobs I've done.

Being a novice musician, it's hard for me to really identify what about the violins caught me off guard. I don't think they necessarily sound fake, but they don't sound natural to me for some reason. Perhaps it's because I'm used to hearing more vibration and volume fade when listening to violins. It might also be because they're all playing the exact same note simultaneously. Had you ever thought about harmonizing them to see what that sounded like? It might also simply be that they get a very loud and prominant role in this mix (1:33 caught me off guard when they seemed to overpower to electric guitar) - just something I wasn't expecting.

I think you were disappointed because you were expecting to hear a more traditional rock version of your favorite tune, but instead what you have here is a more quirky British-flavored tune. That's understandable, as brit-pop styled remixes are pretty much absent from the community, and I've gotten similar comments last year. For this one, I concentrated more on tone and voicings and eased off on complex melodies and rhythms

Yeah, I think you're definitely right here. I'm not used to British style of music. Keeping that in mind and listening to this remix a few more times, I changed my mind about the drums - I think they work great for the genre you were targeting. This is one reason I appreciate sites like ocremix, I get a good dose of different music styles :D.

One thing I forgot to mention is that I love the guitar and piano work you did in this (especially with me being a piano player). I'm not familiar with MUSE or Apololypse Please but I'll have to check it out sometime. And don't get me wrong, I really liked this remix - I mostly just found the violins hard to swallow at parts. Great remix though.


Wow. This is very impressive. You've really captured a cinematic, epic feel from the source. In particular, I really like the piano coming in around 2:35.

Well done.

EDIT: To those confused, I'm pretty sure the 11th Commandment is "Thou shalt rock!" which makes this ReMix title very fitting.

Posted (edited)

This got off to a GREAT start. Dramatic, original, interesting. Sadly, that didn't hold up. After about twenty five seconds, it started sounding like everything else. Generic. The ending is great, just like the beginning, but... wow. The middle is just such a waste of time. I don't mean to be a stick in the mud (which I always am), but some skillful guitar playing, high production values, and good samples do not good music make. I listened to it twice and I won't ever listen to it again. It actually sounded like I was listening to a Final Fantasy Mystic Quest style arrangement of the song, and that is not a compliment. I'm sure this has a lot to offer for fans of FF7 and for people who like people playing guitar, but that's all it is in my opinion. An arrangement of FF7 that has a guitar. It's also what is known as, in my opinion, everything that's wrong with OCR. Not that it's a song from FF7 - that's fine, it's legitimate video game music even if it's ReMixed really often, and OCR is very good about posting music from all sorts of games - but the fact that this is going to get worship because it has good samples and guitar playing.

No offense, though. It really isn't a bad piece, it's just unbearably generic in my opinion. Good generic music, but generic music nonetheless.

Edit: Wow I was a jerk. "No offense, I just think your music is unbearably generic". I'm really sorry. This piece of music took more skill than I could have possibly mustered, myself, and it didn't deserve what I said.

Edited by oakthielbar
I was an asshole

I agree with artemisjaeger. I may get flamed for it, but i cant seem to bring myself to care about the opinion of idiots.

This song has little artistic value other than competent guitar playing. So why did it get approved? It uses guitar! OMG! Lets face it..there are certain "forumlas" on this site that will always get an approval from DJJudges. it's getting old.


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