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... on the plus side all the censoring stuff did make for one of these cool musical tricks you refer to in your lyrics ;) Really liked that little gimmicky bit, almost more than my own gimmick!

We had some ideas floating around for some raps too, unfortunately didn't get around to it. Awell, there's always next compo.

There's always this week. You guys need to respond to that fire the Rock Hard Mandrils were spittin'. You gonna let them talk about you like that? :o


There's always this week. You guys need to respond to that fire the Rock Hard Mandrils were spittin'. You gonna let them talk about you like that? :o

It's Eino's round, so his call :) I know more or less what he has in mind, and I think it could be an appropriate but unexpected response, even if it prolly won't have raps, and the subtleness of the response might be a bit lost on these raging rappers ;)


It's Eino's round, so his call :) I know more or less what he has in mind, and I think it could be an appropriate but unexpected response, even if it prolly won't have raps, and the subtleness of the response might be a bit lost on these raging rappers ;)


You did notice the Rickroll when I dissed you guys, right?  I wanted to return the favor after getting Rickrolled every single week by your team. Look closely at the lyrics  :razz:


We're posting lyrics already? Ok.  


For analysis purposes here are the lyrics to my remix for this week.  




Lyric 2:




Lyric 3: EyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyAAAAAAAAAHHHH...






Fun Fact: In Japanese it sorta sounds like "No"  In German it sorta sounds like "Yes". 





I would like the following things to appear on my official record:


  1. This has been the most stressful week of the year at work.
  2. This has been the most stressful past few months at work.
  3. I've moved apartments in the last month.
  4. I hate the gauntlet theme this week.
  5. I hate my maverick theme.
  6. I have had a few drinks tonight.


Needless to say, I will be working nonstop on my song til the early morning tonight, and most of my waking hours tomorrow. Dammit I will not let these things come between me and my compo entry!


One-line reviews.


Experiment - Really digging this, especially the sound & the weirdish distorted square? lead, only the bass seems to be playing a different tune at points. Apart from that I like the strange feel.


You Know The Game - Vote for change. Vote Maverick. Vote Astley.


Tortured by Dreams - Nice combo of black metal cheese and synthy synth cheese. Lots of variation. I do feel it was on the same gear throughout (even with the drop and all), but I think it was all right in the end. I appreciate the time sig change in the drop. The writing in the drop, mainly the bell-y synth was kind of unfocused. Generally the arrangement could've "gone somewhere" more for my tastes. Overall tons of ideas & creativity, unexpected combinations & enjoyable journey.


Myth Lab - Admit it, it feels good to rickroll. You did this just to do that. What's with the H in Astley anyway. Anyway, solid stuff. The chord progression in the instrumental part brings a nice sense of movement to the arrangement, the brief synth solo is very nice. I appreciate WillRock's effort, nice that you chose to leave it like that, embracing the process et cetera. Reminds me of OCR Talkback, which I miss.


We are Many, We are One - super digging the sound & deliberate pacing. The structure doesn't sound fully realized, starting and ending quite abruptly. Good stuff though. A change in chord progression at some point was very effective.


Beautiful Bloody Bats - cheezy listening sounds, but some dark vibe in the arrangement itself. Lots of room left in the mix, nice, it works. Some off-harmony stuff on the e-piano around 1:20? 1:48 the melody comes in really well. I quite like this, kinda meandering but doesn' seem to lose the point.


Gate's Secret Dream Lab - interestingly similar to previous track. Much more defined structure & full sound in comparison. Make for a fun segue. There's a couple of chords really off here and there. Otherwise I really like what I hear, nice full sound with good leadwork, good flow to the track. Really need to double check those chords.


Lost Chemistry - strange fade before 1:00 mark, seems to kick off only afterwards. Lacks a bassline. Feels like it could use one. Weird harmony 1:50-2:06. I like the overall sound & the driving beat & bell/epiano riff.


Out of Time - punk-metal feel, I appreciate! There's a bit where the chords & melody doesn't quite work together (0:47-0:48 & 0:56-0:57) though I like what you're going for. Mixing is murky/unbalanced, structure feels incomplete (I don't mind that it's short) and I think I get what you mean with the title, I still enjoyed it!


One-line reviews.


Out of Time - punk-metal feel, I appreciate! There's a bit where the chords & melody doesn't quite work together (0:47-0:48 & 0:56-0:57) though I like what you're going for. Mixing is murky/unbalanced, structure feels incomplete (I don't mind that it's short) and I think I get what you mean with the title, I still enjoyed it!

Thanks man! Unfortunately i have no time last two months. I had something VERY different in mind, but ended like this. Still, I think it's not bad cause i spend one hour on it.

Need MOAR TIME.. stupid job. Sorry guys. 


I appreciate WillRock's effort, nice that you chose to leave it like that, embracing the process et cetera. Reminds me of OCR Talkback, which I miss.

In WillRock's defense, that's not actually WillRock--just a very silly, over-the-top joke impression. Look at those lyrics. Do they seem like a serious effort to you? :P

Sorry my last entry sucked so much and I couldn't sing for GLL's entry before that, and part 2 of the story isn't up yet....been teh sicks. Part 2 is coming soon I swear.... (Glad you guys liked part 1.)


I would like the following things to appear on my official record:


  1. This has been the most stressful week of the year at work.
  2. This has been the most stressful past few months at work.
  3. I've moved apartments in the last month.
  4. I hate the gauntlet theme this week.
  5. I hate my maverick theme.
  6. I have had a few drinks tonight.


Needless to say, I will be working nonstop on my song til the early morning tonight, and most of my waking hours tomorrow. Dammit I will not let these things come between me and my compo entry!

I think all of us have love / hate relationships with music.

On another note my entry is submitted. Completely changed the way I went about writing this time. Let me know if it is any better.


Will already said it's not him.


I just don't think he's being truthful. Nice of you to cover for him. I just don't understand why.


It's as real as the Duck Hunt remixes featuring Lil Jon.

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