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Just been crying and eating ice cream for the last two years.


But really ive just been taking loads of pictures, Getting sucked into the Souls games, trying to straighten my life out (is that even a thing?) and putting game music on the back burner. If im being honest, i also got pretty discouraged by my lack of skill and inability to follow project deadlines so i left for a while out of shame. But, sometimes you just cant walk away, and the community just has so many wonderful people in it. Plus theres all the music, compos and the magfest festivities. 


Edit: Let's make my post here look less "grammar aspie" and more genial now that the surprise and kneejerk reaction of it has worn down.

I don't mind the topic being renamed, but I would appreciate it if the second question mark were erased, as I would never put two question marks in such a casual question.


I've recently come from summer holidays, and now I'm getting ready to start studying Software Development. This summer I haven't had acess to my house, so I've lost some skill playing music, so I'll have to start to practice :< 


Y'know Esperado, you keep getting better and I've always liked your stuff, the earliest PRC stuff I heard included. Don't worry, just keep at it, it's worth it. And I'm completely selfish in saying this.

Thanks Eino! I recently discovered that alot of my problem was lack of knowledge and a lack of tidy workflow habits. If i walked away from a remix for a week or two, i could never figure out what was going on when i came back. Got that solved thanks to the SFRG! Its good to be back.


if you can believe it he actually has slept through almost every night since 2 weeks

Mine (now 12 months) was like that, too.  Lately she's been waking up more often, but I've been getting a great deal more sleep than I was warned.  Still not much time to work on music, though.  That's also why I've been playing Splatoon instead of long-form games.  Can't wait until she's old enough to entertain herself....


Found a book that uses legos to put on the works of Shakespeare and now I can't stop thinking about Shakespeare...I just spent the last 2 hours memorizing the Witches' chant from Macbeth...but you know it's nice to go back and reread all the things you were forced to read in school, provides a deeper appreciation, when you aren't just reading to regurgitate facts about the story, but actually trying to understand the subtleties of the plays. So finished Hamlet, working on Macbeth gonna skip Romeo and Juliet, go Julius Caesar, then go back to Romeo and Juliet and then maybe throw myself a curve ball with Titus Andronicus. Also been playing FF Tactics If you want to win, gotta get that summoner.


I got a job as a full-time teacher now and so I feel like I've finally made that leap to consider myself an adult since I have a career. And as a result my free time has just withered away.


Well my internship is about to go to full-time job with an actual adult salary, so I'm excited to say that I'm on the cusp of being an official Software, Web, and Database Designer/Engineer. With that, I'll be getting ready to start moving into a nice apartment closer to Chicago. I'm also really trying to hone my music theory and guitar, currently learning more scales and modes, and working on my Japanese and Korean.


Video game-wise, I finished the 1st chapter in MGS5 about a week ago, bought Hatsune Miku: Project Mirai DX for the 3DS and I play that whenever I have time, and I'm pretty hooked. Otherwise I'm playing FFXIV.


I thought I responded to this but I guess I didn't!


I'm beginning my second year out of school this fall.  I'm currently working as an adjunct professor of percussion at one of the CT state universities, and actively freelancing as a percussionist.  I actively perform with a number of ensembles--a mixed instrumental-vocal chamber ensemble called Cantata Profana, my jazz/new music group Triplepoint Trio, and of course, my video game band DiscoCactus.  Most recently, I've been performing a lot with The Legend of Zelda: Symphony of a Goddess as their principal percussionist in the northeast/mid-atlantic region.  I'm also freelancing as a recording artist--I've had a few more video game gigs since I performed on Wil Roget's score to Lara Croft and the Temple of Osiris.  This summer, I threw myself head-first into a number of different arrangement album projects--all of which I'm excited for.  Keep your eyes on Harmony of a Champion, Materia Collective, OC Jazz Collective, and many others!


I've been caught up with 4 courses at UNLV, and have been working 2 jobs too (one's infrequent and part time). Involved in a school Engineering competition as well.  Got a cello :D, and have been playing again.


Also have been going to the Life Is Beautiful Festival as well :) (we got free tickets to it at school), it's been Epic so far!



Inside OCR, I'm still working on and recruiting for the Shonen Jump Remix Album: http://ocremix.org/community/topic/36792-recruiting-shonen-jump-remix-album/

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