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OverClocked ReMix Design ?'s and Issues


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I should have just said something like 'it would be awesome if we could set the max width for forum posts in our control panel' because the thrust of my request was on forum width, not on the sidebar (regardless of how I never once complained about the sidebar, ahem!). I should have posted this in the other thread, sure, but I thought prophet's idea here about a user cp option was excellent and I wanted to echo it. And the only reason I repeated it was because I already had another issue to point out, not to be annoying.

So: sidebar option would be cool. Max width function would be awesome.

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Hey, is there a chance you can consider moving around the "forums" submenu to display the forum subsections before the Chat and Social Networking/RSS?

When I mouse over forums, I want to go to forums, and it takes more time to mouse down to where the forum subsections are listed at the moment because they're at the bottom of the list.


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Well, personally, I don't think it's that big a time loss.

But I would like to make it so that the menu doesn't drop down just by moving the mouse over it. I just click on it to go straight to the forums. Having it drop down is kind of pointless, and sometimes, it causes Firefox to hang.

Maybe make it so that you have to click open the menu instead?

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Hey, is there a chance you can consider moving around the "forums" submenu to display the forum subsections before the Chat and Social Networking/RSS?

When I mouse over forums, I want to go to forums, and it takes more time to mouse down to where the forum subsections are listed at the moment because they're at the bottom of the list.


The forums text right under the logo is actually a link, you can click that and get straight to the forums, then nav on from there.

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There appears to be an incorrect link on the Workshop Page

Towards the bottom if you click on the heading for "Latest Feedback: Original/Other" it directs you to "Feedback: Workshop ReMixes"

The current link is: http://ocremix.org/forums/forumdisplay.php?f=16

It should be: http://ocremix.org/forums/forumdisplay.php?f=19

I've cleared my cache and I'm in Konqueror/Ubuntu

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Can we please, for the love of God, get a home page button? I know I brought this up before, but it seems rather silly to allow people to enter their home page URL, but not provide a link so other people can actually visit it. We all know how lazy web surfers are, and the chances of anyone digging through a member's OCR account pages to find out if they even have a home page, are pretty damn slim.

We used to have one before the vbulletin changeover. Please bring it back.

Edit: Fixed my botched English.

Edited by The Coop
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Can we please, for the love of God, get a home page button? I know I brought this up before, but it seems rather silly to allow people to enter their home page URL, but not provide a link so people can actually visit it. We all know how lazy web surfers are, and the chances of anything digging through a member's account pages to find out if they even have a home page, is pretty damn slim.

We used to have one before the vbulletin changeover. Please bring it back.

Agreed on bringin' it back. Never liked it disappearing in the first place.

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http://ocremix.org/songs/original/Earthbound.rsn leads to a 404

I haven't tried any other chiptunes though

edit: actually I can't find any chiptune links that do work

did we remove them or what

Mirror folder structure was changed dramatically; also working on renaming/reorganizing chips. This should be fixed in 48 hours.

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On the chat applet page in the navigation links that appear in under the page title, the link back to the chat info page is broken. It instead links to http://ocremix.org/community/chat/, which 404s.

The dropdown navigation tabs on the top of the page hide behind the Java applet as well. I've tested it on Chrome 3.0 and Firefox 3.5.4.

The chat applet also refused to connect, but that's probably because I'm at work right now. :-P

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It's a character encoding issue. The page's character set is Western (ISO-8859-1), but the non-english text uses Unicode characters.

Here are the corrected phrases in Western encoding. (I'm not sure if this'll display properly, so here goes nothing)

Información en Español

L'information en Français


Edited by jmr
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Ditto for IE 8. I see jmr's text fine, though.

{edit} - The text is also mostly fine on the front page. Only the Japanese is a little weird. The two hirogana symbols show up fine, but the kanji symbols show up as boxes. I wonder if this is related to the other problem I mentioned.

Made some changes; still trying to fix the links themselves, but the text was reduced down to language codes, and I added a meta tag that I *think* has fixed the issue with the dropdowns hiding the links - can you confirm, Mr. Keyn?

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Made some changes; still trying to fix the links themselves, but the text was reduced down to language codes, and I added a meta tag that I *think* has fixed the issue with the dropdowns hiding the links - can you confirm, Mr. Keyn?

Seems to be. I'm not on my own computer for a time, though, as my video card (or slot) died.

{Edit} - Tried it on my work computer and it's not fixed. Actually, the problem has migrated to the front page now.

{Edit 2} - Scratch that. My work computer is IE 7. The problem still exists, but it's on an earlier version.

Edited by Abadoss
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still trying to fix the links themselves

Why don't you do what you did for the Japanese page, i.e. not use any non-english letters in the url? Instead of "http://ocremix.org/info/Category:Información_en_Español", you could use "http://ocremix.org/info/Category:christwheredidthesepeoplelearntodrive" or something.

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