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Secret of Mana: Resonance of the Pure Land - History

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30 minutes ago, Thirdkoopa said:

wait wtf that *hasn't* been taken?


Hi my name is Thirdkoopa and I'm so in for Into The Thick Of It

I think it was taken at some point but ended up getting dropped.

If you need any help on the track just let me know. 


Hmm, ok, seems i'm probably at the short end of the stick for that track, I want to work a bit on my Chrono Cross WIP, then I'm not home till Monday and then it's my turn in my RvK tournament, so if someone else is faster, then that's my problem :P

3 minutes ago, Jorito said:

If you want to make a claim and you're not a posted remixer, be sure to drop us a note with some samples of your work. You know where to find us, right?

Well, I wanted to post a WIP, but I can also give you a link to the last project I completed
And I also don't know yet, what I come up with depending on the source :P


I was more refering to Thirdkoopa, but I see now why that wasn't fully clear.

But for the people reading along: you don't necessarily have to come up with a WIP if you want to claim a track (though it would be appreciated!), it's also fine to show us some of your other completed works.

54 minutes ago, Jorito said:

If you want to make a claim and you're not a posted remixer, be sure to drop us a note with some samples of your work. You know where to find us, right? :)


also I'm track 35 on Materia Collective's 'Zodiac'; their Final Fantasy Tactics tribute album. I'd link but I'm on mobile.

is that good enough? Realllly want that track. Gonna itch out a WIP ASAP!

  • 2 weeks later...

I can definitely assure you there'll be something here tomorrow!  My gear is still not quite at the same setup as it was before, but it's workable and I'm having too much fun looking into some of the VSTs I had obtained but since not even used yet o_O


Since we had a deadline earlier this month, it's time for an update :)

We've had some shiny new WIPs from ThirdKoopa, Rexy, Kylok and the Eino Keskitalo/Jorito duo and also a great update (two actually) from Chernabogue. Also, as you probably already saw, we gained some more interest and that resulted in claims from ThirdKoopa, Kylok, HeavyViper and HankTheSpankTankJankerson. If I didn't do so yet: welcome aboard, guys! 

Good progress overall, but unfortunately we didn't receive updates from all of you. For some of you that's okay, because you told us why you couldn't do an update for the deadline and what it means moving forward. Unfortunately there's also some people from whom we didn't hear anything at all...

So, to prevent claims from being stalled with no tracks in sight, we'll do things slightly different moving forward. If you can't meet a deadline, tell us why and how you'll remedy it and we'll work it out. However, if you neglect to at least tell us why you're not going to make the deadline, your claim will be removed. Of course you can get it back if you send us a WIP, but if somebody else snatches the claim, you're out of luck. We're doing this to prevent tracks being stalled with claims but no progress when other people would have loved to remix them.

Hope you understand, and let's show those pesky album director people how it's done for the April 30 deadline, hmkay?

Peace out.


Hi!  I'd still like to do either Still of the Night, Arid Sands or Into the Thick of It if any of those weren't snatched up in my absence.  The reason I missed the deadline was because I was originally communicating with another remixer via email, and they never got back to me or informed me that the project had changed hands.  Months went by, so I must admit that I forgot about this entirely.  Are any of those tracks still available?

1 hour ago, RebeccaETripp said:

Hi!  I'd still like to do either Still of the Night, Arid Sands or Into the Thick of It if any of those weren't snatched up in my absence.  The reason I missed the deadline was because I was originally communicating with another remixer via email, and they never got back to me or informed me that the project had changed hands.  Months went by, so I must admit that I forgot about this entirely.  Are any of those tracks still available?

Still of the Night and Arid Sands are still open, so if you wanna grab one of them (or even both), let me know. We'd be happy to have you on the album!

  • 3 weeks later...

So we're in April already, and I'd like to remind y'all that we have a new deadline coming up. The next deadline is April 30! Also a reminder, if you don't check in with an updated WIP or neglect to tell us if you can't make the deadline, we'll unfortunately have to drop your claim. So don't let that happen and check in with us, ya hear?

@Blake Inc. and @PabloComa are in the clear for this deadline, they already reached out to us with their status for this check-in.

Really looking forward to seeing the first WIPs from @Sagnewshreds, @JonnyAtma, @Fishy, @dannthr, @HankTheSpankTankJankerson, @HeavyViper and @Kylok. Don't let us down and in stead amaze us with the coolness you'll bring!

Also looking forward to updated WIPs from @zykO, @Rexy, @audio fidelity, @Harmony, @djpretzel, @Jorito, @Kylok. You're off to a great start, so keep it coming.

And of course a shout out to @Hylian Lemon, @Chernabogue, @Sbeast, @Starphoenix, @Thirdkoopa. You guys are nearly there and it'd be awesome to see you bring your track to its completion.

Lastly @Yami and @RebeccaETripp expressed interest in claiming a track. If you're still interested, don't forget to stake your claim :)

There's 3 weeks left to that next deadline, so plenty of time to bring the goodness!


Hello, everyone!

Just wanted to announce that we have our very first finished track under the New Management - @Jorito has now completed his remix Masters of Mischief, featuring a stylish rap by @Smooth4Lyfe! Anyone who wants to give it a listen can check it out in the private forum.

There is a lot of wonderful music happening in this album so far - keep up the great work everyone! :)

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