m68030 Posted May 30, 2002 Posted May 30, 2002 Chrono Trigger 'Magus (Temporal Rehab)' What a surly beast of a track. This was my introductory track to my later remix "Magus (Decay of Hope)" that injury did some work for... They are intended to be played back to back.. however I feel that most people don't really get off on this sort of audio track, so I'm sure it's been deleted more times than it has been listened to. Quote
Ginnsu Posted June 10, 2002 Posted June 10, 2002 however I feel that most people don't really get off on this sort of audio track, so I'm sure it's been deleted more times than it has been listened to. And then there are the curious few like myself who thoroughly enjoy this kind of stuff. In my opinion this one is far too short, but as an intro to "Decay of Hope" it does work very well. "Temporal Rehab" is far more chaotic, while "Decay of Hope" maintains a sense of control, yet still very dark. Great work, CotMM. Quote
mDuo13 Posted July 13, 2003 Posted July 13, 2003 This is very similar to Decay of Hope, so if you didn't really care for that, you won't care for this either. I got this a couple weeks ago and am just listening to it the first time now, and reading CotMM's review, I felt that he was being a little too hard on himself - and I was right. This isn't an extremely accessible track, but it's very dark and painful -- I don't mean it's painful to listen to, mind you -- and a suitable intro for Decay of Hope. One thing with this mix is that it's not extremely long, and the ending doesn't have the kind of climax that most of CotMM's similar tracks have. However, this is a fun mix simply because it's original, and I love all those grating sounds and the way this makes the Magus theme seem so much more evil. The samples/synths/etc in particular are incredibly cool, as CotMM's usually are. This really is a song that will turn off a majority, but is really cool if you can learn to appreciate its unique beauty. Quote
zircon Posted July 31, 2003 Posted July 31, 2003 This sounds to me like a bunch of random samples were thrown in first, followed by distortion, followed by some evil-sounding effects, then THAT was distorted, then bits and pieces of the melody were scattered throughout, then the whole thing is distorted again. While I liked Decay of Hope (one of the remixes that led me to this site), I cannot say that I find this piece enjoyable in the least, nor can I say I appreciate it. I acknowledge CotMM's skill (and there's plenty of it), but it seemed like it was just wasted on this garbled remix. Quote
SmudgeTheFirst Posted June 15, 2004 Posted June 15, 2004 I don't know what to say. I have to be in the right mood to listen to this, but on the other hand, it's a strange new work of art. I'm not going to state that this is similar to Decay of Hope, because it's probably already been said. Ok. Maybe I just stated it. I'm rambling, but in the end I hope you'll get what I'm trying to say. Like Decay of Hope, you have to either like this or not. Personally, I like it, but I won't want to listen to it too often. Very good job. Strange, but good. Quote
SixthFlyingMan Posted August 11, 2004 Posted August 11, 2004 Honestly, I'm afraid I can only agree with Zircon here. This song is NOT a prime example of CotMM's work. It's not even the cool, kind of "anti-music" that Eternal Derelict was; it's just crap. I'm sorry, CotMM, but this remix was a waste of time and talent. Quote
_Raijin_ Posted January 26, 2005 Posted January 26, 2005 Had this been on vgmix, I'd say tier6. Yet it gets past the judges here :S It's a crazy fkd up world. This was a waste of my valuable bandwith. While I'm not neccesarily a fan of CotMM's work, I respect those mixes that I've heard so far from him. They're different, to say the least, but this one just goes somewhere beyond the acceptable realms of experimentation and falls well short of the definition of "music". Quote
Wanderer Posted January 26, 2005 Posted January 26, 2005 Someone really needs to remix this theme. Enough Frog Theme, Main Theme, and Zeal remixes, gimme some Magus remixes. There is so much potential with it, and I hate to see it being wasted on weird songs like this that don't even take advantage of the amazing atmosphere of Magus Theme. Quote
Trygon Posted August 4, 2005 Posted August 4, 2005 I love this piece to death. I described it as 'Evil trance' to a friend, and he quickly agreed. One of the main reasons why I love CotMM's mixes so much is because they actually feel like BGM. I could imagine many of the scenes with Magus with this playing, and so it puts me in mind of the game it sources from. That seems like an integral part of remixing, to remind of the source and expand into new directions. Quote
Bummer Posted September 26, 2005 Posted September 26, 2005 What does this song mean? Is Magus driving a lawn mover with a radio that with a weird coincidence playing his battle theme in the background. Eh? The first had a liitle more hints that this was the "Battle with Magus", but at the rest of the remix there was just the melody played with a poor synth with some sort of scratch in the back. Is that really a remix? I can only agree with Wanderer, this song has alot more potential. Quote
Broken_Wind Posted November 13, 2005 Posted November 13, 2005 This feels an awful lot to me like the kind of stuff usually found playing in a Salad Fingers cartoon. It's just that kind of creepy. Quote
Kulaman Posted February 27, 2006 Posted February 27, 2006 interestingly enough, i really like decay of hope, but there's only 1 feature of this mix that i like, the flute\pan pipe thing that starts at 0:28, who would ever think that such an innocent instrumant could be so dreadfully creepy?? i LOVE it. sadly, that's the only thing i like... Quote
Ieru Posted December 19, 2006 Posted December 19, 2006 Intrestingly creepy though i feel it kinda pushes away from the magus theme a little i still thought it was kinda cool... Quote
DragonFireKai Posted March 1, 2007 Posted March 1, 2007 Eh, not really the type of style I like. Way too sparse, sometimes less is more, but it needs a little more here to hold my attention. Quote
OceansAndrew Posted February 21, 2008 Posted February 21, 2008 Pretty gross, IMO. COTMM has always been hit-or-miss with me, and more often than not, miss. This one is the biggest miss of all for me. It's like a terrible WIP, and I think it's on the site because of remixer reputation only. 3 's out of 3. :-( Quote
Irregular Posted March 3, 2008 Posted March 3, 2008 I like how this piece sounds, but it is a bit strange at times. The lack of Magus's distinctive melody hurts the song. However, it does an admirable job sending you to the place between times that Magus knows so well. You can feel the Black Wind blowing in distance, stripping away all that does not have the will to survive. Quote
TheCorty Posted October 1, 2010 Posted October 1, 2010 Creepy. I like it! Well, seems I'm strange. There's quite enough melody in there for me, because the...eerier sounds...make the melodic bits stand out. And it's minimalistic, but not boring simply because it's surprisingly odd! Out in the real world, "anti-music" isn't something I like...but when it's a remix it gives the listener something very tangible to work with. That's why I don't have a problem with it. I just wish he had developed it more and more so that it's exciting to listen to. Maybe that direction just wasn't what COTMM wanted to do. In any case, I enjoyed listening to it...but it is slow for my taste. Quote
ymlie Posted October 29, 2010 Posted October 29, 2010 omfg its noise...its realy noise and I like it o.0 this is not happining end of the word style not happining Quote
Necrox Posted December 9, 2015 Posted December 9, 2015 The pan flute synth sounds way too clean compared to all the other gnarly noise going on. Melody is a bit too buried for my taste though. The synth at 1:48 is pretty cool, liked how it pulsed out and then back in again. The SFX were nice too. Quote
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