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  • 1 month later...

Wow. Been a while. But I return with one word... Zeus.

No, not the Greek god, but rather, the boss character from World Heroes Jet. He's an alien warrior who looks like a human, and holy shit is he cheap. He's a big guy, so his normal hits do quite a chunk of damage (about four will knock you out). His special moves list consists of things like a flaming fist (Megaton Punch), which does insane amounts of damage if it hits, and Gigger Smasher, which does the same. You can literally be knocked out in two hits. No combos, no big strings of small hits, just BOOM! and BOOM!... you're done. In fact, I've heard one of those two moves can finish you off in with one connect (I've not yet experienced this thankfully). Not a lot of moves, but he doesn't need any more really. Those two basic and special moves are plenty to bury your hopes and dreams. Basically, he is way overpowered, even if you put the game on Easy. Crank up the difficulty, and forget about it.

You can't blame the game, as the controls are fine, and the special moves come off with little trouble. He's just brutally, and unfairly, strong. Rugal is fair compared to Zeus :lol:


Not really a boss per se, but if you run into a (whateveritis) cult shrine before level five in Morrowind, be prepared to die. Especially that one with the really strong guard woman out front in the sewers of Vivec.

thats exactly what i was gonna post as soon as i saw this thread.

20 years later & it still remains unbeaten by me.

In the stage you ought to be able to find some holy water or the boomerang, use the holy water as a very short temporary wall against him and his sickles that fly out. With the boomerang you can spam him in the air and knockout the scythes.

If you happen to have the triple threat icons, spam him with the holy water+whipping as well as spamming with the boomerangs. He's not that hard once you managed to reach him in a comfortable condition...

With the whip only, you can still squeeze out a victory, just need patience and whip him & the sickles as best as you can staying on the right side of the stage. Unless you've managed to sneak onto the other side lol...


Nyx Avatar.

In Persona 3, you are on a time limit of about 260 days or so (give or take, a lot of days are skipped over completely). Still, it's a lot of time to build your levels for the eventual final boss battle. It also sorta-kinda doesn't matter if you're level 50 or 90, this boss is a pain in the ass.

Wow so? Well, first off, he's got 14 phases. The first 13 aren't so bad, as he sticks to predictable attacks and can be killed in a few rounds each time. But the final form is an entirely new pain in the ass. By now you've been battling for about an hour. His final form has 4 times as much HP, unlimited SP, and all his stats doubled from before. And he slowly earns more powerful moves as the battle progresses. He can shield himself from ALL attacks (except Almighty spells) for a full round, leaving you with the tedious task of changing your dumb AI partners' strategies so they won't inadvertantly kill themselves by attacking him. This makes an already long fight even longer.

Then, when he's finally down to 25% HP, he begins using a move that hits everyone, does considerable damage, and inflicts random status effects. Sometimes twice in a row. This creates a huge problem, especially if he charms your healers or enrages your main character (both of which happened to me and caused me to lose horribly). The battle from this point onwards is a total crapshoot, as at any time he can use this spell and get lucky with status effects, charming healers so they fully heal him or enraging the main character so he's uncontrollable (thus taking the ENTIRE BATTLE out of your hands as your allies are too dumb to heal status effects properly, not to mention reducing the hero's defense to 0). So, yeah. After two attempts, I packed it in. Don't care about beating the game anymore.

  • 1 month later...

You know, sometimes in a game, you run into a boss that's a pain in the ass for one simple reason... the bastard won't stand still.

In the game Blood, there's a large stone gargoyle that you have to face at the end of the first episode (assuming you're playing them in order). Now, it's not just that he takes a lot of hits (though he does), it's mostly because he moves quite quickly out in the open, and the arena you're fighting in consists of a circular set of corridors... which happens to be where you need him to be to get a real chance at hurting him.

Out in the open, you can't hit him unless he's chasing you. In the corridors, you can't hit him unless he's chasing you, and he only does so for a short time. While he's chasing you, he'll use one of two attacks. Up close, he slashes you for a nice chunk of damage. From afar, he fires two bluish orbs that do a decent amount of damage. So basically for most of the fight, you're running backwards, trying to lure him into the corridors so that you can hopefully get a few shots off with whatever weapons you have... all while trying like hell to not let him catch up to you.

Oh, did I mention that the floor's not even? Yeah, when you go up, it causes you're aim to point down a bit, and vice versa. This makes getting a shot off tougher.

Anyway, I've only ever beaten him when he got stuck on the edge of a wall. Then I'd unleash everything I had and hope it was enough. If it weren't for that, I'd probably still be running in big circles, wondering what the other three episodes look like.

Oh, and a happy sixth year to this thread :-D

Wow. Been a while. But I return with one word... Sagat.

No, not the Thailand god, but rather, the boss character from Street Fighter. He's a Muay Thai warrior who looks like a human, and holy shit is he cheap. He's a big guy, so his normal hits do quite a chunk of damage (about four will knock you out). His special moves list consists of things like a Tiger Shot (Fireball type), which does insane amounts of damage if it hits, and Tiger Knee, which does the same. You can literally be knocked out in two hits. No combos, no big strings of small hits, just BOOM! and BOOM!... you're done. In fact, I've heard one of those two moves can finish you off in with one connect (I've not yet experienced this thankfully). Not a lot of moves, but he doesn't need any more really. Those two basic and special moves are plenty to bury your hopes and dreams. Basically, he is way overpowered, even if you put the game on Easy. Crank up the difficulty, and forget about it.

You can blame the game, as the controls are aweful, and the special moves come off with lotta trouble. He's just brutally, and unfairly, strong. Rugal is fair compared to Sagat :lol:

Fixed.Since I bought Capcom Classic Collection 2, Im obsessed with beating Sagat but it's just impossible! to make it worse trying to pull off a simple fireball is pain in the ass, miss a cuople times and when you notice you're already dead! I was able to win just one round from...how many? 30..40..50..I already lost count how many rounds played against him!

Any good strategy about how to beat him will be welcome!


Perhaps it was mentioned and instantly rejected in one of the previous 288 pages, but since there are so many people participating in this thread, why don't we make a top 10 or 20 list? Don't you think it would be fun to try and beat the 20 hardest bosses in video game history as it is retold by OCR? I think it would be. What do you think? We could have a vote or something.


Star Wars Rebel Assault II for the PS1 didn't have much of any bosses, but it had a pretty stupid level.

I think it was level 3, you somehow had the Falcon and you were going through this rocky tunnel. Completely different from most of the rest of the game, you were in a 3rd person view, which already screws you up a little. You're used to being in first person in a ship. But then it gets worse.

As you go through the level, the camera moves and shifts around, really fast, to follow you through. Problem is, the ship doesn't go with it. Added with the tight tunnels, and the fact that the Falcon is as wide as hell, this meant you'd basically be slammed into rocky walls all the time. Death was certain. Sure, you could go vertical, but then you'd be tall as hell and hitting the ceiling. Only took a few hits too, until you exploded and were forced to start at the beginning. Hell, it wasn't even that long of a level, but it was still really lame.

Ruined my childhood, that level.

I got really lucky getting through that one. Although, maybe this is one of those things that got easier when you got older? Does anyone else remember this being so hard, or do I suck at videogames? probably the latter


Holy crap... I remember posting in this thread shortly after I first joined the site...about six years ago! My how time flies...

I can't remember what I posted (though I suppose I could look...) but given that it's probably within the first 30 pages, if I'm repeating myself I doubt anyone will notice...


The Jaquio from Ninja Gaiden.


The Sand Serpent Colossus from Shadow of the Colossus. I can't remember which # it is, but it was so freakin' hard, I eventually had to look up how to initially damage it on GameFAQ's.

I got really lucky getting through that one. Although, maybe this is one of those things that got easier when you got older? Does anyone else remember this being so hard, or do I suck at videogames? probably the latter

The Corellian Star? Yeah, that level blew. Considering it was the third level and all we had before it was a rail-shooter B-Wing level and an on-foot mission, that's just stupid. I played it on PC where you had variable difficulty levels, but even on just Easy that level was a pain in the ass. The game didn't get that hard again pretty much until you were flying that goddamn TIE Fighter through the canyon.


Sounds great. Thanks very much.

Back on topic, are we considering the hardest bosses to beat without any kind of outside strategy help? If so, the WEAPONs from Final Fantasies VII, VIII and X are damn difficult. But if you consult the tons of literature out there on how to beat them, their difficulty goes down significantly.


I would agree...

But I have an issue with calling an RPG boss hard just because I can't figure out the trick to beat it.

I don't consider an RPG boss to be hardest boss of all time.


  • 1 month later...
I would agree...

But I have an issue with calling an RPG boss hard just because I can't figure out the trick to beat it.

I don't consider an RPG boss to be hardest boss of all time.

All bosses have a trick to beating them. It doesn't really matter if it's a platformer, FPS, RPG, shmup... each boss has a means of being beaten. It's just that some involve a bit of luck as well... especially if their attack patterns are randomized, or if it requires lots of dodging.

Take for example, the final boss of DoDonPachi... the real final boss. Its name is Hibachi, and it's insanely hard. I mean "HOLY FUCKING SHIT!" hard. The bullet patterns cover whatever part of the screen you're on, and they're fast. They also adjust themselves as they move, so there's no "sit here and don't move" periods (or at least, very few). The boss itself also has several forms, with each one getting more pissed than the previous one. If you'd like to see it, here's a link (with a song dubbed over the real music and sounds unfortunately)...

I'm not sure if this is played live, or if it was done with a programmable stick, but there are people who are able to beat that boss. They're able to meet the hard requirements just to get to it, and then dodge all those bullets to win. But just because there are people who can do it, doesn't mean it wasn't a tough road to reach that point. It takes learning, timing, and luck... much like any boss.

Once you get the patterns, counter spells, or rhythms down, then yes, a given boss becomes easier for you. But up until you figured those things out, dying all along the way who knows how many times, a boss from any genre is capable of being hard to me :-)


That's not an RPG boss.

I am referring to bosses like emerald weapon, or Neo Shinryu. Neither are difficult if you are a high enough level. What makes it hard is that people don't bother leveling up their characters to the point where the bosses are even possible.

That being said, I have never beaten Emerald Weapon. D=


Neo Shinryu, eh? I need to try to beat him. Also, I have never beaten either Weapon from 7, but my favorite scene in FF7 is when the one weapon gets his head vaporized by the giant cannon at Junon. It has a comical feel to it, imo. The hardest boss I ever faced was Nebula Gray from Megaman Battle Network 5. I could not beat him!


Not a hard boss at all, but the longest boss battle I can recall at the moment is Kingdom Hearts II's final boss. It took like 45 minutes, if I remember correctly.

The thing would just never die.

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