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...when this thing comes out it's gonna be awesome, I heard a few beta versions of remixes, including sephfire's, and I'm anxious to hear the finals.
it's been over a year since my last post in this thread, which went something along the lines of "I can't wait to hear the remixes!"

Don't mind me, gentlemen. It's become somewhat of a tradition for me to post in this thread every year around fall to remind you that I'm still waiting for this project to be released. I really hope this is the last time though, I don't want to come back here in 2010.

it was a while ago, about a year after i finished the track originally. i showed it to a few buddies, and they freaked about it and wanted to do it live...so we did, at a talent show thing on campus.

had a recording, but i lost it when my computer was stolen that year.

all of humanity mourns for the loss

at least the theif could upload the file somewhere so it'd spread online, what a dickhead :roll:

seriously though what a dickhead


YESSSSS! You're just as funny over voice as you are on the forums. Wait...we actually have COVER art? I need to lurk our forums moar... Nice interview, my friend. Very nice, indeed.

Edit: HOW THE HELL CAN YOU PICK FAVORITES! DA will devour your soul. She's gonna go all Zidane on your ass.


Maybe. Maybe I like it when women try to kill me. It's kind of a rush, really. Like running away from a vicious animal trying to eat you. Or throwing a bottle at someone at a bar...

It's all about the rush.

Actually it's sort of a running joke we have, where DA was the one I was all in favor of doing stuff, but the hold-up on Brand New Day was getting held back due to recording issues, and then Protodome came in. Remember how I was all "you're doing all this great work"?

The joke carries on from there. I'm fairly certain she's not really going to take it seriously... Mostly sure. Somewhat sure. Fuck, I'm dead, aren't I?

OCReMix presents The Missingno Tracks: Special Protodome Edition (in dedication to The Damned's Memory).

Nah, that will be my next project, dedicated entirely to obscure GameBoy games. But only if I die on schedule, alright?

I love it how he's your favorite when you initially said no to having him on the project. OH SNAP!

Actually, I said no to using his Crystal remix, because it was already accepted. Also, I was at the point where I was thinking that new remixers would bog us down with waiting.

I'm happy to see that was not the case. So shut up.


Oh, but you forget that we also have the tracks, both complete and not. Watch your step, The Damned, or there just might be a little "accident" where a torrent file gets made. We wouldn't want any "accidents", would we? Heh heh heh heh...

Oh, and Deia wants to know if you want your balls back. I can only assume she's talking about poke-balls of some sort (see what I did there?). :tomatoface:

What part of Canada are you from, anyway?

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